How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Go for it Cannafan! Autos are all I have grown. Did Sweet Seeds Red Poison and it was good even with many DWC problems 1 cola a little over an oz. Did Northern lights x BigBud and it was good too 1 plant 3 ozs. Now I am doing Fast and Vast and it is definitely that. I'll know how good it is in another month.

Autos are easy because there is no 12/12 type of light change. I do mine 21/3 and they love it. You can do a perpetual in the same grow area. That is a benefit too. One tent or room. Saves power too, no different lights for veg and bloom.

A little CS and you never have to pay for seeds. Although I am having problems trying to make the CS. I'm thinking I got some bad silver wire on the bay. Will try again today with ingots only.


Great Information Wildjim, thank you!
I bought my CS on scamazon, enough to last me a very long time. Much easier than trying to make my own. If you want more info on what I bought, just send me a PM. ;-)
I'm with you on this canjunbro. I've never tried an auto. Not saying anything bad because I don't know. Just the growers I know don't use them. But they have improved a lot since the first ones came out. Its a great idea, especially for those needing their meds faster.

Today was something I didn't expect. An local grower (elite if you will) had me try a sample bud out. He didn't say the name/cross just to try it. I vaped a flower this a.m. (didn't want to be rude) and I still fill like I'm in a hammock in Hawaii). I just got through talking with him, he won't reveal the name or the strains but had it tested at a whopping 37% THC. Had a very sweet taste like a Blue Dream/Martian OG tweaker and the flower was like it had a super adhesive on it. My grinder protested as it would hardly turn. The next shocker was a price tag of 4000g's a lb. Think about the potency, it would actually be almost 2 grand a pound for 20% flower. I'm actually very alert so its Sativa dominant for sure but I'm feeling psychedelic if you will :) This would be a very happy med for healing any type of aliment.

Hi Canna, guess the wood is done, lol Good to cya around. Hope your doing well and feeling good.

wildjim is a spoon licker also, hahaha. Bad boy, get to the right way so I see if its helping :)

Thanx Canna & Jim!
I've never had much luck with autos. For a few weeks more of veg, I can get easy more with a photo. Lil things have saved me though. Hard to beat 60 days from seed to use.
Anyone ever grow Freedom 35 I think it's called? Supposed to be a photo, but only a 30 day flower.
Got scan results back. Still no cancer in colon (whew), existing tumors on liver are shrinking still with 2 now gone. But, they've been replaced by 2 new "hyper-aggresive" tumors.
So, they say I need liver resection on the 2 new friends. But, since they're on different lobes, they want to install a stint that will leave only 35% of my liver.

Man, I'm going to medicate. Cut or poison. That's all these fools know. My decision is no surgery/no chemo. Still kinda scary to go against these guys, but I have to.

All I can say is great decision. Trust me on this one brother, I would never ever say anything like that If I didn't mean it. After they cut and it spreads even faster then its time for the full body radiation and you know the rest. The new hyper aggressive tumors are ones that started when you ran out. Now your back on track and ready to knock it out also. I know you know your on the right path. Your improvement since dosing correctly and mind set has been awesome. Your the man brother!

Got scan results back. Still no cancer in colon (whew), existing tumors on liver are shrinking still with 2 now gone. But, they've been replaced by 2 new "hyper-aggresive" tumors.
So, they say I need liver resection on the 2 new friends. But, since they're on different lobes, they want to install a stint that will leave only 35% of my liver.

Man, I'm going to medicate. Cut or poison. That's all these fools know. My decision is no surgery/no chemo. Still kinda scary to go against these guys, but I have to.
Got scan results back. Still no cancer in colon (whew), existing tumors on liver are shrinking still with 2 now gone. But, they've been replaced by 2 new "hyper-aggresive" tumors.
So, they say I need liver resection on the 2 new friends. But, since they're on different lobes, they want to install a stint that will leave only 35% of my liver.

Man, I'm going to medicate. Cut or poison. That's all these fools know. My decision is no surgery/no chemo. Still kinda scary to go against these guys, but I have to.

Cajun you are a strong man to say no. I myself think it's the right way to go but it's still a hard decision. Our prayers will be with you.:Namaste:
Cajun you are a strong man to say no. I myself think it's the right way to go but it's still a hard decision. Our prayers will be with you.:Namaste:

Thanx Bill. I hope this keeps working. I'm still here so far!
Your welcome Brother, you have been an inspiration to me as well compadre. You had to be a Marine, lolol. I know about standing alone brother, its really awesome to see our group at 420 standing together. Some are not full believers yet, just a matter of time when they know the full magic of the concentrate which btw; Motoco; Moe-too-Ko "Miracles of the original concentrated oil", o.k., too much coffee, hahaha. Love you Brother!

Thanx bro. Your support has kept my sanity more than once. It sucks to stand alone, but lighthouses are still around right. Lol.
Got scan results back. Still no cancer in colon (whew), existing tumors on liver are shrinking still with 2 now gone. But, they've been replaced by 2 new "hyper-aggresive" tumors.
So, they say I need liver resection on the 2 new friends. But, since they're on different lobes, they want to install a stint that will leave only 35% of my liver.

Man, I'm going to medicate. Cut or poison. That's all these fools know. My decision is no surgery/no chemo. Still kinda scary to go against these guys, but I have to.

You got that right! They make you feel like crap because you are making a decision "against" the system. It's like we are insulting them somehow. It's our CHOICE.
One of these days I'll meet up with a Doc who says "I respect your decision and will support it, and I'm here to help if you should change your mind."
I stand my ground too. No surgery, no resection of anything and no chemo in my veins.

