How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

I still have not come up with a place to send the cbd seeds to if I order them myself. I had an order in with someone and it never happened. My hydro shop owner approached the subject and told me he could get whatever I wanted. That raised red flags and I have not been back since. I don't know that guy. I am still holding out hope for the first person to come through for me. I will lean on my friend harder. It is a friend of his friend. LOL Thanks for clarification of when to harvest. I am at mostly milky so will harvest at least those top buds tomorrow.
Hey FSC,
Wise of you to take caution on the Hydro shop. If they don't know you, why in the world would they offer to get seeds for you?
There have been 3 LEO "set up" shops that I know of in my state that people fell into trusting.
I use my hydro shop for basic growing supplies and I never talk to them about growing MJ, even though it's legal here. I'm growing tomatoes and winter herb supplies for cooking. ;-)

When I order I always be sure to leave instructions to not have signature confirmation placed on the order. Then I don't have to be there for delivery.

I hope you can get something arranged.


And thanks Motoco and Cajun. :)
Always better safe than sorry. Perhaps a P.O. Box? Hydro shops are different out in So. Cal, much more open about MJ/MMJ. Just need to get to know them. Meant a lot of elite growers there as well. Even had a CHP Officer come in last week and wondered what they sold :). Dang, you must be on the east coast. Have a friend there and they are still selling an ounce with seeds. He says they are about 10-20 yrs behind which in my opinion is BS. You would be amazed what you can find when searching (discreetly of course).
Good morning everyone. Just stopping by to say high to all. FSC your grow is wonderful looking. Nice big colas and juicy looking. Try to lower your light on time by a half an hour and it may speed up the finish a little but it will come no matter what you do. The hydro store I go to and have for a couple of years has a sign right on the door "don't ask questions about MMJ growing". We talk about it a little now but it's still there policy. I wouldn't trust a store that came out saying things like that to soon.

We had a great Thanksgiving and it sounds like everyone else did also. Food food and more food. Time to step onto the scale and see the damages. Happy Days all. :love:
Hi. Go ahead and use 99%IPA just be careful while actually preparing the oil(use fan).

Hi Gaurav,
1) So you mean to say that Rubbing alcohol is safe to use for oil extraction ?
I just want to know actually what types of alcohols are available with chemist
Rubbing alcohol, IPA, etc etc
I am confused on what to look for which will be safest in that category. Exact technical name, specification.
Which one you get specifically to make/extract the oil as you reside in metro city.
Or is there any other alternative (for solvent)?
2) How is your mother doing ?
3) I also have a friend in ur city on behalf of him i am asking things.
4) do you know that on fb some one recently posted about leela by viki. They cured cancer of her with the oil
5) also i came in contact with some company which were selling the oil since 10years and are legally licenced but situated in gurgaon the price is like $ 1600 for 10grm of oil syringe (specifically for cancer treatment) which is why i think it is too costly and only be brought in emergency situation (obiviously by visiting them physically as there is no risk because of license holder and inspecting abt them). I got a kink so i shared this infos with you hope you will understand. Because of the cost i am not going to this route. it is better to get our own med.

@420 Motoco
Is it necessary to dry the product (bud/flower/trims) to make the oil or can we make the oil with fresh plant (flower/buf/trims) (50%-75% amber)
I got to know the hydro shop man a little by going there a few times. He owns the place so he is almost always there. I never talked about growing anything in particular. He became too open when his very small shop shut down. I did not know he had shut down and I called to see if he had a specific bulb, he had all his calls forwarded to his cell phone. He proceeded to explain how his landlady canceled his lease out of the blue and now he was looking for a new place to rent for his store. I met him in the busy parking lot near his old store and purchased a few things that came from his store that he now had shoved into his house. and paid with cash. I even pd tax. lol Anyway that is when he got too friendly starting with introducing himself and asking my name. I hesitated but then gave him a fake name. He then told me how he has the best "tomatoes" around if I needed some. I told him that did not make sense for me to buy any when I had a whole garden with lots of different veggies and that the only other thing I needed was purple sweet bell pepper seeds. (I really was looking for those and bought some online) That is when he said he could get anything I wanted including any kind of seeds. I told him I was good and said my good byes. I have not called him since and I don't know if he ever set his store up somewhere else. There is a new store that is popping up online close by. I will peek in someday to see if it is him or what is going on with that. Otherwise, I just make my 1 1/2 hr trip to get the items I want that I cannot get local.

