Well-Known Member
Being is Aussie country, keep an eye out for other successful growers on the web and also down under, and make note of their routines, nutrients they use, are they available for questioning or any other supportive element that would apply. Also, if this will be your first grow, you'll be way more in tuned to every little shift or change so take good notes to monitor responses to techniques you try, and also responses to nutrients. Not knowing a lot about coco, I do know that many growers have been using it for quite a long time which is a statement in and of itself. I expect your grow will go very well and I like the veg time you chose, I think it will jive well with the cabinet height. When you start a journal, please PM me the link as this thread is someone else's.
That is good advice, I will do that.
I intend to make quite a detailed journal so it should be a good way of keeping notes. I should start it soon as you make a good point that this is someone else's thread and being about ventilation, my questions have been answered.
I will be sure you PM you the link and thank you soo much again for you all valuable help! It has been greatly appreciated and could not have got this far without you.