How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

It was my mistake. Wife said I didn't do the coffee filter with second wash. Just put it through a muslin bag. Should have listened to her. I just got mentally lost and it won't happen again. Filtered it again and that stopped the popping. Lost about half my oil from a newbie goof. I won't goof again. I really don't like being the knucklehead. Last time wife was in charge. I should have known better. In my case, women are just smarter than me. I'll listen to my smarter half and let her do it next time.

But fortunately, I think I have enough to last until next harvest before Christmas.

Thanks Cannafan, BeemerBill and Motoco for you answers.


You are certainly not a knuckle head. LOL

Boo boos are how we learn too. Regardless of who boo boos. LOL Now we know what to look at if we get popping going on.

And if this is your first oil batch on your own, congrats! Next time should go smooth as LOL

I've some news...
Went to oncologist today for lab review.
Tumor count is 12. It was 15 last visit & 1534 when I was diagnosed!

The doc said I should find a general practitioner for little things as there no point in chemo with my almost normal #'s!
My new schedule visits are now every 3 months as of today, as opposed to every 2 weeks.

Thank you 420 family for everything & thank you 710.
Thanx Cannabis too!

Happy Trees everyone!

Special vibes to my guardian angel...

WOW WOW WOW!!! :cheer:

I could not have read any better news over coffee this morning!

And a quick question, does your oncologist call your follow up "surveillance testing"? I know what you had is far different than me because of the metastasizing, but these medical terms are starting to confuse me. LOL
WOW WOW WOW!!! :cheer:

I could not have read any better news over coffee this morning!

And a quick question, does your oncologist call your follow up "surveillance testing"? I know what you had is far different than me because of the metastasizing, but these medical terms are starting to confuse me. LOL

Thanx Canna! Oh, my doc called them "scheduled scans". Funny thing is that 3 different doctors review the images with me on the past. All 3 interpreted the scans differently. But, all roads lead to chemo (except mine, Lol).
My oncologist made $8,500. twice a month off of me through the chemo regimen. So, when ya tell the guy, " no more chemo", they get REAL upset.
Thanx D. I'll be open & admit I needed this. Bad. I see right through the med system now. Took almost 50 years, but the blinders are off.

Not-so-great filtering, too high heat, or did you do the drop off water step? Don't if you did. My 1st batch was just a hockey puck that smelled like pine.

Thanx Bill. I appreciate that my friend. I hope we share more than frozen grows....Good health!

Write or type "710" & look at it upsidedown. Lol. Sorry, should've explained. Thank you 60cal. Very much.

I've been in a horrible environment. Wife had PTSD when we met. I had PTSD in 1992.: We both dealt with it. It was gone, under control, etc. We had a great 20+ years. PTSD free. Traveled, college, kids...a good life.

This struggle with the constant fear of losing me during 5 surgeries, my chemo for 6 straight months last time, my loss of income which I was the sole provider, loss of insurance (life & medical), we've sold most everything. We don't even own a computer anymore...

All have brought back her PTSD because she cannot get a job & I'm now the enemy. Family, counselors, friends... nothing has helped. Not even the news today.

I'm in 1992 again, but have risen above it all. It's identical to living in a lunatic asylum. We love each other, but she's no longer IN love I now know. I would give up my health to keep my soulmate, but she shut out even family. Our kids, her siblings, her father, my brother & nephews etc. & is not interested in help. Thinks she doesn't need it. It's ALL someone else... always. Now grandkids are affected because she refuses to go see them. I go alone & make exuces for it all.
When you've PTSD, the ppl closest to you pay the price. They become the enemy in the person's mind.

I was given a choice: the family or her. I pick family. So, I was informed that since the cancer's at bay for now, than I can continue by myself.

I'm sorry for sharing this, but my point is that we have to keep pushing & moving ahead. No matter what. And I damn sure am. I know my situation is not near what a lot of awesome ppl are going through. That's the point. You can't stop. No matter what. Keep moving forward.

A friend loves frogs because they don't jump backwards, always forward.

Leaning forward in the foxhole. Leaning into the storm.

I am so sorry to hear this Cajun. How sad that is that she can't see what's right in front of her, true caring people. And yeah, sometimes there is nothing you can do to convince them that THEY now have a problem. Like beating your head against the wall.
Don't let this tarnish your victory with the Cancer and other illnesses. This is something to be very proud of, and something to celebrate even if she can't bring herself to celebrate it with you!
We are here and we are in celebration mode for you.