I think he is probable OK, but I acted stupid anyway and admitted nothing. I KNOW NOTHING!!

Thanks Beemerbill for reps on the grow.

Canna, I will someday use the winter herb idea. Thanks. Also thanks for the tips about no signature for the seeds. As always, I am working on an idea.

Motoco, I know that you have to show ID for a
PO box and I really dont want seeds delivered somewhere with my name associated with it.
So here is me still thinking. I will get them eventually. :)

Some more good news about hubby. We had already been told over the phone that his scan was unchanged. We got the official results and the "mass" is a tiny bit smaller. (It has been a year and doc has assumed it is probable scar tissue from radiation.) Also his lungs are clearer now than compared to April's scan. Actually everything they are keeping an eye on in his lungs are just better. :) Doc also agreed to no more coumadin, he was not too happy with it but he did agree. Now I will be moving on to more tough love with his other issues. The next few days will not be fun. Hope it works. He is getting closer to being a true believer. He said today that his goal is to be off all his meds. I once again told him how important that CBD strain is but he is no help in trying to figure something out. He has his code he has always live by and ordering those seeds break every rule.
Cajun and Canna, if I order seeds and have them shipped to someone elses house. Can I by an item that will be shipped with it so I can say it is a surprise gift?? I guess what I want to know if that can all be worked out ahead of time so I have a cover story.
Hi Beemerbill!


Congrats of the official "reduced sized" of the mass. Even a tiny bit smaller is a great sign! Good luck in the next few days too, I'm sure you will handle things with thoughtfulness and doing what's best. :)

It's good that you stayed cautious with the Hydro shop dude. I can't tell you how many news articles I've read in my area/state where people are being set up by LEO on Craigslist. They text, and agree to meet somewhere to buy clones/plants/overages or edibles etc. and then wind up getting busted in a parking lot. It's just disgusting what's happening even in a "legal" state.

You'll figure it out. You're a schmart cookie and you think things through. :)
Hi Beemerbill!


Congrats of the official "reduced sized" of the mass. Even a tiny bit smaller is a great sign! Good luck in the next few days too, I'm sure you will handle things with thoughtfulness and doing what's best. :)

It's good that you stayed cautious with the Hydro shop dude. I can't tell you how many news articles I've read in my area/state where people are being set up by LEO on Craigslist. They text, and agree to meet somewhere to buy clones/plants/overages or edibles etc. and then wind up getting busted in a parking lot. It's just disgusting what's happening even in a "legal" state.

You'll figure it out. You're a schmart cookie and you think things through. :)

That is just scary to be happening in a legal state. You would think it is a waste of money on their part. Sometimes I hate stupid!! And that is one of them. It does concern me that I think he has my cell #. But I did not have my car. hehe
Congrats on the tumor reduction. I know it's not much, but it's not growing/spreading & the metastasis has stopped. That's all we can ask for sometimes.

My $.02 on the seeds:
It's safer to send by USPS than by courier such as UPS.
Also, believe it or not, a real physical address is better than a P.O. box.
Most seeds, especially by our sponsors like Herbie's, are packaged in a discreet manner/method. They're sent in packages like cell phone covers.
I understand the concern...
Hi Gaurav,
1) So you mean to say that Rubbing alcohol is safe to use for oil extraction ?
I just want to know actually what types of alcohols are available with chemist
Rubbing alcohol, IPA, etc etc
I am confused on what to look for which will be safest in that category. Exact technical name, specification.
Which one you get specifically to make/extract the oil as you reside in metro city.
Or is there any other alternative (for solvent)?
2) How is your mother doing ?
3) I also have a friend in ur city on behalf of him i am asking things.
4) do you know that on fb some one recently posted about leela by viki. They cured cancer of her with the oil
5) also i came in contact with some company which were selling the oil since 10years and are legally licenced but situated in gurgaon the price is like $ 1600 for 10grm of oil syringe (specifically for cancer treatment) which is why i think it is too costly and only be brought in emergency situation (obiviously by visiting them physically as there is no risk because of license holder and inspecting abt them). I got a kink so i shared this infos with you hope you will understand. Because of the cost i am not going to this route. it is better to get our own med.

