I have been using the paper towel myself forever... The hardest part in temps. I found I get 98% success rates if you just do it right. I use a plain white paper towel, some are treated with lanolin or have inks. Place that towel on a china plate and water till it hits holding capacity and no more water runs out on a drain,,place acouple plump fat eathy seeds on the towel and fold it in half over the seed. Cover the plate with a wrap on plastic wrap from the drawer. Seal it up,,, yes I do not leave air holes... After you cover, find a place about 84_86 degrees. On top your pc tower,,, back of a cable box, on the hot water heater, anywhere you can keep a stable warm temp. I use my PC tower and if I need it to go up a degree or two, I place a magazine over the plate. If I need it to come down, I put a small spacer between the tower and the plate.Seed almost all pop in 24 hours. Take straight unfertilized soil and wet it thoroughly. Use slightly warm water from the tap. As long as the temps are close,,, plant the seed,,, tap root down and cover with 1/4" of loose fine soil. I fill my starter pots 2/3's full of soil without and larger rocks, perlite or sticks. Wet it good. water and press down the soil firmly Then I use a wooden pensil and make the startr hole with the point. Then I use the point to postion the tap root straight down. And don't shock the tap root by letting it touch dry soil, or anything not close to the temp from the plate. Everyone has a method, and it's whatever works... But if you have less than a 75-85% success rate,,, you're doing something wrong. I honestly think I've lost 3 outta the last 15/20 fail, and all were from Brothers Grim,, a C-99 I REALLY wanted... The other 2 started and went into an early flower that I had to shut down. I didn't want a reveg. Revegging really is a bad stress for a plant. Revegging is as hard on a plant as reversing the sex with chemicals. You can get some rather unstable genetics fro a stressed plant. Do you get the same plant back from a reveg? Good question. Revegging can lead to mutants and hermies. Just as reversing the sex can do. When reversing a plant, I hope these vendors do alittle follow up with the strains and see if they have some close and won't hermie.
Damn sorry I started babbling to much. I think I heard the bartender say 86 him,,, So I gotta go.. GL
and Keepem Green