How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Sorry if I put a tacky share up , I am not very good with posting stuff like this I was typing as I remember it and my grammar is not so great ,, I didnt wanna take away anything from Ganja:love:But for any one that dose not know the damage that medication can do,, certainly in England ,, in fact one of the only decent things that can be prescribed here is Sativex under the tongue spray(RSO) But how about this Padmavati does not get it because she already smokes Ganja and the say the Patient has to be so many months with none in her system? Its a mad world ?

You got my vote also cajun MOTM :high-five:if you dont believe it ask a mod I am sure they will no who voted for who in this strange month with the Troll:Namaste:
FSC! I'm glad you're popping in. I'm doing good, thanx! We've missed ya.

Jaga- They must've run out of members to nominate if they threw me in there. Oh, I see you're there too! Lol, just voted for you. I must not have too many votes cause I didn't know about it until today. If I'd known sooner that were on there, I'd of gone looked.

High everyone. Puked at work, got sent home. So, now I get catch up w/ everyone.
Glad to see you in here Cajun, but not happy to hear you got sent home. You got my vote for sure. Glad to see the rest of you are all still hanging out too, cause when you see the dates of the thread start and that the same people are still here and at the dosing/rso journal long after being diagnosed as short term terminal, it fills me with hope that i can help others in their time of need. Sending love and good vibes to you all
Glad to see you in here Cajun, but not happy to hear you got sent home. You got my vote for sure. Glad to see the rest of you are all still hanging out too, cause when you see the dates of the thread start and that the same people are still here and at the dosing/rso journal long after being diagnosed as short term terminal, it fills me with hope that i can help others in their time of need. Sending love and good vibes to you all

Jeezus PM. I feel like I'm in an old folks home now. Lol.
I'm playing. I know what you mean.
I got sick from chewing tobacco. I swallowed it. I told everyone, but they asso it w/ cancer. I'm too old to argue about a free day off.
I need fishing bait.
FSC! I'm glad you're popping in. I'm doing good, thanx! We've missed ya.

Jaga- They must've run out of members to nominate if they threw me in there. Oh, I see you're there too! Lol, just voted for you. I must not have too many votes cause I didn't know about it until today. If I'd known sooner that were on there, I'd of gone looked.

High everyone. Puked at work, got sent home. So, now I get catch up w/ everyone.

Darn. Puked at work. Bummer that you got sick, but good that you are still working. Last I remember you thought you were going to lose your job. Or is this a new job?? Either way glad to hear from you. :)
Glad to see you in here Cajun, but not happy to hear you got sent home. You got my vote for sure. Glad to see the rest of you are all still hanging out too, cause when you see the dates of the thread start and that the same people are still here and at the dosing/rso journal long after being diagnosed as short term terminal, it fills me with hope that i can help others in their time of need. Sending love and good vibes to you all

Hi Peyton, I know what you mean. I wonder about a lot of those that came here, got the info they needed and disappeared. We know they were armed with the knowledge and know how. Would this be like the empty nest syndrome?? LOL I want all the flock to come home once in awhile and say hello.
WJ. hello my friend. How are you, your wife and those grandchildren?? I still want to get something for recapturing alcohol but I made so much oil the last time and still have some left. I will be harvesting some bluedream tonight but it was a bag seed so hopefully it will be as good as it looks. My CBD strain is still a couple months out.

Hello FSC. I hope everything is well with you. Sorry about the nasty virus, I had one for a week before we left for vacation. I returned from vacation Friday. Had a wonderful time in the Keys. Wife's entire family visited wife's mother for her 90th birthday party. Had a great time. Came home to find out wife's sister has a serious esophageal cancer. She and her husband are evangelical baptists and conservative replicrats and faux news believers. I spent a while with her and her husband in the hospital on our way home from vacation with a short talk about the oil. They were not very accepting, so I sent an email with three links about oil and how cannabinoids work on cancer cells and the patent apps for oil and extracts. Haven't heard anything from them yet, it's 4 days. I offered her husband a Mars II LED light, a hempy bucket and a Fast and Vast seed to start. Can't force anyone to do what might help when they listen to the FDA stooges. I don't get it. The oil is so helpful for me and they know it.
I have to get a bean order out. I'll be starting my spring medical grow in the next week or so.