@420 Motoco
Is it necessary to dry the product (bud/flower/trims) to make the oil or can we make the oil with fresh plant (flower/buf/trims) (50%-75% amber)

Yes, you always want dry product. If purchasing; it should be cured but I always set it out on some cookie sheets, covered with paper towels and let air dry a few hours before freezing the bud prior to making the oil. Your 50-75% amber is for Indica strain only. You want you daytime oil to be sativa dominant and max thc. 50%clear trich's and 50% milky, a little past peak is my preference. If all you can get is ISO/IPA 99.+ percent then so be it. Most of the oil produced is still made by ISO/IPA. Also; when you make your own oil you always know what your getting. If you don't actually see how peeps are making the oil its speculation unless you can have it tested.
Great news about the Hubby fsc. I would have to say its 'scar tissue', because its a 'tiny' bit smaller. Scar tissue takes time to break down with the oil, but it does. Hence the small decrease in size. Another worthy mention the oil maintains your blood viscosity perfectly so I'm happy to see him off the blood thinners. CBD is important fsc but not as important as oil without CBD. THC is the main healer of glands and organs. CBD is most important used in brain surgery/surgery, chronic pain, etc. Point I'm trying to make, take your time and be discreet he will be fine with the oil you have and it looks like the next batch will be much better. CBD is a GREAT cannabinoid/cannabidiol but remember even 1-2% CBD in the flower equates to 4-6% CBD in the oil. 1.5% CBD takes care of pain for a few hours.

I got to know the hydro shop man a little by going there a few times. He owns the place so he is almost always there. I never talked about growing anything in particular. He became too open when his very small shop shut down. I did not know he had shut down and I called to see if he had a specific bulb, he had all his calls forwarded to his cell phone. He proceeded to explain how his landlady canceled his lease out of the blue and now he was looking for a new place to rent for his store. I met him in the busy parking lot near his old store and purchased a few things that came from his store that he now had shoved into his house. and paid with cash. I even pd tax. lol Anyway that is when he got too friendly starting with introducing himself and asking my name. I hesitated but then gave him a fake name. He then told me how he has the best "tomatoes" around if I needed some. I told him that did not make sense for me to buy any when I had a whole garden with lots of different veggies and that the only other thing I needed was purple sweet bell pepper seeds. (I really was looking for those and bought some online) That is when he said he could get anything I wanted including any kind of seeds. I told him I was good and said my good byes. I have not called him since and I don't know if he ever set his store up somewhere else. There is a new store that is popping up online close by. I will peek in someday to see if it is him or what is going on with that. Otherwise, I just make my 1 1/2 hr trip to get the items I want that I cannot get local.

I think he is probable OK, but I acted stupid anyway and admitted nothing. I KNOW NOTHING!!

Thanks Beemerbill for reps on the grow.

Canna, I will someday use the winter herb idea. Thanks. Also thanks for the tips about no signature for the seeds. As always, I am working on an idea.

Motoco, I know that you have to show ID for a
PO box and I really dont want seeds delivered somewhere with my name associated with it.
So here is me still thinking. I will get them eventually. :)

Some more good news about hubby. We had already been told over the phone that his scan was unchanged. We got the official results and the "mass" is a tiny bit smaller. (It has been a year and doc has assumed it is probable scar tissue from radiation.) Also his lungs are clearer now than compared to April's scan. Actually everything they are keeping an eye on in his lungs are just better. :) Doc also agreed to no more coumadin, he was not too happy with it but he did agree. Now I will be moving on to more tough love with his other issues. The next few days will not be fun. Hope it works. He is getting closer to being a true believer. He said today that his goal is to be off all his meds. I once again told him how important that CBD strain is but he is no help in trying to figure something out. He has his code he has always live by and ordering those seeds break every rule.
@420 Motoco

Which strain you prefer for making the oil which suit all people (or atleast okay with all people) and from which seed bank (because there are so many genetics and differences). No problem if the choice is more than 1
(Seed banks like n i r a v a n a and from any of the sponsor of this forum).. Only purpose is Medical and making oil

My only concern is the smell of growing it (no sourcing or purchasing is possile due to high cost and mixing of other kind of drug in it). I hope Northern Light of n i r v a n a will be in oil making ? it is also low odor strain? but the manufacturer list it as no medical use ?
For anyone wondering, I buy the seeds, cover all growing expenses, and make the oil at my expense, and provide the oil free, consultation is free, etc.. I have no desire to make money from Cannabis. I just enjoy helping people feel good again, and being able to enjoy life.