Your welcome Brother, you have been an inspiration to me as well compadre. You had to be a Marine, lolol. I know about standing alone brother, its really awesome to see our group at 420 standing together. Some are not full believers yet, just a matter of time when they know the full magic of the concentrate which btw; Motoco; Moe-too-Ko "Miracles of the original concentrated oil", o.k., too much coffee, hahaha. Love you Brother!
A Marine?! Army brother. Airborne All the Way...everyday.
Well, we gave the MotM a shot for ya bro. Skinny is pretty popular & a great guy. All the new LED growers are buds with him.
If they only knew.
I will have to agree with you on giving the motm a good try. Nothing against anyone on the list but like you said if they only knew.
Thanks guys, but you know what I'm up against, lol. Its all about awareness/education/medicinal. My take? God bless the growers/breeders as we need to strive for most potent THC/CBD/CBN we can muster. When I say the wife and I get rewarded when we get someone to try the concentrate that changes their health forever that warm and fuzzy glow last forever. We always think of everyone we have helped (didn't even know my memory capacity was that high, lol). Growers are coming forth into the med threads and it takes time to get their brain wrapped around the concept. Then, who in the hell is Motoco and what the heck is 'tacking', hahaha. Exactly why I have stayed put just keeping on keeping on. budnoob, canjuncelt, beemerbill, cannafan, fightsmallcell, cal60, mediwanda, smokesdakush and others who follow/study the treads will learn so much in the next year it will be mind boggling everything the concentrate does. So we keep teaching. I consider each and everyone of you a true friend. Hugs from the wife and I :)

Just glad to have picked 420 for our choice of sites. The people we have meant here are nothing short of spectacular. Always willing to share info to help others instead of greed/money.

O.K., almost a Marine, hahaha. My Son was with the 173 Airborne (attached Motor pool). Thanks for your service brother.

A Marine?! Army brother. Airborne All the Way...everyday.
Well, we gave the MotM a shot for ya bro. Skinny is pretty popular & a great guy. All the new LED growers are buds with him.
If they only knew.
Hi Cannafan,

Actually had a Dr. tell a friend of mine 'chemo was out...too late' I truly respect that, instead of money, thinking of the quality of life remaining instead. O.k. the friend is doing great now, but the Dr. knew he was going to try the concentrated oil and respected his decision. On the flip side I knew a father who told his daughters oncologist "you have kept my daughter on chemo for 7 years, every year it comes back like clockwork...NO MORE!". The oncologist said FINE! go eat your fruits and kool-aid! as another example. Its a mess/trap our citizens are in thanks to all the confusion. Our job as we know it is to keep spreading awareness. Best thing we can do.

I remember not to long ago Canna when you popped into this thread. Seems like years ago huh, lol. The oil has a way of turning back time as we make the minutes count in a day. Perfect timing for you. You studied, learned and never have looked back. Your a true inspiration to not only women but to all. Who can? Cannafan can :) A true humanitarian in my book and fight for what you believe in.

You got that right! They make you feel like crap because you are making a decision "against" the system. It's like we are insulting them somehow. It's our CHOICE.
One of these days I'll meet up with a Doc who says "I respect your decision and will support it, and I'm here to help if you should change your mind."
I stand my ground too. No surgery, no resection of anything and no chemo in my veins.

Right on Motoco, your my MOTM. Say hi the miss Motoco and thank her for me.
I love reading any and all success story's, I have gone down this road with my mother & father (cancer bad) (concentrate oil good). It was well over 12 years ago for my father (lung cancer) 22 years ago for my mother (liver cancer) and I know I will meet a lot more people with this fight on their hands, in fact I am trying to be ready when this happens to someone I know and when my girl friend and I find our self's in this situation.
Keep up the good fight Motoco, Cannafan (Sis), Cajuncelt, budnoob2, beemerbill, fightsmallcell, mediwanda & smokesdakush.
Oh yeah, 101st Airborne "Screaming Eagle"
Your on it Brother, you are the most ready person I know. Attitude is everything 60cal and with your positive attitude; it is the biggest plus a person can have helping others. Going to be some lucky people coming into your life.

Thank you for your kind words but you know you propped yourself, right? lol Have a great weekend Brother and I'll thank Mo for you!

Right on Motoco, your my MOTM. Say hi the miss Motoco and thank her for me.
I love reading any and all success story's, I have gone down this road with my mother & father (cancer bad) (concentrate oil good). It was well over 12 years ago for my father (lung cancer) 22 years ago for my mother (liver cancer) and I know I will meet a lot more people with this fight on their hands, in fact I am trying to be ready when this happens to someone I know and when my girl friend and I find our self's in this situation.
Keep up the good fight Motoco, Cannafan (Sis), Cajuncelt, budnoob2, beemerbill, fightsmallcell, mediwanda & smokesdakush.
Oh yeah, 101st Airborne "Screaming Eagle"
Looks like I missed a lot here. I will go back and read everything when I get a chance. Our furnace would not start so we needed to shut everything down in order to call a repairman. Now I am ready to set everything back up. My unknown strain plants are now in their curing jars. Hubby sampled them and LOVED the potency. Even though I had to chop them early because of seeds and need to bring in repairman. I just tell him it only gets better from here. I have been too busy to be on here but will be back soon. Take care everyone. TaTa for now
Hi fightsmallcell,

Hope your realize we was ready to send out the search party for you! Say 'hi' to the hubby. Glad he enjoys his new meds. Thank you for giving us an update an hope to cya you soon.


Looks like I missed a lot here. I will go back and read everything when I get a chance. Our furnace would not start so we needed to shut everything down in order to call a repairman. Now I am ready to set everything back up. My unknown strain plants are now in their curing jars. Hubby sampled them and LOVED the potency. Even though I had to chop them early because of seeds and need to bring in repairman. I just tell him it only gets better from here. I have been too busy to be on here but will be back soon. Take care everyone. TaTa for now
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