Indoor Grow - Blueberry & Cream Caramel Fem

re: Indoor Grow - Blueberry & Cream Caramel Fem

Your grow setup is very neat and clean. Spot on, I'd say.

This is a great journal with lots of detail and excellent pix.

Please keep it up!! +reps


LOL 100% Death Rate.

This have never happened to me. I'm looking into what went wrong (I have 3 things in mind), to much water its the main one also heat. I did to may dif things from my previous clones. I'm gonna clone again one more time tomorrow and start flowering main grow with the HPS lamp.


I'm :bongrip: to kill the pain.

Re: Updates: Blueberry & Cream Caramel

How's the air conditioner holding up? What are your temps like? I love the squat seedlings man, you got them under 24/0?
Re: Updates: Blueberry & Cream Caramel

How's the air conditioner holding up? What are your temps like? I love the squat seedlings man, you got them under 24/0?

The AC is holding Up fine. Temps are around 20c (68f), at night and 28c (84f) during the day (30c/86f on the hot days). When the day is way to hot I turn of the biggest cfls for a while.

The seedlings are getting 24 hours as well as the clones. I'm gonna transfer the seedlings into bigger pots and get 10 clones more. Ill post some pics later today.

:peace: & :ganjamon:
Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel

Some more info on the CC from another source:

Beautiful flower!

For the obtaining of this variety a method of classic improvement applicable to species has been used alógamas or partially alógamas as it is the case of the cannabis, this type of you will cultivate are known in genetic terminology like Synthetic Varieties (V.S.). Cream Caramel is the result of the mixture balanced of several of our better East Indian, chosen by its excellent agronómicas qualities such as production, type and intensity of the aromas, type and intensity of the effect, structures of the plant, short times of flowering, amount of tricommas, resistance to diseases, null tendency to the hermafroditismo and mainly also taking care of its good aptitudes to form good hybrids.

For the creation of Cream Caramel three founding lines have been used, a BlueBlack hybrid of department I+D of Sweet Seeds, an excellent Maple Leaf Indica of wonderful Afghan genetics and a White Rhino whom the East Indian and medicinal face of this Dutch shows polihíbrido famous. With these three parentales lines we formed a balanced population composed by he himself number of individuals of each one of the parentales lines, each group of plants of the same variety was isolated to avoid self-fertilizatioves and to favor the crossed fertilization taking advantage of the heterosis or hybrid vigor to the maximum and we left Inter them you would be polinizasen freely only with the other two parentales lines. They were harvested and the obtained seeds were mixed in equal number of this first generation of the three cameras of polinización, forms then a generation here, we call VS1 to him with all the possible hybrid combinations of the founding lines, is generation was let as well in polinización opened within isolation to avoid the strange entrance of pólenes, giving rise to the crossing in all directions of all the possible hybrid combinations (VS2). In this second generation VS2 the seeds have formed by means of combinations of gametos of the three parentales lines totally shuffled at random. This population is a panmíctica population in balance and all the following generations will be identical to her in free polinización and absence of selection, because the genic frequencies stay constants. In the following generations until VS5 we applied recurrent selection, choosing sufficiently great numbers of parentales that showed agronómicos characters of interest to form the following generation, instead of leaving the process totally at random.Cream Caramel is a V.S. that it shares with the hybrid varieties the objective to take advantage of the hybrid vigor and to contribute to homogeneity to the descendants, fixing in addition by selection in successive generations the most desirable characteristics. After five generations of free polinización and selection, the result is Cream Caramel, a very stable and productive, of intense flavor and with abundant resin, very adaptable variety to unfavorable conditions and environmental adversities (cold, drought, etc.) due to its great genetic bandwidth that it equips to the Cream Caramel with a great genetic flexibility before means, greater than in hybrids F1.

For the obtaining of Cream Caramel like for the rest of varieties of Sweet Seeds they have not been used male in the fertilizations, if not which selected females have been applied to modern methods of reversion of sex on plants, obtaining this way a V.S. that it goes up to around 99.9% of feminine descendants.

The flavor of this variety sweet and is carameled like of treats and very intense, fruit of the cocktail molotov of East Indian that contains, with a bottom of terrosos shades coming from the Blue genetics that takes part in the crossing, a stranger and exotic mixture of more demanding flavors that surely will leave satisfied paladares.

The structure of the plant is typical of East Indian plants, ideal as much for the culture in interior like of outside, with a very short internodal distance, great cogollo central and multitude of lateral branches that are loaded during the flowering of dense and very resinous cogollos.

This type of predominantly East Indian varieties usually is the favourites by the consumers of cannabis for medicinal, quimiotipos uses with high levels of THC and sufficient CBD to induce relajantes and antidepressing states.

It indicates/Sativa: 90%/10%
Modality of culture: Outer interior/
Sex: Feminizada
Type: Synthetic variety.
Origin: Diverse.
Crossing: BlueBlack x Mapple Leaf Indica x White Rhino
Flowering in interior: 56 days. 8 weeks
Flowering in outside: Half-full principles or of September
THC: 15-20%
Production: 400-550 gr. /m2 in interior. 350-600 gr/planta in outside.

Cream Caramel a 'synthetic' variety

Looks real to me....

You must of gotten this info off of some wierd site lol...I

A 'synthetic' variety can be useful because it combines the elements of genetic superiority with genetic variability.

A 'synthetic' variety of a new crop is derived as the seed from random crosses between a limited number, of perhaps six to ten, specially chosen parent plants.

The important step in the production of a 'synthetic' variety is the choice of the six to ten parent plants.

The test used to compare potential parent plants is an evaluation of the 'general combining ability' of all candidate parent plants.

In other words, the candidate parent plants with the highest 'general combining ability' have been chosen.

The breeder then places these six to ten parent plants in isolation so they can cross with one another to produce the seed of the 'synthetic' variety.

Being able to vegetatively propagate the new crop is a big advantage here because seed production can occur in a nursery which is designed so that each of the six to ten parent plants with high 'general combining ability' is surrounded by all the others.

re: Indoor Grow - Blueberry & Cream Caramel Fem

If you ask me thats just called selective breeding....All this synthetic talk, I dont know man. I like to keep it simple. theres no need to put fancy names on things like this, ya know? This is the first time Ive ever heard of a strain being called a synthetic variety...I guess thats why im so intrigued.
re: Indoor Grow - Blueberry & Cream Caramel Fem

I'm unsettle by the use of the word 'synthetic', as it has connotations of artificiality. Why not just use the words 'complex hybrid'?

Yea or Selective breading. I know they play with the genetics of the plant to get super high percentage of female seeds. But yes I agree with you. ( I just copy pasted info I found about it on the interweb, sounded interesting) :ganjamon:

Transplanting the mothas!

I decided it was time to transplant the 2 future mothers into bigger pots. I got some 1 liter containers that are perfect for my setup. To this are the containers I'll be moving all the clones that survive.

This is the Idea:

Beautiful white healthy root system.




I used the same soil mix for the transplant always.



Inside the closet



Nice & stacked little plant

Final shot:

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