Awesome! That's what it's all about. There are way too many people out there bilking the patients out of their money with no concern for making sure they live a quality life.
@420 motoco

Which strain you prefer for making the oil which suit all people (or atleast okay with all people) and from which seed bank (because there are so many genetics and differences). No problem if the choice is more than 1
(Seed banks like n i r a v a n a and from any of the sponsor of this forum).. Only purpose is Medical and making oil

My only concern is the smell of growing it (no sourcing or purchasing is possile due to high cost and mixing of other kind of drug in it). I hope Northern Light of n i r v a n a will be in oil making ? it is also low odor strain? but the manufacturer list it as no medical use ?

Hi Altainta,

I have ordered from Nirvana shop in the past, got my order just fine..although it took quite awhile. I now order from sponsor "Herbie's", first because of the great selection that is being added to constantly, and second because of the really fast shipping and great communication.

! Buy Cannabis Seeds - Worldwide Delivery - Herbies Marijuana Seeds

On the smell, if you have no way of venting it out, there are always products like "Ona Gel". That stuff rocks. I always keep a jar of it near the grow area and it really does help.
I'm sure any one of the grow supply sponsors here sell it.
Just my 2 cents worth.

Hi altainta,

Complex question. If only one choice I would go with Blue Dream (the 70/30 strain sativa/indica. Why? Makes great oil, good size yields and easy to grow. Blue Dream had two strains going around (the other is a 50/50). Other than that my second choice of one strain would be O.G. Kush which was touted a 50/50 or Skywalker (don't have the specs on hand but I believe its a sativa dominant. I would pick the sativa dominant if I could do only one strain, simply because to me being on the active side has the most medicinal value. When ill having a positive outlook is key and a sativa dominant oil does exactly that. Also it keeps you off couch lock where you just sit around unmotivated gaining weight and depression sets in. The wife and I used sativa dominant oil for a little over a year before we could get some Indica grown correctly. With no nighttime we had to rise and shine early, put a full days work in to get tired for nighttime sleep. We substituted other means to help sleep on those 'I can't sleep nights' by vaping some flowers. Again, this is my preference and was the preference of our 'inner' circle. Nothing in the world beats a 1-2 combo of a good daytime and a good nighttime oil (I prefer Master Kush as it is readily available). Grown correctly you really don't need a high CBD strain unless its something like brain surgery/tumors/surgery, etc. Grow the Sativa 1/2 clear 1/2 milky trich's. The Indica, grow full term and it will pick up CBD's/CBN's. On the Indica THC is not the focus, full 'couch lock' is. Active during the day while healing A-Z aliments, baby like sleep at nighttime. Doesn't get much better on the health charts.
altainta; keep in mind most everything you read about medical marijuana is about smoking. All oil I ever made has medicinal value. One strain stands out I didn't care for is Lemon Haze. Didn't really care for the feel even though it was sativa dominant, didn't like the taste vaping/smoking (used to enhance sleep when having no nighttime oil). I do not use seed banks as I'm fortunate to have a great source of clones or I clone my own before I flip to flower mode. I would like to point out; seed banks give the specs of the seed, as an example; 70/30 Sativa dominant, 20%THC/1 % CBD, etc., those stats are from growers with experience. That is what you can expect if grown the same way they do. This is one reason I always suggest, a good caretaker always uses the oil themselves. This way they can sample their finished product and tell exactly how it is so they can tell the people they are helping exactly what to expect. Cannafan gave a great link for a seed bank. A worthy mention; I use three strains. A high CBD strain that I blend with a high THC Sativa dominant 2 parts high THC to 1 part CBD, and as close to pure Indica as I can get. Keep these three strains going, master growing them properly. This way you will always have a great consistent oil and that is exactly what patients want is consistency.

I use Panda wrap in my grow room. I do the ceiling, walls and floor in Panda wrap. Tape all the seams with 3-M aluminum tape. Install weatherstripping (tape on type) around the door jambs and a foam strip that goes on the bottom of the door for a complete seal. I personally go this route as I for one have to have a good smelling flower. I haven't used an 'ionizer' method but know others who have that removes the smell but the flowers have no smell which like you have concerns for smell. If there is a will there is a way.