Thanx Canna! Oh, my doc called them "scheduled scans". Funny thing is that 3 different doctors review the images with me on the past. All 3 interpreted the scans differently. But, all roads lead to chemo (except mine, Lol).
My oncologist made $8,500. twice a month off of me through the chemo regimen. So, when ya tell the guy, " no more chemo", they get REAL upset.

No Chit they get upset. Mine is peeved that I wouldn't even consider a resection and I think he has basically written me off at this point, except for the follow up in December and regular blood work. Which is fine with me, because I had no intention of going through any conventional medicine/procedure stuff in the first place.
Cajun I don't even know what to say. Knowing that your cancer is basically gone and to give that up to make the family work I understand. You are a strong person fighting something that only you can fight but we are here and we will back you all the way. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts. :Namaste:
canjuncelt, friend, brother,

Almost my comrade! After your journey this is amazing! Totally happy for you! Now all that is left is the final blow. :high-five:

All things happen for a reason, some just take a long time going through the process. Sometimes we cannot explain why things happen the way they do but it always comes down to the most important thing in your life. Just like 'City Slickers'. You are number 1.


Motoco & Mo

I've some news...
Went to oncologist today for lab review.
Tumor count is 12. It was 15 last visit & 1534 when I was diagnosed!

The doc said I should find a general practitioner for little things as there no point in chemo with my almost normal #'s!
My new schedule visits are now every 3 months as of today, as opposed to every 2 weeks.

Thank you 420 family for everything & thank you 710.
Thanx Cannabis too!

Happy Trees everyone!

Special vibes to my guardian angel...
Cajun I am so sorry you are having to deal with this now too instead of just being able to celebrate but as Canna said don't let it diminish your celebration because it is certainly something to celebrate....:party: I agree it is the people around us that have to pay the most for our issues with PTSD... There is no doubt if my fella didn't work on the road we would have never made it this far... Not because of him.... because of me...:straightface:.... We have been together so long now he does know how to deal with me when I'm having one of "my days"... but I am not foolish enough to think they don't affect him too and I don't think anyone could deal with me 24/7 365 days a year..:thedoubletake:. It's hard to be on either side of PTSD and I hope she finds her way back to her family and that you have the strength to carry on if she doesn't......:circle-of-love:
Hi altainta,

I have to ask; what country do you live in? All your answers are in this thread and here even the coconut blended oil. The few that have made post's pertaining to the coconut blend for cancer treatment, I have not heard/read nothing concerning their follow up. You should take your time and read these two threads and you will see just about all the do's and don'ts making the oil and how to use it properly. Once I find out what country you live in we can source stuff out easier than one thinks. When things are hard to get you would be surprised, it may be in your neighborhood. Please make sure you become knowledgeable on the process you decide to use before helping others so we keep the wheel moving forward.

Best regards,
420 Motoco

I don't know how i missed this thread while i was researching for the cure.

Here are my question as it was very very lengthy thread i thought after reading 4 pages to directly ask something

Question Regarding Oil Extraction

1) In our country there is no such thing as Grain Alcohol in the super market or wine shop. It is totally banned. And max % of alcohol i can get in any whiskey is near about 10% (that is very costly though)
So Grain Alcohol is out of question
2) I also saw that Rick uses chemical to extract the med from the plant material. I also can't find the same (light naptha). It is also banned. So i tried searching Paint Thinners well that too didn't have much info regarding the chem. Or i can say it is not light naptha.
So Light Naptha Out of question
3) I heared Coconut oil alone will be sufficient. Is that true ? I saw several videos of "Bad kitty smiles" who is pro on the subject. She says that "Coconut oil help adsorption" and it make potent oil. In one of her video she show how to make the oil. And do like the method and i feel it is the most safest of all. But i do not have any testimony on if that will work for cancer.

Please can you guide me in my situation as i do not have Alcohol to work with + No Light Naptha (benzine). So only option (i think) is coconut oil. Am i missing some other options ? which are tested and works with cancer and other health problems ?

Question Regarding Grow and harvest

FYI - My aim is to make all rounder medicine for donating purpose to people in need.I have never tasted or seen a marijuana thing in my life. The thing is banned in my country (as of others). So from childhood we kept very very distant from it. So using it Medicinally require certain knowledge about the plant, flower bud, trims etc which i do not possess.
The only method by which i can make the med is by growing myself. I cannot grow organically as it is very complicated and i can't control it. But hydroponics is my way so here are the question..

