Icemud's Organic SCROG! Grow 3.0

Sorry to hear about the powdery mildew problem thats a real beatch, prehaps the platinium bubbas are more prone to the PM than the other strains grown ?

Could well be worth while revising air circulation with a 6 inch fan placed at either end of the tent angled towards the canopy below the scrog screen to increase the air movement, just an idea.

Its a pretty dense canopy & mighty impressive scrog shame to see PM raise its ugly head.
Sorry to hear about the powdery mildew problem thats a real beatch, prehaps the platinium bubbas are more prone to the PM than the other strains grown ?

Could well be worth while revising air circulation with a 6 inch fan placed at either end of the tent angled towards the canopy below the scrog screen to increase the air movement, just an idea.

Its a pretty dense canopy & mighty impressive scrog shame to see PM raise its ugly head.

Thanks for the suggestion FD! The way the tent is set up is air enters the tent through each side of the tent and is vented to underneigh the canopy. On one side I have a smaller 4" fan that blows air under the canopy to keep the airflow going. I think where I messed up is I vegged to long and overcrowded the screen, as well as didn't do the normal defoliation that I usually do late veg, early flower which added to the problem. I also haven't really peeked at the back platinum bubba in a while so that also added to the issue because I didn't notice the problem when it first was showing... I swear some of the back buds looked like I dipped them in powdered sugar... I mean coated... I pulled all those ones off...washed them under my sinkwater, and I am drying them out to see if it removed most of the PM and if they are smokable... I hope I can control this before it destroys my platinum bubbas.... I guess worst case scenereo I harvest the platinum bubba's early, and save the 3 plants that haven't been effected yet...only time will tell...

I wish I had enough money to go buy a de-humidifier and some SNS but I am flat broke right now, so I am stuck with using "homemade" antifungals... I hope they work..
These are the photo's I shot yesterday.

Views before I discovered the PM....




Nug Porn...

Blackberry Kush


Silverback OG

Platinum Bubba

Holy Grail OG

Sour Bubble


Here are the shots I took after I discovered the Powdery Mildew.... If you ever see this on your plants...act immediatly..





Here is the 2nd defoliation I did yesterday, each time a grocery bag worth of leaves was removed...


Damn bro...That sucks! I'm at a loss for why you are having such issues with the PM. I know some strains are more susceptible than others, but damn...

Where is your fresh air coming from? Is there any chance spores are coming in from somewhere else? Maybe add a HEPA filter to your intake? I know I'm grasping at straws...

If all else fails I'd give the effected buds a water cure and make a tincture...I tried water curing before, and the outcome was way too harsh for me to smoke. I tried it with both tap and distilled water and the outcome was the same. I wasn't vaping at the time so maybe that would work with water cured buds, but I'm not sure.

I'll be trying to send you some positive vibes brother! :goodluck:
Sorry to hear... I hope you can recover the bulk of it.
Hey everyone, thanks for the best wishes for my ladies... so far I think I may be able to salvage what I have, but it is going to take some vigilance on my part for sure.

I believe the source of the PM came from 2 things... 1. living within a 1/2 mile of the ocean at this time of year has not been to friendly to the ladies. Every night the marine layer comes in and raises the Humidity from 48% during the day and hits 60-65% at night. I don't have a de-humidifier which makes the humidity control tough and even though I leave my wall heater on to help dry the air, I usually cant get it lower than 60%. 2ndly I am almost certain that the PM came from outside my apartment. We have a few rose bushes outside of my window about 10' away and I noticed that the leaves of the roses are pretty much covered in PM so being that spores are tiny and can easily blow in the wind, I believe this also is a huge cause for the PM on my plants..

After my defoliation's the other day and frequent foliar spraying with my antifungal spray the PM has slowed down and I haven't really seen it forming back up yet, which is good, so as long as I do good inspections of my plants and try to keep the humidity down as well as cutting off any PM infected plant materials I think I may be in the clear for a decent harvest still. So far I haven't noticed any PM on the 2 OG or the Blackberry Kush, but the platinum bubbas and sour bubble both are the ones with repeat infections..

Other than that on a good note, the buds are all still growing fast and really thickening up quite a bit... I burnt most of the pistils with my foliar sprays for PM so most of the hairs currently are amber but new white ones are starting to form already so I will be fine...I hope.

I fed the girls today a very light feeding of compost tea/amendments.
5 gallons of 0ppm R/O water mixed with :

1 big scoop of alaskan forest humus
1TBSP molasses
20ml liquid carboload
25ml hygrozyme (help keep soil conditioned, break down old stuff, enzymes)
25ml of Bioroot 1-1-1 (light amount of nutrients)
20ml advanced nutrients F1 fulvic acid
30ml humboldt nutrients humic acid
advanced nutrients organic B

I also gave the girls a spray of just 0ppm water with a 1:10 part of compost tea added. I have been reading that the microbes in compost tea help prevent PM, I only sprayed the infected plants and gave a very light misting to the others, taking care not to get the buds..

