Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spectrum

Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Awesome info ice, you really know your stuff. I can see why you got so interested in lighting/photosynthesis though, it's so damn interesting

Sent from my SM-G900F using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Yea, I don't know why but I've always had a fascination with lights... even when I was young I was probably one of the only kids in America who collected flashlights, and saved up money from chores and mowing lawns to buy a 18" black light when I was like 12. LOL I have no clue why lighting, lighting effects and such have always facinated me but I've been drawn to them ever since so when I started growing cannabis, even as a complete noob I was running HID lighting and wanted a mixed spectrum so I researched Ceramic Metal Halide, way before probably 90% of growers had even heard of them, and ran a combo of CMH and HPS, and even went as far on my 1st grows to have each light on a timer so it would simulate the change of spectrum throughout the day with red in the mornings and evenings and full spectrum for mid day... I guess its just one of those things that I still had my childhood interest in, and took it to the growing application :) Then after watching so many people get taken advantage of with crappy LED companies, lies and misinformation I felt bad for growers so I wanted to help clarify the information, and share what I learned to help people not be swindled by all these companies that are in this industry for the money only... and so I became a tester and was able to not only try out new products, but also show off lights that I thought were worthy, and also to call out the ones that were liars or bad.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Thank you for that response Icemud! I'm totally happy with 12x12, but I'm also open and willing to try new things. I'll be following along closely. Thanks for taking the plunge.

When you say 14 hours of light, are you running your main lights for 14 hours? That's a real leap of faith brother!

As far as the research that I have found, 12/12 is the best schedule for flowering on an economical basis, howerver leaning to either 13/11 or 11/13, research shows can alter the ratios of cannabionids THC-V and CBG in the final product, however the either gained extra hour, or loss of 1 hour was not economical on a yield to power usage ratio so I pretty much keep mine at 12/12 or do a sort of Diminishing Light regiment where I may start at like a 13/11, but every few weeks bump it down 1/2 hour.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

To many other unknowns in that study, or just abstract. Good thought process, look to were ratios of R:FR over 2 in real world (if existing) to see what grows. You think a lot like myself and follow rabitt holes all the way down. I love it.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

Yea that is pretty much the whole plant lighting research industry in itself, too much information that is either plant type specific, or not enough is known yet...

The one main thing I gained is that having a lower ratio of Red to Far Red seems to increase streching and possibly leaf surface area, where a higher ratio of Red to Far Red seems to not increase stretching as much and promote less leaf surface area... but again that was only that study, and that plant type... so not sure if it relates to cannabis.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

OK...a couple more "tidbits" from Ed Rosenthal:

And, here's a little longer excerpt from his book:

Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Grower's Handbook

Hey Mr. Krip!

Yep that changing of phase from inactive to active photochrome is exactly on point, and how this Far Red light is supposed to act as a flowering trigger by quickly reverting the photochrome from PFr to Pr, which normally happens over nighttime, but very slowly.

I took at look at the link for Ed's information... I would issue just a word of caution for going to Ed for lighting information, and I mean this with high levels of respect for Ed and his information, but his lighting knowledge I have found a few times to be slightly inaccurate or slightly outdated for the times.. not saying he doesn't have good information, because he has fantastic info about everything cannabis.... but just wanted to put it out there that a couple times I have seen different articles or tidbits from him that aren't quite up to current research.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

So I found that research on green light... its an excellent read but fairly long... I tried to copy and paste it but for some reason it keeps distorting the info, so just google "CONTRIBUTIONS OF GREEN LIGHT TO PLANT GROWTH
YIHAI WANG 2 AND KEVIN M. FOLTA 2–4" and you will find it...
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Hey Mr. Krip!

Yep that changing of phase from inactive to active photochrome is exactly on point, and how this Far Red light is supposed to act as a flowering trigger by quickly reverting the photochrome from PFr to Pr, which normally happens over nighttime, but very slowly.

