It's Thursday. Hope yours is great!
I had to check out so fast yesterday I didn't even have time for a picture of the finish.
Both sides look the same so I'm just showing the one. But I did something I have NEVER EVER done yesterday...PLUCKED two perfect little sprouts. Seventeen is simply too many! I only have nine pots, so I will have to cull some more individuals to have the 9-10 plants that are optimal, and this time I have planned on including these 4 autos, so either one or two pots will become vacant along the way.
However, I am re-thinking that last part of the plan for several reasons. My PRIMARY goal here is to create seeds, as many perfect ones as possible, for the purpose of (hopefully) introducing a product to the marketplace. I think I need to find the strength and discipline to properly prioritize the limited space in this grow to that most important objective.
Especially since I will only have one batch...let's be real, every seed grow is going to produce one unique batch of beans, and that batch is limited. A subsequent grow, even if you use sister seeds, could still exhibit some significant variations because there are so many genetic possibilities and no two organisms are exactly alike. I get one chance to bake the cake. It would suck to get a year down the road and have a solid product that's in demand, then realize I traded a lot of valuable seeds for ten ounces of bud from some autos.
It just seems adding autos into all this is trying to do too much. I'm a guy who hates to admit that believe me. I will probably have to kick them out by mid-April, awfully early for outdoor plants like cannabis but hey, we need the space. Sorry girls!
Now, objective #2 is growing out the Black Hyena and White Hyena plants to really see their basic characteristics. Since I already am resigned to a degree of cross-pollination no matter how I try to isolate the intentionally-pollinated plants, I'm probably ALSO going to end up with the seeds for two juicy NEW CROSSES as well! Those will be the next chapters in the never-ending book of life. So cool. In ten years I might have ten unique strains out there...a pack of Hyenas indeed!
As Ned Pepper shouted at Rooster Cogburn, "That's big talk for a one-eyed fat man!" and perhaps mine is too... It's a big ambition to think a single individual can breed and personalize new seed lines, let alone figure out how to get them to the market. I admit that. It motivates me in every way you can imagine right now and it's become something I truly believe I was destined to do.
A quest...combining organic chemistry with botany, science with sorcery...and a little bit of playing God. Am I another Gregor Mendel, or Don Quixote? Only time will tell.
Seriously, my belief is that the real key will be the quality. I read a lot about great results people get from commercial seeds. Strains that amazed, buds that exceeded. But a lot of people report underwhelming results as well. A LOT. So, there's a degree of who-really-knows to any seed that you didn't actually produce. Only smoking the mother tells you what to reasonably expect and even then, there are inevitable's nature so you're not buying the same exact thing, really ever. That's why I have the idea that I might be able to make this all happen primarily by developing a high-quality offering.
All my efforts have been the result of my preference for pot that gets me head-high but doesn't make me lazy. A cerebral stimulant. Sativa dominance. Maybe 75-25. That's the sweet spot...for me. So, when I somewhat accidentally had an amazing, perfect cross drop right in my lap, with just the right taste and aroma plus maximum power, I started to dream big. I wouldn't even try to embark on this path unless I had the bomb daddy. As best I can tell it's in the 20% range for THC, who really knows how accurate it is even possible to be. Really kick-ass cannabis is hard to describe but let's be honest, you know it when you smoke it. So when enough real stoners try your weed and tell you it's the best they ever had, at some point you know you have to almost owe it to the world to put it out there for all to enjoy. I would be selfish if I didn't.
As a testament to the quality of the Blue Hyena, I meant to write a five-minute update and I just spent 90 minutes barfing all these thoughts after one small bowl. Mind flush. Sorry. Wish me luck.
Real quick, here's a snap of a flower I took on the way out. Gettin' yummy.
The future seems month and next year.
"You get what you work for...not what you wish for." -Everybody knows it
Have a great day.
Peace, Hyena