I am mixing it grow micro bloom.. but actually i read that this other fella talked to the an peeps and they said to do micro grow bloom. So who flippin knows but my plants are looking decent, still too much light colored new growth though.. i may add a touch of calmag but thank you winginit for your comment.
The only difference is my calmag has 0.8% more calcium nitrate, 1.9% more magnesium and 0.5% more iron.. that i can remember off the top of my head, sitting here infront of a fire lol. so i figure i just add more micro and they are good to go. The thing im watching for is a mag deficiency but im not seeing that at all.
Honestly they are doing exactly what i want them to be doing.. its weird to be in control of how a plant grows but very fun and satisfying.
Thanks so, i am excited for the vk too.. its funny the only reason why i got it cause i wanted to get a strain my wife would like. Now i will have all this good bud to myself lol.
Her sister was in town and she wanted to buy a quarter.. i said no i wont sell my weed, i will give her some. So i gave her an eighth and she still gave my wife 20 bucks to give to me after i gave her the bud.. is it wrong to take the 20? Feels tainted lol.
My mom and i keep talking about gardening a lot and i found out she knows what grafting is.. i thought that was pretty neat. Rambling drunk and stoned infront of the fire lol