I took at look at the link for Ed's information... I would issue just a word of caution for going to Ed for lighting information, and I mean this with high levels of respect for Ed and his information, but his lighting knowledge I have found a few times to be slightly inaccurate or slightly outdated for the times.. not saying he doesn't have good information, because he has fantastic info about everything cannabis.... but just wanted to put it out there that a couple times I have seen different articles or tidbits from him that aren't quite up to current research.

I agree 420%! His lighting (or any other technology) info is outdated (but, he did acknowledge back then that LED's would get better! :) ). His book has been around for a while but I thought you'd appreciate his insight on the far-red spectrum. Unfortunately, even in the link I posted, he doesn't yet have results from the studies.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

I agree 420%! His lighting (or any other technology) info is outdated (but, he did acknowledge back then that LED's would get better! :) ). His book has been around for a while but I thought you'd appreciate his insight on the far-red spectrum. Unfortunately, even in the link I posted, he doesn't yet have results from the studies.

I did! thanks for sharing it! Ed is the man!
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

So I found that research on green light... its an excellent read but fairly long... I tried to copy and paste it but for some reason it keeps distorting the info, so just google "CONTRIBUTIONS OF GREEN LIGHT TO PLANT GROWTH
YIHAI WANG 2 AND KEVIN M. FOLTA 2—4" and you will find it...
OK that looks like a really good read. I had a look at the synopsis, that makes a lot of sense. The plant using the reflected portion of the green light as a shade avoidance would explain why blurple lights seem to make plants grow extra leaves.

I will have a proper read of that when I get home, need something to do while the wife watches celebrity big brother or I'll end up ranting and raving

Sent from my SM-G900F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Hey Everyone!!!!

So I started my new journal for the FAR RED Emerson led grow: I invite all of you to join in! Here is the link!

Icemud's FAR RED LED journal: flower trigger manipulation, Budmaster LED grow lights

Since I am very close to finishing my seed project grow I will continue the current seed project in this journal, and before I start my next one, I will also create a new journal for the upcoming seed project :) So stay tuned in this journal as I wrap up my first seed project, and check out my new journal for my FAR RED emerson grow :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

alright a new one :thumb: more pics :thumb:
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Update time!!! Day 56 flowering (from the flip) on my feminized seed project!!!

Sorry for the delay of updates everyone, I've been fighting off a very severe ear infection which has left me drained lately, and not having any sick days to take off work and recover, its been delaying my recovery without proper rest to let my body heal. Luckily I am on 2 strong antibiotics which will wipe it out, but its taking some time...

I do have to say, I've been taking ibproffin to help reduce the swelling in my ears and reduce the pain, which works ok, but you know what works even better.... My harlequin from my last harvest. With the high CBD, within minutes of smoking a few hits, the ear pain is almost completely gone, where as the ibproffin usually takes a good half hour or so to set in, and reduces the pain, but the CBD in the harlequin works immediately! Happy to report that back to everyone!

So now to the seed project!

Well I haven't done much over the past few weeks with the ladies, as they have been maturing in bud form, as well as the seeds formation. I pulled a seed off the fire og plant today to take a look at it, and it definitely has a nice hard seed coat on it, and its starting to turn from green vegging material to a harder offwhite/brownish color which I know is signalling that the time is soon that they will be done. I'm guessing that it probably will be around day 65 or so when I pull them, so about another week and a half, but I am going to wait until the seeds are showing those tiger stripes and darker brown seed case, so I'm guessing within the next 2-3 weeks max these seeds will be done :)

So as far as plant health, I haven't been too concerned with the discoloring leaves as it mostly looks like a Nitrogen deficiency so I have been just feeding them water, with added cal/mag. I overwatered them about 2 weeks ago so today they are getting their first watering since then, as the soil finally is drying out. The smell and trichome formation of the buds is amazing, even while making seeds which is pretty cool that I not only will have some seeds, but also some new bud to smoke :) I'm not really going to worry about curing this batch since the goal was to make seeds and not for nice nugs, which most likely will end up as shake afterwords, so no biggy on curing :) I have to read up on how to store seeds for longevity, and so far what I read is less than 10% oxygen is ideal, so I may have to look into getting a food sealer to seal them up until use with limited oxygen. I also may look into getting some of those dry packs that you find in vitamin bottles too, just to make sure that they don't have too much oxygen while being stored :) I also read that typically seeds can last about 3 years without the risk of getting bad (if stored properly).