1) Which strain works on all think like seizure, tumour, brain cancer, lung cancer, epilipsy (now what is that. i will google), arthrithis, simple headaches. If different strain please mention them.
FYI - currently i will work with Northern light from nirvana as i heard from rick that he used this strain. Also it is Low odour as i read so it will be safe for me not getting caught.

2) Now Which method is best for making med grow ? (hydro, soil, organic)

3) Which part of the Plant is used in the process or for medicinal purpose ? The Frostly Leafs, Bud (this is flower right ?), stem, branches etc

4) I heared that eating / juicing 4-5 leafs regularly will provide sufficient suppliment to your body (the plant gender doesn't matter in this). So is it correct ? we can use it as supplement to avoid multi vitamins ?

5) Harvest...(big question) ... So for making oil how exactly should one work in the flowering period ? Should one wait till the trichoma become fully/partially milky, fully/partially amber ? Shall one dry and cure the flowers (also any thing else ?) as people do for smoking ? or what exactly is the method for harvesting for making/extracting oil?
Hello my 420 family. Things are mostly back on track on here. Hubby has his scan tomorrow but have to wait til next Tues to get results. Unless I get too anxious and I call ahead of time. I am really tired right now but have so much I want to say to each of you. But my eyes are have closed. So I will keep it short. Cajun, congrats on your news and I will be sending all the positive thoughts I can to you and your wife. Congrats on those of you that made your first batch of oil. canna, hoping your mom gets well soon and back to where you can get her back on track safely and no more falls.

Popping in the rice cooker and decarb happened to me once and it was because I did not use a coffee filter as per hubbies request as he wanted it for hash. It was a mess and I will not do it again.

Motoco, hope you and Mo are feeling better from your cold or flu you had.

I nominated budnoob for the MOTM contest. I hope he shows up soon to see it. I will jump over there and vote next.

I sure I missed someone but I love this family here and the more the merrier. Welcome to our new family members.
I'm curious; what country is altainta in?

I'm in Costa Rica and I can find 99.9% alcohol or if I'm cheap I'll just get 96% at the pharmacy.

If I can do it in a third world country were weed is illegal I think you can too.
I'm curious; what country is altainta in?

I'm in Costa Rica and I can find 99.9% alcohol or if I'm cheap I'll just get 96% at the pharmacy.

If I can do it in a third world country were weed is illegal I think you can too.

I do understand your view.
But high percentage content of alcohol is banned in here..
I already said i am from india.
Next thing is we can only get isoproply alcohol and i think it is not recommended to use it.

I also tried searching for high content alcohol but i found none max 10-20% in whisky/rum/ etc also it cost a fortune.
I also thought of doing distillation on cheap alchoholic beverage but than the smell will attract law enforcment because distillation is also totally no no.
So u might understand my situation...
Distillation of alcohol ,
ethanol (produced from sugarcane) possession, purchase,
growing, possession of canna is all under strict rule. totally no no.
So i can't risk but i tried my best and did my research still no product is found (also very hard to get food grade).

That is why my questions still stand. Please understand after much research i am asking the question i am working on this since last 1 year when i lost someone dear to me to this disease and pharma rubbed salt on that wound more.. So i am really looking for an alternative from ALCOHOL / Naptha.. something safe and yet potent (in medicinal sense only).. I am really not looking for enjoyment ! i am only in for the oil ... ! (lol that is your quote but belive me i am doing this because of oil)
Hi altainta,

O.K. thank you. Let me check with someone who lives there. For a minute I thought by your description it was Siberia :)

I'll get back as soon as I hear something

@420 motoco
Couple of grams short of an 1 1/2 oz should produce about 6 grams if everything went well and the potency is good. If the alcohol is around 90-92% I run 2.5 qwet's to get the same pull with 98% +. Good idea to pour some alcohol through the distiller to get all the goodies out. It will dissipate doing the decarb. This is why food grade alcohol rules. It allows you to get all the left over oil where it needs to go. When I'm done cooking down the oil I add a couple of cap fulls of alcohol to the cooker, use a silicone spatula stir it around to pick up any left over oil and pour that into the ss cup before decarbing. I normally get about a 1/2 gram of oil left in the cooker that use to get cleaned away.

