Ilikebike's Pure Power Plant Soil Grow!

Everything Looks good but may I add something. for the same price you could have made an aero-cloner. They work WAY better than just cutting to rockwool. the main things you would need to buy are the underwater pump at least like 200-250gph and the neoprene necks. I think those are the only specialty parts the rest can be bought at a hardware store. You would have came out a bit better.

Look up a DIY cloner and you can make it for under 100. If you shop smart you can make it out under 50!
yeah honestly it came across my mind, but i am trying to not to order to much stuff online (for security purposes). I dont own the house i live at not sure the tenants would be to thrilled to see an "areoGarden" on the front porch feel me? defiantly would have been cheaper but it makes my paranoid self at ease when i just pay cash at a local store instead of having it recorded on my credit card for an online purchase. Im going to cut clones and put them right into the peat moss plugs. I was suppose to cut the clones tonight but i cant get over there so hopefuly it will get done tommarow. I have been reading up quite a bit so i have that down but i know it will come down to trial and error, just hhope its more trial and less error. Thanks for the help, definatly can use any pointers any one is willing to give me
If you wanna make a Dwc setup. you can buy one of those tubs by rubbermade and get a water pump with basically the same setup with sprayer you can buy all the parts from home depot. Instead of the neoprene necksyou would use Net pots. or some make shift of it. You would start the plants off like a hempy grow(Perlite and vermiculite) at the early stages of their life so they can grow. Start them in rockwool. once they get to a decent size you sould put them in a net pot with rockwool and coco coir. pretty much you will need a timer to regulate the on-off cycle of the pump. If you read into it im sure you can find lots of information on it. I am a soil grower so my knowledge is limited right now.

Hope this helps
so i cut my clones today, it was so scary. i have a problem with self doubting myself and i cant help but feel like these clones wont root since its my first time trying it. also my grow partner was kinda stessing me out because he was like "if this dont work were gonna loose like an oz of bud from the plants" so im hopin i did everything right. heres some pics

This is the first branch i cut, i cut it at a 45* angle just below a node

My First clone cutting ever! After i sliced it i placed it directly in pH'd water. I then peeled off the last branch/node so it exposed a little bit of tissue on the stem, i also placed a small insicion on the cut part of the clone so it will root better. after placing it back in the water for a mintue i placed the cut end in the powdered rooting hormone and rolled it around a bit, then tapped off the excess powder. i then stuck the clone in the pre soaked peat pellets and pinched the dirt around the stem to hold it in place

Almost done!

Top view (After i cut water leaves)

This is plant #1 after i took the clones and cut a few water leaves off. I cut 4 clones from #1 and 2 clones from plant #2

Ok so here's the last picture, this one is just to show you guys what most of my clones look like, DOES IT LOOK LIKE AN OK CLONE? obviously i need to keep it in a good environment but does it appear like i have cut ok clones? any feed back would be great thank you!
nice!! cant wait until im at the point where i can start to take clones. haha, well first i have to receive my new strain seeds. haha, so you've got a little head start on me haha.
yup well its getting close to flowering so i needed to hurry up and take my clones, we will probly be switching to 12/12 in a week or so. I started these 2 plants from seed so i wanted to get the most out of my money and take as many clones as i can. If these clones work out i will purchase a few different seed strains and continue to clone them. the seeds i bought were Pure Power Plant. Ill keep you guys updated on how the cloning works.
The clones look great. Keep the Humidity high for the first 3-4 days. Around 80-90% with air breaks twice a day. I remember you saying you have some ventilation in your chamber so you should be fine. After the 3-4 days you can return to normal room humidity.