Well sorry if this post and update is a little jarbled, as I am on meds for my ear infection and still can only hear out of 1 ear which is throwing me off a little. But here are some picS!!!!

Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Nice job, Brother! :welldone:

Take care of that ear infection! The harlequin might help for pain, but likely you need some anti-biotics to fight the infection. You can also try ear rinses with H2O2.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Nice job, Brother! :welldone:

Take care of that ear infection! The harlequin might help for pain, but likely you need some anti-biotics to fight the infection. You can also try ear rinses with H2O2.

Thanks Mr. Krip! Yea I waited a week taking my herbal supplments, garlics, eating and drinking teas, fruits and juices hoping that naturally I could kick it, and it got better, and then got worse. Being that the ear is so close to the brain, and it was obvious I had a bad infection I decided to be smart and go to the doctor, and so I was put on 2 different antibiotics and so far on day 2 of them I am starting to slightly feel better, however its going to be a while before my ear drains. I appreciate the get well wishes :) definitely can use them :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

I just was looking back at the photo I took of the seed, and upon a quick glance, it looks like a brusslesprout from a distance...LOL
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

yeeee haaaaaaw thsts mad ice seeds comung through great work bro .
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Hi Icemud, I've been looking through your journals and watching your wonderful videos on youtube. Thank you for all you do in regards with sharing your knowledge. Very impressive. Now that you've done a grow with GOD and COB which would you consider the better light for flowering? I would imagine a combo a 4GOD and a 4COB in one tent and then just switching the plants around, but if you only had one choice which one would you recommend the all white COB ro the multi color GOD?

Sorry if this has been asked and answered before.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Hey bud, glad you got the medicine. My worst fear is being sick with no medicine. Weird I know, but as a kid we (my family) traveled to some places where there were no antibiotics and the visions of sick kids haunt me to this day.

The seed project looks awesome Ice. I see a split calyx or two already. Get well soon!
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Hey bud, glad you got the medicine. My worst fear is being sick with no medicine. Weird I know, but as a kid we (my family) traveled to some places where there were no antibiotics and the visions of sick kids haunt me to this day.

The seed project looks awesome Ice. I see a split calyx or two already. Get well soon!

Hey Dr Cannabi! I'm happy about getting the medicine... not to happy on the cost of it, but I guess a few hundred bucks is cheaper than a brain infection or worse... so I guess the trade off is in my favor :) Yea I couldn't imagine living without modern medicine, I mean I am against the senseless prescribing of drugs when their are healthier or better options, for instance opiate based medicine vs cannabis for pain... but again things like antibiotics and such are very much needed and appreciated :)

I'm so happy that my 1st round of seed production is nearing the completion... Its kind of like that feeling where you are stopped in your car by one of those 5 mile long freight trains going slow... and you finally see the last traincar in the horizon :) hahaha :) Can't wait to get this one over with, and start the next one which will be my Ogiesel round... everything in the tent will get pollinated by a reversed ogiesel female :)

Also, I had some random bagseeds from my friend in Chicago I brought back from my last trip home, and so I planted 3 of them and have 3 seedlings that I will incorporate into my upcomming grows... No clue what they are, or even if the genetics are good, but who doesn't like a good mystery :) kind of like a scooby doo episode.. can't wait to pull of the mask and see who it is :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

yeeee haaaaaaw thsts mad ice seeds comung through great work bro .

Thank you Photos!!! I'm super excited and can't wait to be done with all my 1st round seed projects and start working the F1's..
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