Congratulations on the first batch. Its a learning curve. It always gets better. Less boo boo's happen. Soon you will be a jedi master. I love the smell when its decarbing. So much so I was thinking of making a cologne out of it. The smell attracts the wife :) and visa versa, :) and going to the Dr. after 4 hours isn't needed as there are no side effects except exhaustion, lol.

Batch #2 is now under my belt. :) Made some Bubba Kush oil last night. Now she has a nighttime oil to go with the Apollo13xVortex Oil I made last time. She is going to try it this weekend. She is still worried she will feel high and doesn't want to have to work the next day.

As far as rinsing the distiller, I think I may not be cooking down as far as you do with the rice cooker. Since I can't see inside my distiller, I just watch the recovery jar, and when it's close to the amount I put in, I stop. I left 4+ oz of alcohol in there last night. This let me pour it out pretty cleanly. I haven't even bothered to clean the distiller as there is very little residue left. I don't mind if there is a tiny bit of contamination between strains/batches. I only have one distiller, so they have to share. :blalol:

I am basically using the 'decarb' step as a final purge. I poured the remaining liquid from the distiller into the measuring cup and cooked that down in the double boiler. Worked great! :thumb:

I even ran it through another coffee filter between the first and second purge as I thought I saw some debris in the liquid.

It's true that after a couple runs, I now understand the process pretty well. I did take a LOT of lab science in college, so that might help too. :blalol:

Thanks again :Namaste:

And big congrats from me too Hiker! You got one under your belt, you'll be an oiler pro soon. ;)

I got TWO under my belt now :high-five:

Hiker I bet it feels good to have the first batch done. :goodjob:

Feels better to have the second batch done. It's amazing how much smoother things went the second time. Of course I did spill a little (again), but I'll get better at it. :thumb:

Congrats Hiker!!!!


Congrats Hiker on your first batch of oil.... I am so looking forward to being able to say I have made it through my first batch......:circle-of-love:

It's pretty easy. Hiker's short version of how to make oil:
Make everything cold. Wash material with oil. Filter oil infused alcohol. Boil off alcohol (recovery optional). Decarb.

The filtering is, by FAR, the longest step. :goodluck:

I've some news...
Went to oncologist today for lab review.
Tumor count is 12. It was 15 last visit & 1534 when I was diagnosed!

The doc said I should find a general practitioner for little things as there no point in chemo with my almost normal #'s!
My new schedule visits are now every 3 months as of today, as opposed to every 2 weeks.

Thank you 420 family for everything & thank you 710.
Thanx Cannabis too!

Happy Trees everyone!

Special vibes to my guardian angel...


Best news I've heard in awhile. :Namaste:

A friend loves frogs because they don't jump backwards, always forward.

That is awesome! I was a wildlife biology major when I started college. Reptiles and amphibians being my preference, but now I have a new found appreciate for frogs!

I hope everything else works out well. I'm so happy your health is better. I like Motoco's reference to Curly in City Slickers. Find your 1 thing. :Namaste:

I do understand your view.
But high percentage content of alcohol is banned in here..
I already said i am from india.
Next thing is we can only get isoproply alcohol and i think it is not recommended to use it.

I also tried searching for high content alcohol but i found none max 10-20% in whisky/rum/ etc also it cost a fortune.
I also thought of doing distillation on cheap alchoholic beverage but than the smell will attract law enforcment because distillation is also totally no no.
So u might understand my situation...
Distillation of alcohol ,
ethanol (produced from sugarcane) possession, purchase,
growing, possession of canna is all under strict rule. totally no no.
So i can't risk but i tried my best and did my research still no product is found (also very hard to get food grade).

That is why my questions still stand. Please understand after much research i am asking the question i am working on this since last 1 year when i lost someone dear to me to this disease and pharma rubbed salt on that wound more.. So i am really looking for an alternative from ALCOHOL / Naptha.. something safe and yet potent (in medicinal sense only).. I am really not looking for enjoyment ! i am only in for the oil ... ! (lol that is your quote but belive me i am doing this because of oil)

Don't people use IPA? I know it's not the ideal, but if you can get some high purity 95%+ IPA, wouldn't that work?
Again I believe you are looking in the wrong places, even if India has stricter laws. Someone said Everclear so you have been looking at liquor stores and alcoholic beverage related products.

Let's assume I am a diabetic and I have to inject myself with insulin daily. What do I use to disinfect the skin? A swab of whisky before the shot?

