New Member
me either but you better believe i am going to have TONS of photos. and a smoke report. have you ever harvested before? if all goes well this will be my first time harvesting a plant, ive done a fair amount of research on it but any input that you could give me can only help. thanks later!
harvesting is really simple, it's the easiest part of the cycle. I run a perpetual garden harvesting a few plants a month. Here's what I do..
when the plant looks ready, I'll chop it at the base, take it to my trim room, remove all the branches from the main stem, then I always start with the main cola because if you do that last, you'll be tired of trimming and will do a shittier job haha. I trim right when the plants are cut down, I find it way easier to move the leaves and get a nice manicure when the plant is fresh, it's more spongy and allows you to get your scissors really close to the bud. You'll want to remove the leaves as close to the bud as possible, the more leaf matter you have on there, the harsher the smoke will be at first. (at first it's hard cutting all those trichome coverered leaves off, but you can save them and make oil, butter, or hash).
I go through each branch and cut the main fan leaves off, these are ones you can get to the stem of the leaf, I call that stage one, and my girl generally does this part for me.
stage two is the fine trimming. I cut the bud off the stem, leaving about an inch of stem to hold onto while trimming. I start at the top and cut the leaves off, while twisting it clockwise, working around it in a circle until the entire bud is trimmed.
Once all the buds are manicured, they go into a paper bag, just enough to cover the bottom of it, and still leaving a bit of space around the buds for air to move. Then I put it in a fairly warm place, it's usually in my veg area on a shelf. After about a week I find they're dry enough to smoke and start curing.
I put them loosely in jars, burping once or twice a day and inspecting them. They do get a bit moist from time to time from the moisture in the center stem, but when this happens, I just leave the lid off the jar and put them in a closet. After a day or two, they are crispy again and can generally just go back into cure.