Imtoasted's Journey Of Perpetual Bliss

I havent put my seedlings under led yet.. but id start em out at 20-24" and move down from there. If i put my seedlings under the dwarf star at 18" they would be toast lol. They say 30" for seedlings in the manufacturers recommendations but that will leave you with some leggy seedlings i bet. Hell start em out at 18" and see what happens.. the growth may surprise you. With your lights age they shouldnt have a problem at 18".
Yea thats a weaker led.. my viparspectra is 130w out of the wall and i started my younger plants at 24". Then a few days later lower it to 18" and let the plants grow into the light and raise it as needed.

I guess ive been inspired cause i started working on my new veg area.. excited to put the seedlings under the led. Also this shirt is where i got my imtoasted name from all those years ago.. had the light wrapped up in it lol.
Yea thats a weaker led.. my viparspectra is 130w out of the wall and i started my younger plants at 24". Then a few days later lower it to 18" and let the plants grow into the light and raise it as needed.

I guess ive been inspired cause i started working on my new veg area.. excited to put the seedlings under the led. Also this shirt is where i got my imtoasted name from all those years ago.. had the light wrapped up in it lol.

Love the t-shirt. Nice grow too:thumb:
Cool.. Myself I'm new with LED's but I wonder how close one can put it without a burn or if they burn. I've heard of lights bleaching out leaves. But it'll all come together. II have some teenagers I'm fixing to veg awhile for my next flip. I grew many a plant in a closet. Some of my best weed. I found this tent called a mother tent. 18"X36"X5' She fit perfect in a closet after you took out the clothes pole. I lived in a trailer park that was no stranger to the police cruising thru. So I went to the master bedroom and put it up in the corner and pushed some crap there and hung clothes on the other side. When I was home and safe I opened it up and closed that room off. I never had any real trouble there to have to deal with the cops, but I did know alot of the fools that lived there, BBQ'ed and drank with afew. But they never hung inside my place cept to take a piss and leave. Well I was on alot of heavy pain pills, and I use to run short every now and then and there was this gal who did the same, well we helped each other out every once in awhile. Her son,, well he was a piece of shit. He partied hard,, and I've nothing against any kind of partying anyway one does his partying, been there myself, but I ran down to the store with his Mom and was gone for 15 minutes maybe.. They idiot ran over pryed open the back door went looking for my RX bottle he didn't get to any guns or much else I had some rather expensive coins and bars in the bottom drawer.. He did open that closet and looked on the top shelf. Plants were asleep so was no lights on, just a small fan. And they were 4 days short of harvest. Then he got home as we started up the gravel road. Man I was pissed. A friend up the street had seen him run across and run back. Little asshole lied like hell. I called him out on the porch and sucker punched the fool. I know his Mom wasn't involed because all she had to do is ask. He didn't take anything,, and ofcourse I wasn't leaving a full RX laying where anyone can find it. Those damn pills sold for 25+$ apiece. Anyways,
GL if the new space. Keepem Green
Little bastard.. thats why i keep to myself. Sounds like a really sweet set up you had there.. been thinking about putting the tent out in the bedroom. Maybe ill grow a pair some day lol! I just like being able to shut it all up in the closet if shit ever does go down.