Hey Cajun, hope you have a nice time in Denver. It should be getting nice weather. Be prepared for lots of people, and I mean lots. My school chum said that last year there were over 25K people there. I couldn't grip my teeth enough to be in that large a group. Have a great time!

Hey Dennise, it is nice to see you here again. I was not aware that you are a MS victim. My sister in law is also suffering with MS. She was diagnosed about 15 years ago. She was about 45. Cannabis doesn't help she says. I don't know if she knows that for sure by trying it or if it is just the BS the anti's spread. I can't wait for your report on your Blue Blood.

Hey Peyton, nice to see you here. Tried keeping up with you and the others while I was gone, but hotel wifi sux. Plus I was having so much fun. Wife let me take some with me. Nice lady. I also stopped in Georgia on way back and got eaten up by bedbugs. None bit the wife. Figure that out if you can. She said it is because I am diabetic and my blood is sweeter. Skeeters like my blood too. Might be something in what she says.

I have seen a few new members posting here on the oil thread. Nice to see more people interested in the oil. After some get the information they might not return because they are so busy. Their reasons for interest in making oil seems to be more for relatives and spouses than for self. Righteous. Honorable. Bless you all!

Great to see you wildjim, and glad you enjoyed your vacation. I don't blame you for not keeping up on wifi, you need to be out there living life, especially in the keys! Can't wait to see your spring mmj and veggie grows, really glad to have you back
fghtsmallcell, I did change my name from 60cal to RSOiler, but first I asked the Guru if he thought that would be okay. I like this name a lot better then the other one. How are you and your husband doing? I followed your story with great interest a long with Cajun, WildJim and many others. I love it when our 420 family come by to visit and share their story's.
It's great to see the people that I have been following for the past year, (some of the best growers on this site) "Sista D", PaytonManning & Jaga WOW what a line up. When you get these heavy hitters spreading the word about Tacking...well...look out world the news will spread like wild fire.
All my love, respect & good vibes

Darn. Puked at work. Bummer that you got sick, but good that you are still working. Last I remember you thought you were going to lose your job. Or is this a new job?? Either way glad to hear from you. :)

I thought they'd let me go, but they're going to stick it out with me. Great people. I'm very lucky.

High Jim! Good to see you pop in brother. I'm so glad you're having fun.
So very glad to hear they kept you on Cajun.

I like your new name too RSOiler.

Yesterday I baby sat my 3 year old grandson. All by myself. That was really my goal when I started this journey. Be able to do things with my grandchildren. I lost my ability to drive 6 or 7 months ago. I really liked driving, but it is nothing like having the responsibility of babysitting a 3 year old, especially when you have a history of between 30 and 50 seizures a day. The oil has cut my seizure rate to almost zero. My wife and the mother and father got together and discussed it without my knowing. And surprised me in the morning telling me I would be the baby sitter for a couple hours. They left the total time out of it. I could decide on the amount of time. It was wonderful. So nice to be trusted with something so dear. And I mean dear to me.

I owe it all to God's medicine, the oil.


So very glad to hear they kept you on Cajun.

I like your new name too RSOiler.

Yesterday I baby sat my 3 year old grandson. All by myself. That was really my goal when I started this journey. Be able to do things with my grandchildren. I lost my ability to drive 6 or 7 months ago. I really liked driving, but it is nothing like having the responsibility of babysitting a 3 year old, especially when you have a history of between 30 and 50 seizures a day. The oil has cut my seizure rate to almost zero. My wife and the mother and father got together and discussed it without my knowing. And surprised me in the morning telling me I would be the baby sitter for a couple hours. They left the total time out of it. I could decide on the amount of time. It was wonderful. So nice to be trusted with something so dear. And I mean dear to me.

I owe it all to God's medicine, the oil.



WOW wildjim :bravo: :cheer::love:
FSC! I'm glad you're popping in. I'm doing good, thanx! We've missed ya.