If you wanna get your return on your plants I would say let it heal for 1-2 more weeks before switching to 12/12. After that you should be fine. :thumb:
how do i keep the humidity up? there is quite a bit of air being circulated, i have 2 80CFM fans (1 intake/1 outake) i hope that its not to much for the small grow chamber,.
The "humidity dome" i bought is not the same one in the picture, it is just a clear small plastic tote that is deep enough to put over my clones, i drilled out quite a few small holes in the dome where the fan duct's are so that the air can be pushed and pulled through the humidity dome. Also i placed a small cup of water under the dome with the clones. Hopefully that adds more humidity. Now does it have to be hot in order for it to be humid? because i dont think that my 2 15watt florescence's are putting out that much heat. Should i add a heating mat underneath the clone box? any answers you can give me would be greatly appreciated, thanks for checkin up on me!
so i just built myself an aero cloner. Used a 32 gal rubbermaid tub from home, bought my pvc pipe and fittings, and the baskets and neoprene inserts, and a 365g pump. Oh yeah i found a local hydroponics store about 25 mintues from my house!


I took my clones no more than 20 hours ago, as i said before i put the cuttings in peat moss pods, can i gently remove the cuttings i already took and place them in the new aero cloner? i know this will probly disrupt any roots that are forming but im willing to take the chance if it is possible. so can i take my cutings that were put into peat pods not more than 24 hours ago, into my new aero cloner? also should i have an aquarium pump with an air stone inside of the tub? i read some articles that people would do that, but is it nessacery, also why kind of hydroponic nutrients do i need to keep my clones growing? they must need some kind of nutrients in the water since there is no natural nutrients in the water.
I'm Jealous for sure. I wish I had the funds to go out and buy things. As for the clones you recently clipped I think they should be fine to move. It hasn't been that long so they aren't even rooted yet. I don't see a problem with moving them to a better home.
TOG, i work hard for my money, and dont have to many hobbies so most of my funds go to this, i know that it will pay off eventually, thank you for putting that bug in my ear about the aero cloner, i might even switch to aero growing if the clones work out good. I just need to find a humidity dome (or a clear plastic container) that would fit over the whole tub and be tall enough for the clones. Ill go do some hunting tomorrow, i might end up back at the hydro shop.

Do i need anything besides pH balanced water (nutrients, fertz, superthrive,etc)? i have watched some videos were people put like 1/10th strength superthrive in, but is it necessary? Can i use just water for the clones? what else do i need besides lights and a humidity dome to complete this aero cloner and starting cloning!??
With an Aero cloner, All you need is the plants and water. The Ph of the water will change as time passes. Since you are constantly spraying water on and off of the plant(Which im sure you should keep it on a timer) there is no need for a dome. As for anything you need to maintain, just temps. You wanna run no higher than mid 80s. If you can keep it 70-76 degrees at all times that would be best .

Clones do not need much light either so keep it somewhere that its cool and can possibly catch some of the light. Other than that, enjoy the cloner. How much did everything cost to set up?
ok well here is my problem with the clones i just cut, no humidity is building on the dome, the cuttings still are green, they have not turned yellow or wilted much yet but it is very low temps, probly high 60's at best. The room that the plants are in doesnt get very warm and were trying not to use to much heat. im afraid the ambient tempature of the room is too low thats why i want to use a humidty dome and a strip light. the only other thing i can really think of to keep it warm is a space heater. I understand that the pump will warm the water up a bit but i cant imagine it being too much.
I just read up about the repeat timer, does that burn the motor on the pump out quicker (because of it turning on and off every 50 seconds if i understand them correctly) I just watched a tutuorial on how to modify a target 24 hour timer into an interval timer. might try to do that.
Lets see i spent $46 at the hydro store for
-12 EZclone misters
-10 2'' neoprene insterts
-10 2'' baskets
-360gph sub pump
and i spent like 6$ at homedepot for all of my pvc fittings. I had a 35 gal rubbermaid tub, just about all the tools i needed, and pvc primer and glue.
So if i bought everythign i would say about 60-70$ total depending on prices aroudn your area and what you already have for supplies, i cant belive how easy it was to build, i didnt think it was gonna work at first, i need to get the clones in there asap!
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