InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Backwards? Like playing guitar behind your head?

missed this ... no ah .. i roll with the glue side of the paper facing the wrong way ... :p
no one ever taught or showed me .. and i just figgered it out on my own .. that's what happens :cheesygrinsmiley:

edit : i do play drums. i can play open as well as traditional which is kinda the same.. :)

I roll the old fashioned way with tapered ends. Nothing fancy but it worked in the 70s! Now I don't roll at all :).

It's like falling off a bike. You never forget how!

one of my friends in the 80's could do perfect cone rolls, and do two paper rolls with a uniform round ball at the end..
my gf at the time was almost as good. she would just howl at my attempts ... :laughtwo:

we used to hide joints in our hair when we went in to bars and clubs and stuff. got searched loads of times, they never figgered out how we were getting it in. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Enjoy your day of chopping Shed! Will you work outdoors?
I always harvest outside. But I did it in the shade as my neck is already a bit burned just from mixing nutes and watering and trimming and the like.
That FP is a beautiful plant!
Thanks Felipe. Was ;).
I got what i think is a GG and it has small buds / the last few days been defoliating that baby from all the plates and now she is stacking more better . Your plant looks good ,but why U not take more Big leaves so the buds can bulk up ? The way i see it ( i don't smoke leaves ) That AF-47 has the shape of a Bonsai tree Cool !
It is pretty bonsai now that you mention it! I'm hoping it goes from bonsai to bigly :).

I personally don't subscribe to the theory that taking off fan leaves makes for bigger buds. I believe that the fans are sources of energy and the buds are sinks, so taking the energy sources isn't in the plant's best interests. I have other possible theories about why these buds didn't get as big as I hoped (besides that fact that I didn't thin the lowers as much as I usually would because this is my first run of this strain), but I'll get into those after some research.
i roll with the glue side of the paper facing the wrong way
I'm not ever sure I can picture how that works, but it must if you end up with joints!
i do play drums. i can play open as well as traditional which is kinda the same.
Me too, but I'm a congenital stick crosser :).
they never figgered out how we were getting it in.
Big hair FTW!
Sunday harvest update!

I took down the Fruit Punch (Heavyweight Seeds) today, on flip day 57 (135 days from seed). You already saw the before pics, so I'll just show some post chop pics.

Here are the branches after I stripped the big fans:

I only had one container of H2O2 for the wash so I couldn't do the normal high strength version. So after the hydrogen peroxide they went straight into a lemon juice wash (with 2½ cups of fresh squeezed juice!), and then the rinse.

I hung them to dry with fans on them for most of the afternoon, and then grabbed my kids to pull the rest of the fans off (my son stayed to help trim :)). Then into the box:

I've got it open in the shed with fans on them to drive off more moisture since it's pretty damp here at night. Tomorrow I'll close the box and aim the fan at the holes on the bottom.

Here is the trunk, which will be dried for another go at pipe-making per BeezLuiz.

While the buds were drip drying, I made a bird feeder of my own design from a seltzer bottle, a paper plate, and BBQ sticks, at the request of my wife. I cut the bottom off the bottle and left three tabs to fit through the plate, which were hot-glued on (leaving a gap at the bottom for the seeds), along with the sticks:
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Then I filled it with birdseed, which took longer than the build!
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And I hung it:
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It should gravity-feed as the plate gets emptied, assuming the birds find it. No idea how that part works!

I hope you all had a great weekend and look forward to trying to remember what day it is this week. :cool:
I'm not ever sure I can picture how that works, but it must if you end up with joints!

easy ! bluterized ! and backward ! with exclamation !!

Me too, but I'm a congenital stick crosser :).

i guess it's right / left brain hemisphere thing. i didn't learn in a classic setting, and i play by ear a lot.
most times i don't even know i am doing it.

actually looking for a decent e-kit so i can keep at it under the circumstances.

Big hair FTW!

any hair FTW now ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
i'll build the bird feeder today.
i love bird feeding even though summer is coming and they don't need feeding winter i got maybe an hundred birds waiting for me in the morning...much fun : D
i noticed that the small birds do not come maybe because they are scared of the big one so i built a small wood house but they don't like it...i've no idea how to feed them.

@bluter everybody here smokes with the rolling paper upside's cool because you can smoke less paper and it's less harmful...but than also everybody here smokes with some tobacco in it sooo....

intheshed i saw on some other thread you are a blue oyster cult fan! i love them, atm especially their '80 albums..amazing band
mirrors, fire of unknown origins, cultusaurus erectus and imaginos are four masterpieces, club ninja not so much but is nice..i also like the last one...curse of the hidden mirror from 2001..i'm sorry that that was their last album, they deserved to do many more, america rock at its finest.