Jaga- They must've run out of members to nominate if they threw me in there. Oh, I see you're there too! Lol, just voted for you. I must not have too many votes cause I didn't know about it until today. If I'd known sooner that were on there, I'd of gone looked.

High everyone. Puked at work, got sent home. So, now I get catch up w/ everyone.

Thats what paddi said when I found out ,, well her words was there stretched this month then:rofl::rofl:
I hope that you are feeling better today :circle-of-love:
Hello fellow MS person...:blushsmile: I was not diagnosed until I was 55 and I have smoked almost without pause for 42 years at the time.... I too would be very interested to hear from someone that has used MJ for the purpose of MS but it is very vague information out there IMO... I have refused the interferon and have solely been medicating with eatables to keep it at bay and so far it has worked but I can't say that it's a particular strain... I don't know what to say about them telling you that your dx is weird because of your age... That's plain and simply not true... A lot of folks are not dx till they are older... Now I don't know if that means I didn't have MS until I was 55 or if it means that the other issues I have masked the symptoms... I also have type 1 diabetes and due to long term condition I have peripheral neuropathy which causes quite a bit of pain that is similar to the discomfort of MS... Anyway MJ has keep me from having to take near as many narcotics and has helped greatly with the mental issues too..... I too use the tintures for topical use and have been amazed at how well they work... Blue Blood is the only strain I have heard of that is specific for MS and I have yet to try it but it is on my next order list.....:circle-of-love:

Hey Dennise.

I did not realize you had diabetes also. Autoimmune issues are rampant in my family. My wife was diagnosed first with thyroid condition, then my now 11 year old son was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 5 (he just past the point of having diabetes longer then not having it) and then me 3 years ago with ms. Along with the Blue Blood, look at Hurkel. I have 5 beans of those that I have not popped yet (they are only available as regular seeds no fems :( ) I will probably pop a couple of those soon and see.

My friend that I grow for, finds the MMJ is the only thing that helps her, She sometimes is barely able to walk and after a couple of hits from her vaporizer the strength comes back to her legs. Her eyesight has also improved so much that she is no longer getting shots in her eyes. She said she noticed (in hindsight) her first MS signs showed up after she stopped smoking and went to law school.

I also just got my MMJ card from my state (trying to be somewhat legal.) The person I spoke to at the dispensary said that is a fairly common story to him. People smoke then stop for whatever reason (got married and had a family, new job etc) and they start showing symptoms after that.

One last question, in sticking with the thread topic :). Does anyone here was RSO for their MS? To what effect? :peace:
MS & Cannabis Oil

Might be interesting for you, but here is a link on studies to get you going.
I'll post more when I get home.

Cannabis for spasticity and multiple sclerosis

Hey cajun, I was going to mention this also but already mentioned this to Dennise. In fact, thought she was going to be doing the oil for her aliment. The concentrate would be a win win for MS even if it is in advanced stages it will stop the progression. Tacking is perfect for this scenario as it get's to the brain, spinal column, autoimmune etc. A worthy mention, they say there is no specific pinpointing the cause of MS but if you check out this link;Brain Anatomy what controls what this is where the concentrated oil works so effectively. Taken properly the oil gets right up to the brain, and like I mention many times, you fix the CPU and the autoimmune gets fixed also.

Have an attorneys appointment today checking on some legalities on a non-profit organization and dispensary legalities, etc. So will be gone most of the afternoon.
Hey cajun, I was going to mention this also but already mentioned this to Dennise. In fact, thought she was going to be doing the oil for her aliment. The concentrate would be a win win for MS even if it is in advanced stages it will stop the progression. Tacking is perfect for this scenario as it get to the brain, spinal column, etc. A worthy mention, they say there is no specific pinpointing the cause of MS but if you check out this link;Brain Anatomy what controls what this is where the concentrated oil works so effectively. Taken properly the oil gets right up to the brain, and like I mention many times, you fix the CPU and the autoimmune gets fixed also.

Thanks Motoco. I am hoping to get enough in the next couple harvests to start "playing" with RSO. I have not had enough "stock" to try making any yet. I hope to try a batch in the near future with my MB2. :peace:
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