@420 motoco

Which strain you prefer for making the oil which suit all people (or atleast okay with all people) and from which seed bank (because there are so many genetics and differences). No problem if the choice is more than 1
(Seed banks like n i r a v a n a and from any of the sponsor of this forum).. Only purpose is Medical and making oil

My only concern is the smell of growing it (no sourcing or purchasing is possile due to high cost and mixing of other kind of drug in it). I hope Northern Light of n i r v a n a will be in oil making ? it is also low odor strain? but the manufacturer list it as no medical use ?
@420 Motoco
First of all you really are a typist. You wrote so much i really like you dedication toward this. And i am happy that i am in the right pl

Regarding Sativa dominant
I really understand your point and know that Sativa is the way to go for active person (even for patient for active and positive thoughts)
But I really fear abt the side effect like Panic attack, anxiety and insomania. Which some time get stuck with you because canna does alert mind chemical. I read it so i fear abt it. What exactly you do when any of your patien get Panic attack, Anxiety or insomania by using the medicine ? Do you use med like to recover the side effect (citicoline, xanax) ? I want to tell a little story abt my self on it once i eat a little amount of bhang (made by cannabis leafs, 90-99% sativa, the black small balls not the liquid) it didn't hit me on that day but later like 2-3days after (Yes it did too that much time) i was hit bad and the feeling really didn't get off i mean the exp was not bad but i was unable to remove the feeling for like 7 days. It went away when i made a vacation trip to some place. The bhang ball i.e crushed plant leaf matter totally ayurvedic and available legally in india and made by good ayurvedic company (they are so so cheap like in $0.162 3-4 balls size 3/4inch. I do not know if they can be any helpfull in making medicinal things). So the point is before this i eat the same thing but the buzz went away other days (2 times before) but this third time it was like never ending trip......if something happen like that again i might get discouraged bigtime.

Regarding panda wrap everywhere
If you use so much of panda wrap how to you ventilate the room ? Do you ventitale with the help of carbon attached duct fan or simple duct fan or anything else ?

1) I haven't used an 'ionizer' method but know others who have that removes the smell
2) but the flowers have no smell which like you have concerns for smell

I really didn't get it ! what exactly you mean by that ?
Also if some one uses Ionizer, Ozone generator, Ona gel will it affect the final product (i only care abt the medicinal values)

The flower has no smell ? i didn't get that part.

I have so many question will ask you by taking gaps to avoid stressing you too much ( i am too talkative on this subject)


On the smell, if you have no way of venting it out, there are always products like "Ona Gel". That stuff rocks. I always keep a jar of it near the grow area and it really does help.
I'm sure any one of the grow supply sponsors here sell it.
I can't vent out the SMELLY AIR. I can vent out normal air no problem.
If you keep ona gel (there are so many ona product it is so confusing like liquid,gel etc) near the plant ( i guess during flowering) doesn't it alter the flower natural things ?
If ONA Gel is kept in your tent or grow room throughout the entire flowering stage, the effect can be overwhelming and buds may smell like ONA Gel or taste like perfume or chemicals after harvest.
Does it really matter if the taste or smell changes of the flower ? (for medicine purpose or oil making purpose)
Will your canna butter / oil taste like ONA if ona is used during flowering near the plant ?
Does it affect CBD THC of the flower ?
Thank you altainta and 420 Magazine is happy to have you aboard. Really no shortcuts on information.

I understand your concerns for getting euphoric but honestly it doesn't matter much if you digest Sativa or Indica, your getting high. The 'tacking' method done properly (with small amounts) prevents you from getting euphoric. Most studies again are done for digesting/smoking, throw that out the window when tacking. As far as anxiety goes hybrids like Blue Dream have Indica also, just Sativa dominant. When using daytime sativa dominant and Indica for sleep it covers the whole spectrum of aliments. Once these oils are fully seated in your system 3-4 days and one is consistent on their dosing times anxiety/panic attacks/depression disappear.