Hopefully this will turn out to be a successful grow and I really hope we start gettting some offshore winds to help dry up the air... :)

I will get some photos' up later
Damn PM. Sorry man. Hopefully you get it under control! Too bad you need the SNS right NOW, you might be winning some shortly. Positive PM killing vibes sent your way.



I definitely could use some SNS right now, It would be great to win some but we'll see how that goes, getting my butt kicked in the contests right Its always fun to enter though and see what happens. :) I have been disecting a lot of commercial available products to make my own DIY PM spray and so far so we will see if it works..

Damn bro...That sucks! I'm at a loss for why you are having such issues with the PM. I know some strains are more susceptible than others, but damn...

Where is your fresh air coming from? Is there any chance spores are coming in from somewhere else? Maybe add a HEPA filter to your intake? I know I'm grasping at straws...

If all else fails I'd give the effected buds a water cure and make a tincture...I tried water curing before, and the outcome was way too harsh for me to smoke. I tried it with both tap and distilled water and the outcome was the same. I wasn't vaping at the time so maybe that would work with water cured buds, but I'm not sure.

I'll be trying to send you some positive vibes brother! :goodluck:

Thanks for your suggestions Vape, I am almost certain the spores came from outside my apartment where there are some rose bushes, not far away that are covered in PM. I unfortunatly don't have a hepa filter on my intakes so there is a very good possiblilty that this is the source... I will definitely be getting some filters on for my next grow, money is just too short right now though.. Good suggestions about the watercuring... I never tried it but I was always curious. I saw a Jorge Cerventez video that he said you could wash the buds right after harvest with a mixture of distilled water and H2O2 which would kill off the PM and wash it off well, then the buds go to dry.. I might try this out because it makes sense and H2O2 is nothing more than an extra oxygen molecule so its not going to effect the overall product..I may lose some trichomes in the process, but well worth it if Im not inhaling PM. I did read that PM is not harmful to humans, I definitely don't want it in my meds so I will post a report on how it works... I wish I had a USB microscope like yours...this PM would look crazy under high magnification.... LOL HIGH magnification...

I know people who never buy clones! Because of PM... Especially in Cali

Yeah I guess buying clones from other sources you never know what your going to get, I so far have had good luck with the clones I have been getting from socaldam, except the hermie traited Holy Grail OG, and I think the PM was more environmental at this time, but your right, with clones you never know what's tagging along for a ride... I have watched and read that when getting clones its best to wash them with distilled water and then put them in a steril area for a good week before introducing them to current grows..

Sorry to hear... I hope you can recover the bulk of it.

Thanks Buckshot... I am hoping to save them, but only time will tell. :)
Good job, Ice.

Trim those babies up underneath really well.

I've had good success with Serenade and I've tried the SNS product a few times. I never had PM with the SNS, so I can't say it nukes it...but I never got it....the Serenade kicks it.

If it's near the buds, I cut the whole branch.

Thanks Doc, I have read very good things about Serenade as well as SNS and greencure, but unfortunately I can't afford any of them right now so I have been using a lot of the ingredients that are used on these products...

Potassium Bicarbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Silicate (Ive been using baking soda and PH up)
Cinnamon is a antifungal
Garlic oil or powder is also an antifungal
Milk seems to be known to work well if in proper amounts (have to use nonfat, at a 1:10)
Epsom Salts (because of the sulfates) sulfur kills PM so I figured this may help, ??

I also added andrographis to my last spray...(also an excellent supplement for humans to take with many benefits) but its also an antifungal...

Other than that I am spraying them in the mornings, waiting a day or 2, and then spraying them with 0ppm water to wash off salts, spores and makes sure no toxic buildups occur. I will repeat this process at the end of the week and see how they are doing.

I also will be doing another heavy defoliation at the end of the week, removing most of everything under the screen as well as everything that is under the 5th nodes down (unless it is not restricting airflow)

I hope all of this helps... I guess next time I am going to have to make sure to get some intake filters to stop spores from entering..

What I did find was interesting is Brix level does not matter with PM.... since my platinum bubbas were at 18 and there infected as well as my sour bubble which was a 16brix... however my lower 12 brix blackberry kush is untouched... seems like genetics play a big role in PM....
Here are today's photos, Day 31 flowering.

Full Tent Views






Nug Shots!!! all of the pistils are amber because of a high PH foliar spray that burnt them, they should be still mostly white at this point.. at least I didnt' see any PM today :)

Holy Grail OG


Sour Bubble (the Trichomes when brushed smell like a nice cigar)


Platinum Bubba Kush's


Silverback OG


Blackberry Kush


Today is Day 33 of flowering and the ladies are looking pretty good today.

