I took it as "light years ahead..." of what lights he has personal experience with so far. There are A LOT of companies out there and more popping up every minute, so NOBODY is going to know all the features and efficacy of EVERY other company out there. To wit: I've been researching LEDS for years and I've never even heard of BML until today.
The one thing you can say for certain is that every few months someone else raises the bar on LED tech. Last year I was hearing about how amazing Lumitech was, then it was Black Dog. Then TopLED and LUSH Lighting. Now Intelligent Gro is leading the pack with controllable spectrums. I can't wait to see where it all goes next! It's kind of fun watching the cutting edge of technology evolve!
It's amazing to think that it wasn't so long ago when you couldn't even find a single reasonably impressive LED grow journal, but now we're finally starting to see them! Now if we could just do away with all the horribly misleading Youtube "LED vs HID" videos where they pit an HID against an LED that's drawing half or less as many watts and then declare HID the "winner"... Grr... I hate that SO much...