a question about nutrients
right now i have the biobizz line which is the first i got.
then i got mega crop with their CalMag (i've read here that some plants need it so i bought it...not sure about when to use it but i'll learn) and their bud explosion (no idea what that is but with such a name i couldnt resist)
i also got some's food grade..i don't like it so i was thinking of using it for plants...would that be ok?
then i got 1/4 gallon of terpinator....
what do you think? do i need anything else?
i was thinking about giving my plants different nutes each, some using biobizz and some with greenleaf nutrients...probably adding terpinator and molasses to both..
Love the bird feeder
Thanks DD! Had to do something productive while the Fruit Punch drip-dried :).
i'll build the bird feeder today.
Use a plastic plate if you have one, it will last a lot longer. I couldn't find one so I went with Spiderman from one of my son's early parties!
i saw on some other thread you are a blue oyster cult fan! i love them, atm especially their '80 albums
I stopped listening to them when Agents of Fortune came out. I thought that was too commercial, and Don't Fear the Reaper was the nail in the coffin (pardon the pun) for me. Their first three albums are all I need from BOC. I also got to see them in upstate NY in 1978. Killer show!
right now i have the biobizz line which is the first i got.
I haven't used that but I'm sure someone can offer advice for that one.
then i got mega crop with their CalMag
DON'T USE THEIR CAL-MAG! It is insanely high in nitrogen and you will end up with toxicities even at a low level. As I recall it's like 12-0-0, which is 3-4x higher than most of the cal-mag folks here use. And you may not even need any cal-mag.
and their bud explosion
I don't run BE but some folks do. Go easy on it as it too can burn your plants.
i also got some's food grade..i don't like it so i was thinking of using it for plants...would that be ok?
Molasses doesn't feed plants, it feeds the microherd in a living soil grow. No reason to use it if you are using synthetic nutes. [Yes, molasses has some micronutrients that plants can use, but nothing that isn't in most nutes]
then i got 1/4 gallon of terpinator...
I have 12.5 gallons of that stuff and I don't use it at all. @stoneotter used it with his organic soil grow but I don't think you will need it with MegaCrop. It's a K booster and MC has a lot of K already in it.
what do you think? do i need anything else?
I think you have more than you need right there! :cheesygrinsmiley:
ok great, i will concentrate on the air circulation system then, thanks!
need to start asap...
if i understand correctly i would need CalMag only if i realize the plant have some deficiency..otherwise i dont need it.
i also love their first albums (probably secret treaties is my fav from that era) and also do not like agents of fortune...but their 80s ones are great...i envy you seeing them live in 76...i wasnt even born back then..
You would only need cal-mag if you're seeing a deficiency that couldn't be helped by bumping up the MC. And if you do need cal-mag, you don't need theirs! Use that to green up the lawn or something and get some Botanicare cal-mag+ (if you end up needing it).

By the time Agents of Fortune came out I was moving into other music, so I spent less time with BOC and Lynyrd Skynyrd (post-crash) and more time with Return to Forever, Billy Cobham, Zappa, Jeff Beck...
Thanks DD! Had to do something productive while the Fruit Punch drip-dried :).

Use a plastic plate if you have one, it will last a lot longer. I couldn't find one so I went with Spiderman from one of my son's early parties!

I stopped listening to them when Agents of Fortune came out. I thought that was too commercial, and Don't Fear the Reaper was the nail in the coffin (pardon the pun) for me. Their first three albums are all I need from BOC. I also got to see them in upstate NY in 1978. Killer show!

I haven't used that but I'm sure someone can offer advice for that one.

DON'T USE THEIR CAL-MAG! It is insanely high in nitrogen and you will end up with toxicities even at a low level. As I recall it's like 12-0-0, which is 3-4x higher than most of the cal-mag folks here use. And you may not even need any cal-mag.

I don't run BE but some folks do. Go easy on it as it too can burn your plants.

Molasses doesn't feed plants, it feeds the microherd in a living soil grow. No reason to use it if you are using synthetic nutes. [Yes, molasses has some micronutrients that plants can use, but nothing that isn't in most nutes]

I have 12.5 gallons of that stuff and I don't use it at all. @stoneotter used it with his organic soil grow but I don't think you will need it with MegaCrop. It's a K booster and MC has a lot of K already in it.

I think you have more than you need right there! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sadly it has a 2 year shelf life. I was able to give one jug away and i'm half through the second.
you guys you guys


something is happening to the leafs...just a few of them and just in one plant..there are those little black spots under the leafs..
is that some deficency in CalMag?
joking..probably some insects..
what can i do?
first i should probably stop bringing the plants outside...


Sadly it has a 2 year shelf life.
Damn! Is that just what the manufacturer says to get you to buy more every two years?
probably some insects..
what can i do?
first i should probably stop bringing the plants outside...
Nothing beats the power of the sun. And neem oil will beat the bugs. Shake shake spray!
I'm assuming a "joint holder" style of pipe this time?
Thanks BL! I have other stock, so maybe another pipe as well. Of course, the last one still hasn't been used...
I am starting to have that stay at smoke MY shit thing going on here too LOL Pulling off my still living plant sucks though !!
Damn, smoking the live ones means the jars are really empty. :goodluck:
Congrats on the harvest! Big ol fatty daddy’s!!!
Thanks double H!
Hey Shed. I don't mean to bring up your dad again but I'd just like to let you know that there is one more person thinking about you.

That is a very nice bird feeder indeed. I have too many cats for one of those lol. It would be smeared in blood and feathers :)
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