trying to design the ventilation for my grow closet as I'm bringing this all together, and I'm really having trouble. Not with the mathematics of air turnover rate, just more the logistics of I thought I'd throw this out and have those of you who have done successful grows critique me to high hell!
My idea is a "box in a box"- grow tent inside a closet, as that gives me the controlled environment of the tent, reflective surfaces, and all the ports and connections I'll want/need. Then, because I'll be placing it within a closet, I can have another layer of security from guests...nothing says welcome to my home like a giant fooking black box in the corner! I don't have a basement for a secured grow area, and if I all of a sudden didn't allow my friends to grab a beer from the basement after doing so for over a year of living here, well, that would raise some eyebrows as to what was going on down there. And I certainly can't lock off my other bedroom, there has to be a way to camoflague/hide the tent within my "private" living space (my bedroom)- aka no visitors.
***now to the nitty gritty***
Originally I had hoped to intake/outtake from the closet into the tent, as I will be doing a 3-4 plant grow with LEDs and my primary concern is smell, much more than heat, assuming that the cracks around the door and frame from the closet will allow the "clean" air to freeflow in and out of the closet to the main house. I've already received advice that this will not be sufficient, and I need to have a way to get air from a larger source "piped in" and then "forced out", rather than just the closet.
Has anyone placed a grow tent in a closet (I'm looking at a 3x3x6, or a 4x2x6, approx.) and then made successful ventilation configurations that remain stealthy? Price isn't too much of a concern...a few bucks now can be recouped by what I'll save by not buying on the black market and what's a few bucks over time in jail^^