I gave the girls another heavy lollipopping as well as defoliation today to help increase the airflow in the canopy as well as remove any branches that aren't going to produce solid bud's. It took forever being that it is very hard to reach the back corners of my tent from under the screen, but I managed to trim off a large grocery bag full of leaves and stems. I did cut off a few smaller buds, so those will be dried and tested just for fun. :)

While defoliating I was checking for signs of PM and I really didn't see any new formation's of it so my spray must have worked, but to be safe I mixed up another antifungal spray and soaked the girls (except the blackberry which is too dense of buds to get wet). I mixed up

1L regular tap water (has bicarbonates in it, which are good to kill pm, as well as small amounts of nutrients and minerals so its good for the plants)
1 tbsp of ground cinnamon
1 tbsp of garlic powder
1 oz of no fat milk
a few drops of organic soap (sticker/spreader, plus rosmary for disease control)
1 tbsp of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, very good to kill PM)

I also cleaned up and wiped down the floor and walls of my tent to help kill and remove any spores that may have traveled around.

Hopefully this will help me manage my crops and fend off the PM so I can still get a good harvest.

Other than that things are looking pretty good.

I also fed the girls a very light feeding batch that has been bubbling for the past 2-3 days. Ph was sitting perfect at 6.5ph so I let them get there drink on today... mixed up was:

5 gallons of R/O water
1 large scoop of alaskan forest humus
1 TBSP of molasses
20ml of Advanced Nutr. Carboload
2 TBSP of 2-4-0 hydrolized fish
30ml of BioRoot 1-1-1 by general organic
1 small scoop of myco maximum
1 TBSP of epsom salt (mg and S)

I can't get over how good the blackberry smells, very floral and fruity smelling, much more than any blackberry I have had in the past from the dispensaries. And so full of trichomes, I checked just out of curiosity today with my 30x lupe, all clear still... figured at only 31 days I would see clear, she hasn't even purpled yet.. :)

My sour bubbles also are very very full of trichomes and very similar growth to the blackberry kush...didn't stretch at all in flowering, the main cola's are surrounded by tiny smaller branches that form together to make one big top! When I brush the trichomes, the sour bubble smells exactly if you were to open a fresh swisher sweet cigar... with a hint of pink bubblegum...

The Silverback OG is looking really good and the buds are starting to recover from my high PH PM spray which roasted the pistils. This one is going to be strong, and smells of a very skunky, fuel, OG scent to it, definitely a strong OG characteristic! It seems that the yellowing of the leave's has slowed down quite a bit and she is returning to more of a normal healthy color again. I still have to defoliate her later today or tomorrow, my back was bothering me from being bent over so long today, so I will come back to thin her out.

My Holy Grail Og is also doing very well, got her thinned out quite a bit today. The buds are developing very nicely on her with lots of trichomes on the calyx's and some forming on the sugar leaves. She has the same scent as last time, a slight og smell with a lemony diesel smell to her. I am hoping that this time she doesn't hermie on me, I believe this cut, if from the same mother has hermie traits, so I will be watching her close later flower. Last run she went around 100 days so all of the other strains should be done by then anyways, so pollen spreading shouldn't be an issue as much if it does happen. fingers crossed..

My platinum Bubba kush's have been the trouble maker's of the bunch with the PM issues, but so far my foliar sprays have washed off all the visible pm and I haven't seen any new outbreaks forming. At least it only got to the lower bud sites, but didn't reach anywhere near the cola's, so hopefully I can keep it that way and manage a decent harvest still. I took off all the lower branches on these girls they really branch out. I have already lollipopped 2x and it keeps shooting out branches from the same sites...amazing! The smell of the Bubba is that of a typical bubba, very strong skunky fuel smell to them, almost like new rubber tires smell. I hope she makes it through because if they do turn out until harvest, she is going to be a very strong plant :)

Well Here are today's photos...

Full Tent Views





Holy Grail OG

Silverback OG

Sour Bubble


Platinum Bubba Kush

Blackberry Kush


I took some more photo's just as the light's were going off...




Sour Bubble

Holy Grail OG

Silverback OG

Platinum bubba Kush

Blackberry Kush
I am glad to see you have it under control... What about separate screens? ... like four of them in frames that could allow you to “pull them out” for pruning, cleaning and whatnot? Just thinking it would be easier …
I am glad to see you have it under control... What about separate screens? ... like four of them in frames that could allow you to “pull them out” for pruning, cleaning and whatnot? Just thinking it would be easier …

I have though the same thought, great suggestion, I will have to plan it out next grow and see if it works.. :)
Day 35 of Flowering.... Happy Independence Day everyone!!!!!

I fed the ladies as the lights came on today with the earthjuice tea that I have been bubbling for about 3 days now, still sweet smelling so I knew it was good.

The girls are all looking pretty good, my foliar spray a few days back thrashed the leaves of my platinum bubba slightly, but I think she will recover fine. So far so good and I am going to keep up with the earthjuice tea every other feeding at this point. The other will be a carbo, humus tea with sugars, b vitamins, and fulvic acid with low nutrient amounts.

Here are today's photo's


Blackberry Kush




Silverback OG

Platinum Bubba

Sour Bubble

Holy Grail OG
I also decided to make another grow video, this one showing some simple and cheap ways to add CO2 to the room... works for smaller grow areas...

I'm Getting this video editing down quite a bit but I can't seem to figure out how to get a HD video from my computer to Utube...the video looks great on my computer for playback, but the file I upload always goes in at low quality...anyone know how to fix this?

Anyways..hope you enjoy the new video..
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