How I perform low stress training on my plants: Lots of pics!

#5, Random -
Let's call me the caretaker of this random bag seed
Looks good to me.

I notice that last one, #5, is growing somewhat to the side of the pot. I've been thinking that for optimal LST conditions planting to the side could give more room for the bending and sideways stretching of the main stem. Opposite yours, actually... But then again, maybe the root ball wouldn't like that as much(?)

There are many styles of LST, and as long as the main principle is observed (apical bud-site/cola not being taller than the others), I'm sure us Shed's disciples can start up our own Dojos in time :laughtwo:
Nice green plants. I like your style of training. You even super cropped. :high-five: Got the binder clips and everything there.
:thumb: Good to hear!
I have seen a christmas tree style grow and did some googling. This is my first time driving so, I'm trying to try it all with almost enough patience to let them be.
Ya, I have made a few trips to the dollar store lol :rolleyes:
Looks good to me.

I notice that last one, #5, is growing somewhat to the side of the pot. I've been thinking that for optimal LST conditions planting to the side could give more room for the bending and sideways stretching of the main stem. Opposite yours, actually... But then again, maybe the root ball wouldn't like that as much(?)

There are many styles of LST, and as long as the main principle is observed (apical bud-site/cola not being taller than the others), I'm sure us Shed's disciples can start up our own Dojos in time :laughtwo:
#5 was handled a little agressively and needed a splint, the plant would have been centered-ish when transplanted but to compensated for the splint she may be a one off as we go. Im pleased she seems to be healing or at least not getting worse.

And that disciples bit was hilarious! :rofl:
They're looking good @Konks Dirt Empire! Obviously the kinked one was an accidental supercrop but I'm sure it will recover with no damage done (unless it's an auto).

One thing to keep in mind on the random one is that the opposite side support is used to keep the stem straight out of the ground so as not to stress the connection to the roots.

Also, not a fan of rubber bands :).

I've been thinking that for optimal LST conditions planting to the side could give more room for the bending and sideways stretching of the main stem.
Great point NC! If I know I'm going to LST a plant I will off-center it when I put it in the pot to make room to lay it flat. I let the rootballs figure out where to grow on their own.
They're looking good @Konks Dirt Empire! Obviously the kinked one was an accidental supercrop but I'm sure it will recover with no damage done (unless it's an auto).

One thing to keep in mind on the random one is that the opposite side support is used to keep the stem straight out of the ground so as not to stress the connection to the roots.

Also, not a fan of rubber bands :).
:adore:Good to hear!
It has been two steps forward and one step back, but a really nice focused distraction.
When I transplanted them I had made an effort to bring the stems up away from the soil and the main growth higher...and then found this post lol I have rerigged them, topped up the soil and yesterday did get rid of those rubber bands.
All memorable lessons learned, hope my memory lasts... thank you
Here’s a couple pics from yesterday. Auto Blueberries are shooting up!

Once the branches outgrow the internal size of the pot, I tie the branches to the edge:

Once they get this far into flower there is no more to be done except watch them grow! I do not untie them until I harvest the plant.

Hey growers, I have reread this thread and think I have tied things down well, but now that they're stretchy or preflower or flower they are less a labour of zen oneness and a lot of sore back making work. I figure as long as they have good airflow there isn't any ergency to tend to them daily.
Mine are not as far along as the ones I copied from your link, but I want to make sure I don't miss a step as they come into flower.
Any input would be appreciated. :Namaste:

They look nice and flat, and since they're outside and in preflower I would just let them do their thing from here on out! Just keep the undercarriage clean if you live in a high RH world (like I do).
:adore: excellent, thank you, my back is already easing up. I will visit with them to make sure they're getting good airflow but leaving them be sounds so good!
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