I get fresh air in by my air conditioner/heater. Ozone generator; From my understanding it doesn't effect potency or anything else except it doesn't smell. Let me find out exactly what they use. Give me a couple of days and I'll get that info for you to avoid any confusion. LOL at taking 'gaps' to avoid stressing me. Perhaps a 'thank you' is in order :)

@420 Motoco
First of all you really are a typist. You wrote so much i really like you dedication toward this. And i am happy that i am in the right pl

Regarding Sativa dominant
I really understand your point and know that Sativa is the way to go for active person (even for patient for active and positive thoughts)
But I really fear abt the side effect like Panic attack, anxiety and insomania. Which some time get stuck with you because canna does alert mind chemical. I read it so i fear abt it. What exactly you do when any of your patien get Panic attack, Anxiety or insomania by using the medicine ? Do you use med like to recover the side effect (citicoline, xanax) ? I want to tell a little story abt my self on it once i eat a little amount of bhang (made by cannabis leafs, 90-99% sativa, the black small balls not the liquid) it didn't hit me on that day but later like 2-3days after (Yes it did too that much time) i was hit bad and the feeling really didn't get off i mean the exp was not bad but i was unable to remove the feeling for like 7 days. It went away when i made a vacation trip to some place. The bhang ball i.e crushed plant leaf matter totally ayurvedic and available legally in india and made by good ayurvedic company (they are so so cheap like in $0.162 3-4 balls size 3/4inch. I do not know if they can be any helpfull in making medicinal things). So the point is before this i eat the same thing but the buzz went away other days (2 times before) but this third time it was like never ending trip......if something happen like that again i might get discouraged bigtime.

Regarding panda wrap everywhere
If you use so much of panda wrap how to you ventilate the room ? Do you ventitale with the help of carbon attached duct fan or simple duct fan or anything else ?

I really didn't get it ! what exactly you mean by that ?
Also if some one uses Ionizer, Ozone generator, Ona gel will it affect the final product (i only care abt the medicinal values)

The flower has no smell ? i didn't get that part.

I have so many question will ask you by taking gaps to avoid stressing you too much ( i am too talkative on this subject)


I can't vent out the SMELLY AIR. I can vent out normal air no problem.
If you keep ona gel (there are so many ona product it is so confusing like liquid,gel etc) near the plant ( i guess during flowering) doesn't it alter the flower natural things ?
If ONA Gel is kept in your tent or grow room throughout the entire flowering stage, the effect can be overwhelming and buds may smell like ONA Gel or taste like perfume or chemicals after harvest.
Does it really matter if the taste or smell changes of the flower ? (for medicine purpose or oil making purpose)
Will your canna butter / oil taste like ONA if ona is used during flowering near the plant ?
Does it affect CBD THC of the flower ?
@420 Motoco

Thank you very much motoco
Yeah lol if i am taking "gaps" that also help me because you know i think too much on whatever subject i am on. And this is the subject of human health. Lol i do think that some time i ask too many question to someone and he just start ignoring or run off... lol

Please do this for me if you can
1) Please check if ozone generator work ? or any other odour control system (except carbon scrubber) ?
2) (optional) Any other Solvent other than IPA 99% ? I am still scared as i read many people say it is poison.
3) also what abt the coconut oil (as a solvent) method which lead to very good adsorption rate in the body. (please check for more the " badkittysmiles" video in which she gives too many technical detail and she is one of my fav (while doing research i only found her to be very technical in explaining the process). Will the coconut oil (as solvent) help in symtoms like cancer (with tacking as a intake method and suppository method) ?
4) Also so it clear now that ONA will not change any medicinal properties of plant right ?

So it clear now (from your point of view) that ONA will not change any medicinal properties of plant.
So i have simple questions (please understant it is better to avoid any ARREST) and also want to say that i have already read about ona and know all info about it but you know (for example) talking abt cycling and actually doing cycling is two totally different things.. So you are actually doing it PRACTICALLY and i am THEOROTICALLY. So i am asking you from your experience please share some light.

1) Which product of ona do you actually use ONA gel, Liquid, block ?
2) Which scent you got with ona Like Fresh Linen,polar crystal, apple crumble, pro block..... a link to the exact product wil help (on amazon or ona website). Which scent gives Totally (approx) NEUTRAL SMELL?
3) How much qty you use ?
4) How do you use it ? Do you just open the bottle and keep in the room ?
5) How long it works ? i mean like days, weeks, months etc (on basis the qty mentioned in point 3)
6) important point - How do you ventilate your room (this will give me idea on how to exactly use the product while ventilating effectively.... because too much ventilation might give out scent)
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