Leds can definitely bleach out the leaves.. but the cheap chinese leds you can get like 8" away from the tops and they have no troubles. My dwarf star perfect sun led would burn my plants at 8".. but its way more intense then the viparspectra.
As far as the paper towel method ...its what i use but it surprises me how many ppl fuck up a very simple process.. Like the soak the paper towel completely or let it dry out.. I have seen ppl post about having the light on the paper towel lol .. I use paper towel damp in a bag in the dark and they sprout taps in 12. To 24 hours everytime... But i dont plant little shitty seeds either . i look at the tap root and make a call to chuck it or keep it.. I use all bag seeds so its no loss to chuck one.. Only plant seeds with tap root coming out the bottom NO SIDE TAPS ALLOWED. For me it seems they are always weak or male..good seeds are very "roll-y" and symmetrical with solid volcanoes.. Strong bottom taps.. And you have a healthy female 90% of the time.. Alot of ppl say you cant sex a seed but try it befor you knock it.
I have been using the paper towel myself forever... The hardest part in temps. I found I get 98% success rates if you just do it right. I use a plain white paper towel, some are treated with lanolin or have inks. Place that towel on a china plate and water till it hits holding capacity and no more water runs out on a drain,,place acouple plump fat eathy seeds on the towel and fold it in half over the seed. Cover the plate with a wrap on plastic wrap from the drawer. Seal it up,,, yes I do not leave air holes... After you cover, find a place about 84_86 degrees. On top your pc tower,,, back of a cable box, on the hot water heater, anywhere you can keep a stable warm temp. I use my PC tower and if I need it to go up a degree or two, I place a magazine over the plate. If I need it to come down, I put a small spacer between the tower and the plate.Seed almost all pop in 24 hours. Take straight unfertilized soil and wet it thoroughly. Use slightly warm water from the tap. As long as the temps are close,,, plant the seed,,, tap root down and cover with 1/4" of loose fine soil. I fill my starter pots 2/3's full of soil without and larger rocks, perlite or sticks. Wet it good. water and press down the soil firmly Then I use a wooden pensil and make the startr hole with the point. Then I use the point to postion the tap root straight down. And don't shock the tap root by letting it touch dry soil, or anything not close to the temp from the plate. Everyone has a method, and it's whatever works... But if you have less than a 75-85% success rate,,, you're doing something wrong. I honestly think I've lost 3 outta the last 15/20 fail, and all were from Brothers Grim,, a C-99 I REALLY wanted... The other 2 started and went into an early flower that I had to shut down. I didn't want a reveg. Revegging really is a bad stress for a plant. Revegging is as hard on a plant as reversing the sex with chemicals. You can get some rather unstable genetics fro a stressed plant. Do you get the same plant back from a reveg? Good question. Revegging can lead to mutants and hermies. Just as reversing the sex can do. When reversing a plant, I hope these vendors do alittle follow up with the strains and see if they have some close and won't hermie.

Damn sorry I started babbling to much. I think I heard the bartender say 86 him,,, So I gotta go.. GL
and Keepem Green
Yea i kept a little bit of my best bud for tomorrow! Thanks pat.. definitely gonna chill out when i get home from work. One day shipped a cd lastnight so it would be here on my bday.. three dollars well spent lol. Thanks for coming and rambling here for a change norcal.. good to see you can still get around with that wore out body of yours!

So my hawaiian lady that hermied on me and threw nanners every where on my first grow, shes all i have left to smoke now.. gotta be really careful i dont pollinate my current ladies in flower. That would be really shitty lol. Ive literally been eating the dicks off my buds so that doesnt happen... i lick my fingers too.. . lmao

Anyways, lastnight i took the ties off the ladies.. so they are free to grow as they please. Ill tell ya hwat... the vk needed em on still.. she shot up lastnight. Maybe two full inches! Its starting to smell really nice in there too.. the mix of smells from both plants is incredible. Cant describe it, its just fucking amazing lol.

Barneys farm vanilla kush

Shes 18" tall now since i removed the ties.. they were holding the bigger branches back.

Should stack up nicely.

Dr kripplings incredible bulk

Shes not stretching as much it seems.. maybe shes done. Im ok with that lol.

Ib isnt the big long cola type plant it seems.. she has doubled buds on her nodes below the tops. Which isnt a bad thing, they should grow into big chunky buds then. My hawaiian lady had that same trait as well.

The babies are loving the led.. gonna move it a bit closer tomorrow. The slurricane is on her second node now.. ill be topping and transplanting her next weekend i bet. I know you can hardly see them in the pic but its very visually pleasing to me how everything is placed.

Was so happy when i found this ceiling hook in my basement ceiling yesterday.. how lucky was that!
Also the dehumidifier i bought is working very well.. i am super happy with that purchase. Its been keeping my rh UNDER 50 during lights off and i turn it off during lights on and my rh is around 38-42 then. So not only do i not have to worry about mold but my buds should be super dense and frosty from it as well. A win/win for me and my ladies!
Haha that is pretty awesome man.. never thought to use sandy as a bong lol! So tonight i realized the light leaks through cracks in the walls down into the basement stairs.. cause where i have the plants sitting is right above the basement stairs. The walls going down the stairs have the purple light going down them. It looks really cool lol but kinda obvious.. so ill buy some painters tape and tape up the cracks around the top and bottom of the trim around the floor. I dont wanna use caulk and fill it up myself.. tape is cheaper lol.
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