Imtoasted's Journey Of Perpetual Bliss


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Toast and others, thanks for sharing the stories about your dads.

I’m lucky in that my dad was a bit of a hippie. When I was a kid my dad used to spend long times at the wood stove in the basement. I remember coming home from my paper route to him hanging out down there and smelling odd smells. And him acting odd. Became a teenager and realized he liked hash.

I was always pretty nervous about opening up about my personal stuff with my parents, and I moved provinces before acceptance in society started to come around. Then my brothers told me they had smoked with my dad. Then we all went to his place for support when my mom was sick, and everyone went out for a J together.

When I went medical a year+ ago, he was interested in hearing how it affected me. When I started growing, he was excited to see it. He finally made it up over Christmas and was thrilled.

He’s going to try his hand at it when we’re legal recreationally this summer. It’s really cool that I can be totally open with my parents about this stuff.
Well when i was a kid id always throw my seeds out the window.. guess what started growing in the back yard?? For like 10 years those babies didnt stop and a few summers i remember my parents let them get bigger.. hehe. They never grew buds really but i did get a little off the top of one once.. was purple/red. Fuck me put it right in a container after and it got moldy.

Mom and dad searched my room and found it several times.. fucking like dea agents ripping apart my room lol. They always found it when they smelled it. They smoked all the time.. more my dad was the influence there. Found a bag of coke in his drawer one time when i was real young that had to be worth like 10 grand. Hes a damn good guy now but he did some not so good stuff back then i imagine.

If it were legal here im sure hed try growing but ill gladly do that for him.. he was so amazed and impressed with what i have going on. So i know he would be interested in doing it lol. Love my dad. Thanks for your stories guys! Thats so awesome about your dad dobe....
Nope Dad has been against it his entire life and he's in his early 80's so won't change his mind.
My experience :) Anyone from the midewest like MI remember that skunky stuff that you could smell a mile away? I smelled it at 8yrs old a party my folks was at upstairs. I fell in love it was captivating and sinful.
I walked upstairs only to get shooed quickly back down. I asked my dad and we had the talk.
He said "son, that was pot, I drink beer some folks smoke pot. when you are 18 you can decide if you want to, otherwise leave it alone." ya right lol.
My mother, bless her heart, said 'if I ever catch you doin dope I'll kill you first' (she's ridden out 3 prison sentences since and other than the wife is my best friend. Scary testing that one, she's coming around now that it's medicine and we've lost so many to pill ODs with Alcohol she would rather we all smoke pot now...

but back in the day boy... caught me many times, thrown away countless peices. a Quarter Pound of some piney "Christmas Bud" that was on front down the toilet:)
the white widow and her problems.






the dark devils bounty. her main cola was over 4gs.





yesterday was day 19 of flower for the big girls. filling in and getting frosty fast. gsc xtrm will be the first to get the chop it looks like, all her pistils have turned already.

gsc xtrm


lost coast og

another tornado went through the veg tent.. everyone was fine the next morning except the black dog. she waited to recover until i watered her that night, perked up right away.

i sprayed the dirt from my fingers onto my clones to give them a foliar feed.. yes i was stoned lol. :volcano-smiley:
Hey Toast my new seedling are doing the same thing as your White Widow next water ph only I think. Let me know what you find out. I am about ready to up pot them so ph water then dry out and up pot them. What do you think?
happy growing
Ok cool that's what i thought too thanks guys.. will up the dose of herculean harvest tonight. Did nothing the first time lol. So i wasnt too sure. The ww has no kind soil in her pot.. so she needs something im sure. Mike id need pics before i could say but yea ph water to 6.5 and hope it works lol.
Let me tell you my old man's stance on the stuff. My mom found a little bit of it in my pants pockets once when I was 17 and she gave it to my dad. I was out working on my car in the driveway and he walks out calmly and asks what i am doing. I proceed to tell him and he is nodding the whole time. Then as I finish up, I close the hood and smile at him. He reaches in his pocket, pulls out my little dime bag of weed and throws it on hood. "You can afford this shit, so you can afford your own place....when can I expect you out of my house?"

There was no grey in his thinking. Now he has one son that grows commercially in Washington state and another son that wants to get into breeding commercially LOL. He is coming around a bit as things prove that its actual medicine. He knows I use it for my back and that I make topical oils with it as well. But I don't know that i will ever smoke or medicate with him. Hell out of respect for how he feels about it, I won't do it at all around him. Maybe that will change, but I respect his stance on it....he is old school. Can't teach old dogs new tricks.

My dad had no grey area either. Did you have to move?? My dad dident say nothing and I never brought it up. His house. We talked about it 20yrs later. I figured he threw it in the dumpster at his work and I went and looked. Wasent there. He said thats where he took it. Correct thinking on my part. Memories. He passed a few years back and it sucked
My dad had no grey area either. Did you have to move?? My dad dident say nothing and I never brought it up. His house. We talked about it 20yrs later. I figured he threw it in the dumpster at his work and I went and looked. Wasent there. He said thats where he took it. Correct thinking on my part. Memories. He passed a few years back and it sucked

LOL, fuck yeah I had to move. My old man was a man of a very few words.....old school stubborn Dutchman. If he asked you "when can I expect you out of my house" that meant "I am giving you about a fucking day to get your ass out of my house".

I left that next day. Never moved back with my parents. I was making killer money landscaping as a kid. In the mid to late 80s I was making about 400-500 bucks a week mowing yards as a teenager.
Hey toasty! Sorry it's been a minute. Been busy harvesting and what not. Dude, that's a really touching story about you and your pops! I lost my dad to cancer over 10 years ago when I was a senior in high school, and the moment you were able to share with your dad, is one I've always dreamed I could have had with my father. I wish I knew all the healing benefits of cannabis back then.... but it's pretty neat to be able to be open and honest with them! That's so important and pretty neat they were so open to it. Cause there is no doubt you grow some killer meds man!
That is sad dabber, sorry you had to go through that my man. Share your knowledge and medicine with people who are being afflicted by the same disease. Your dad would be proud bud. Im so lucky. I plan on giving dad the little bit of good weed i have left. There will be more to come. Tasted that skywalker kush i washed and i have to say i am impressed. Its sticky as hell for just being dried.. thinking the wash helped like preserve the stickiness. Cause they were dried in three days reading 51% rh in the jar the next morning. No idea how they retained any stickiness, smell or taste at all. Also thinking the organics worked out in my favor there as well. Kick ass. .

Funny joke about a dying husband i just read... to lighten the mood lol.. in my own morbid way. When i die i want to be cremated and the ashes put in chili and fed to my wife. So i can tear that ass up one last time. ...
Been reading my bible every night.. nectar for the gods growers bible that is. The herculean harvest should work well for the ww issues.. kind of like a flushing agent where the calcium is supposed to help bind to and wash away salts and acidic build up in the soil. So i guess i should be getting some run off then. Wonder if the citric acid i add is causing her soil ph to be too low. Hmm.... maybe ill just add the normal stuff and leave out the citric acid and hope the hurculean harvest lowers the ph enough.. if not ill have to add a little in the end. Want to add gaia mania too but im not so sure i wanna throw all that at her. Ill have to decide in the morning after some coffee. Will add the slf-100 too after phing.. if i remember right you are supposed to add it to your water mix last after phing it like mammoth-p.
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