What do microbiologists use in their labs? Check at a local university; you should only need about 1 liter for 1 ounce.

Avoid toxic solvents like acetone or methanol; even trace amounts could remain in your oil.
Hi Hiker,

Knew you where a quick study :). You have earned the nickname 'The Prof'.Funny, we made the same nighttime oil the same time. LOL at the filtering process. It is the longest process, sometimes I do a double filter. The QWET is the part to master all else is easy.

Congratulations Brother.

Batch #2 is now under my belt. :) Made some Bubba Kush oil last night. Now she has a nighttime oil to go with the Apollo13xVortex Oil I made last time. She is going to try it this weekend. She is still worried she will feel high and doesn't want to have to work the next day.

As far as rinsing the distiller, I think I may not be cooking down as far as you do with the rice cooker. Since I can't see inside my distiller, I just watch the recovery jar, and when it's close to the amount I put in, I stop. I left 4+ oz of alcohol in there last night. This let me pour it out pretty cleanly. I haven't even bothered to clean the distiller as there is very little residue left. I don't mind if there is a tiny bit of contamination between strains/batches. I only have one distiller, so they have to share. :blalol:

I am basically using the 'decarb' step as a final purge. I poured the remaining liquid from the distiller into the measuring cup and cooked that down in the double boiler. Worked great! :thumb:

I even ran it through another coffee filter between the first and second purge as I thought I saw some debris in the liquid.

It's true that after a couple runs, I now understand the process pretty well. I did take a LOT of lab science in college, so that might help too. :blalol:

Thanks again :Namaste:

I got TWO under my belt now :high-five:

Feels better to have the second batch done. It's amazing how much smoother things went the second time. Of course I did spill a little (again), but I'll get better at it. :thumb:


It's pretty easy. Hiker's short version of how to make oil:
Make everything cold. Wash material with oil. Filter oil infused alcohol. Boil off alcohol (recovery optional). Decarb.

The filtering is, by FAR, the longest step. :goodluck:


Best news I've heard in awhile. :Namaste:

That is awesome! I was a wildlife biology major when I started college. Reptiles and amphibians being my preference, but now I have a new found appreciate for frogs!

I hope everything else works out well. I'm so happy your health is better. I like Motoco's reference to Curly in City Slickers. Find your 1 thing. :Namaste:

Don't people use IPA? I know it's not the ideal, but if you can get some high purity 95%+ IPA, wouldn't that work?
Sorry if I'm rambling but I had a few more thoughts about the oil making...

It took me some effort to get over the filtering. I was convinced I was losing things I wanted. After tons of reading, I realize those are just waxes and such I don't want anyway.

I filtered this last batch twice. Part of it was filtered 3 times because I tore one of the filters when I was squeezing it out. I was using 2 filters/jars. Luckily the first one tore, so I just poured the contents of that jar into the other filter/jar.

I do like the idea of some sort of press to squeeze the alcohol out of the filters/plant material. It will help me avoid tearing the filters and do a more thorough job. I'm gonna have to track down that potato press thing. That will likely be the perfect size.

Without a lot to compare to, I do think my oil came out pretty good. As I understand the processes happening, working in a very cold environment probably helped. We haven't been over 32F much for a couple weeks. I've been making oil on the back porch at night. I do all the steps up to recovering most of the alcohol. Then I move inside for the final purge/decarb in the double boiler. I think it was ~10F when I was working last night. :) I've decided this is definitely a Winter task, so I'll be stockpiling oil for the next couple months. I'm too OCD and would have a hard time doing this when it was warm. I like working inside a freezer. I kept the buds and alcohol in the freezer overnight, but to 'pre chill' everything else, I just set them outside for a half hour :blalol:

Last thought (I'm OCD, I made a list)...
This distiller has already paid for itself. My 1.75L bottle cost $70.45 locally. That seemed like a lot, but I still have well over a liter and probably closer to 1.4 liters. My distiller was bought at a second hand shop, so I got a real deal at $40. New they are only ~$200 though. That savings from alcohol cost would still repay itself very quickly. I ran very small batches and would probably not have enough oil for a third batch without the distiller.

Sorry for rambling. I was just making notes about last nights run (again I'm a little OCD with the lab notebooks all over) and wanted to mention the distiller and cold, then I wanted to talk about filtering after reading the replies. :blalol:
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