I Thought Autos Were Supposed To Remain Small?

Once they are both dried and trimmed I will put up a final dry weight for them. Should be interesting to see what it is.
Like I said at the beginning of this thread I wasn't really expecting much out of them being autos but they have really surprised me with their vigour and growth considering hehe conditions.
Maybe they will also surprise me with the dried weight.
Awesome! I was literally just getting ready to ask about the harvest since you said they've been chopped. Looking forward to finding out!
While waiting for the plants to finish drying completely I thought I would share a few impressions about this strain. I just finished trimming the one on the left in the picture below

It took me a good couple of hours to do which tells me the yield is good even before drying and weighing, and I would also say this is a very good strain for those who like to make extracts as it is very resiny and sticky for an outside grown strain, all the sugar leaves were covered in resin and even the stalks of the fan leaves.
I will just mention one thing, butterflies for reasons best known to themselves simply love these plants, with the rather disconcerting result that I kept finding butterfly larvae of various sizes cocooned in the buds and leaves, which was what made me completely denude the plants of all their fan leaves in the first place thinking this would help, but even now when I was trimming I kept finding the little critters all hidden amongst the buds. They havent really hurt the plant but from a purley aesthetic point of view finding something that wouldnt look out of place on the set of Aliens nestled deep within your buds isnt ideal. This is a problem you dont find growing in a tent :)

All in all I am deeply satisfied with this strain and it has forever changed my perception of autos. I will really love to see what this strain can produce under 20 hrs of continuous light as I think it is a pretty heavy yielder. I was going to trim the other plant today too but I wasnt expecting the first one to have taken me so long to do and now I cant be bothered.
This first plant is now in a paper bag to finish drying and you can see how thick the main stalk was below.

Will put up the dry weights and a smoke report as soon as I can but this is a top notch strain from Marijuana-seeds.nl

Density of buds still to be trimmed.
The two plants are now dry and curing in jars. Not as much as I had hoped for but still not too bad considering. One came in at 32 grams dry weight and the other at 28.3 grams, both were pretty uniform in growth.
This is a very nice smoke and I would rate it as a 9 out of ten for potency. If anyone is interested I have written a smoke report in the strain reviews section. All in all I would give it a thumbs up.
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