Imtoasted's Journey Of Perpetual Bliss

Mike the way they do it is press it like dusty said.. with a little hydraulic press i think. So like id buy a little press, make a mould and then press the kief in the mould. It creates heat and squishes it all together when you press it and turns it into hash. My question is.. do i really need a little hydraulic press or can i make something to use to press it with my hands?

Gonna go to walmart to get some coconut oil and sunflower litchen, then ill head back home and weigh everything out to see how much i got.. sorry to keep you guys in suspense. But i do that cause it makes it more exciting for me if i make myself wait to find out. .
Alright we have the final tally! The slurricane came in at 65-70gs and noahs ark 45-50gs then the solo cup 4gs. I have to account for about 10-14 gs ive consumed and sold so thats where the extra numbers come from. Maybe more then 10-14gs lets be honest lol. So somewhere around 125gs.. hoping to get around 200gs with the three plants under the dwarf star now. I know it can yield more i just need to get better at using the light and growing in general.


Solo cup

Mix of noah and slurry in my go to jar.

My harvest!! ....

Dont forget the kief!

Still more to get too lol.

All of it is from that frosty trim!
Is the brand of it called 'now'. Its in an orange labled brown bottle? Thanks a lot you two!! Was thinking it was a normal grocery item lol.
Is there a health food store near you? That's where I got mine....

Great harvest again dude. That purple slurry top has me salivating like a mofo . happy holidays bud ....
Hmmm, the only lecithin I know of at health stores are either in powder form or liquid caps. If they sell the whole bottle of liquid (more like goop tecture) in the health store that would be a huge blessing cause they don't sell them near me.

Toasty that nug picture is the bomb and look at that trim. You will have fun.

The lecithin is a brain medicine, natural binder and amplifies the absorbsion of your crystals. It's a huuuge difference in my opinion to not having it. In fact, my next batch I'm putting 2 teaspoons in 2 cups of oil and try to thicken it up with lecithin, left over oil, and fresh buds that I'm so close to finishing here. Nice fresh batch of oil, but less oil, more concentrate.
Sweet thank you so much lady, i got it ordered.. went to ALL of the stores in my town and a few had the now brand in the health market isle but no liquid sunflower lecithin. Theres even a healthy herbal remedies type store in town and she only had the powdered kind. Oh well ill have to wait to make the big batch.

Ordered more kind soil and roots organics and some other stuff too. Figured id get myself set up to get these plants going in the next month. Also got some new things to try out too. I think ill get another viparspectra but get the 450w dimmable version that i wanted when i first started growing. I would have ordered it now but the kind soil isnt cheap lol.
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