Hi from somewhere in the US


Active Member
It's still morning here so good morning and good afternoon, evening, night to all of you!

I'm Lady Ashwynn posting from a, shall we say, conservative state in the US. That's the best way to put it. I am 51 years old, about to hit 52 in a little over a month. I have multiple sclerosis (diagnosed in 2010 when I was in my 40's) and issues related to that disorder including tremors, spasticity, and neuropathic pain; and I've had surgeries to fix bulging discs in my shoulder and lower back. I also have arthritis in my hips and hands. And depression, and migraines, and anxiety... I'm a real mess, y'all! The drugs I've been on for years have been making me worse, not better. My husband began noting my cognition and speech starting to decline as early as two years after I was diagnosed, and the neuropsychologist proved with testing that cumulative effect of all the drugs I take is responsible.

I'll stop rambling about my woes and move on to the point. Low-THC (up to 5%) medical cannabis oil has been legal in my state for a few years but I'd been afraid to ask my neurologist to prescribe it, but I finally got my courage up. I felt really stupid when it turned out that not only was he happy to do it, the MS center I go to has a whole program set up. You just have to ask about it. :eek: My pain management doctor was all on board, too, and he wanted to know where the MS center is getting their supply.

Long-term I'm considering growing to supplement the oil depending on how I do, but especially to help my husband, who has Asperger's Syndrome and suffers from crippling anxiety. I did a little bit of personal indoor growing on the extreme cheap back in the 1990's, but I dropped out of the MJ scene after I had my son-- didn't want to jeopardize his future in any way, but he's older now. Been lurking on these forums, in the journals and stuff, looking at ideas. We have the luxury of having two spare rooms to choose from if we do this, and all the time in the world since I'm disabled and can't work.

Oh and I tend to write novels when I post, sorry about that!
Welcome to 420 Magazine Ashwynn, I'm sure you'll find the answers you're looking for here in the forums. Looking up G2HM, Lady Gaeia and Amy Gardner along with Sweet Sue will be a good place to start I think. I'll look up a couple links and post them here for you. Looking forward to seeing you around the journals!
It's still morning here so good morning and good afternoon, evening, night to all of you!

I'm Lady Ashwynn posting from a, shall we say, conservative state in the US. That's the best way to put it. I am 51 years old, about to hit 52 in a little over a month. I have multiple sclerosis (diagnosed in 2010 when I was in my 40's) and issues related to that disorder including tremors, spasticity, and neuropathic pain; and I've had surgeries to fix bulging discs in my shoulder and lower back. I also have arthritis in my hips and hands. And depression, and migraines, and anxiety... I'm a real mess, y'all! The drugs I've been on for years have been making me worse, not better. My husband began noting my cognition and speech starting to decline as early as two years after I was diagnosed, and the neuropsychologist proved with testing that cumulative effect of all the drugs I take is responsible.

I'll stop rambling about my woes and move on to the point. Low-THC (up to 5%) medical cannabis oil has been legal in my state for a few years but I'd been afraid to ask my neurologist to prescribe it, but I finally got my courage up. I felt really stupid when it turned out that not only was he happy to do it, the MS center I go to has a whole program set up. You just have to ask about it. :eek: My pain management doctor was all on board, too, and he wanted to know where the MS center is getting their supply.

Long-term I'm considering growing to supplement the oil depending on how I do, but especially to help my husband, who has Asperger's Syndrome and suffers from crippling anxiety. I did a little bit of personal indoor growing on the extreme cheap back in the 1990's, but I dropped out of the MJ scene after I had my son-- didn't want to jeopardize his future in any way, but he's older now. Been lurking on these forums, in the journals and stuff, looking at ideas. We have the luxury of having two spare rooms to choose from if we do this, and all the time in the world since I'm disabled and can't work.

Oh and I tend to write novels when I post, sorry about that!
Welcome!. Mr pennywise has already suggested the people I would have suggested to have a look at. Everybody here is always more than helpful especially my man @Pennywise . You have definitely come to the right place though. Once you get a journal up and running Ill be through to have a looksy. :D
Thanks to both of you and I will go have a look at those journals! I saw Sweet Sue's science writings in the MMJ forum when I was lurking, very interesting stuff although some of it was a little over my head (that frazzled cognition again!)
@LadyAshwynn welcome! It's always nice to have another Lady here. Don't be intimidated. Around here the only stupid question is a question not asked.

You can start your own grow journal. Check out other grows. Or just melt your brain with knowledge, like I did my first month here. I still haven't recovered.....
@LadyAshwynn welcome! It's always nice to have another Lady here. Don't be intimidated. Around here the only stupid question is a question not asked.

You can start your own grow journal. Check out other grows. Or just melt your brain with knowledge, like I did my first month here. I still haven't recovered.....

Hello @Virgin ground, thank you for the kind welcome!
I'm definitely going to melt my brain with knowledge for a while. My husband's unsure of the venture as of yet, but I think he'll come around when I explain how it can be done.

Our biggest stumbling block (as in, the most nerve-wracking part) would be acquiring seeds of suitable types to grow, as opposed to something out of someone's baggie. I'm nervous about mail order and a road trip to Colorado would be expensive. But we could figure something out!
It's still morning here so good morning and good afternoon, evening, night to all of you!

I'm Lady Ashwynn posting from a, shall we say, conservative state in the US. That's the best way to put it. I am 51 years old, about to hit 52 in a little over a month. I have multiple sclerosis (diagnosed in 2010 when I was in my 40's) and issues related to that disorder including tremors, spasticity, and neuropathic pain; and I've had surgeries to fix bulging discs in my shoulder and lower back. I also have arthritis in my hips and hands. And depression, and migraines, and anxiety... I'm a real mess, y'all! The drugs I've been on for years have been making me worse, not better. My husband began noting my cognition and speech starting to decline as early as two years after I was diagnosed, and the neuropsychologist proved with testing that cumulative effect of all the drugs I take is responsible.

I'll stop rambling about my woes and move on to the point. Low-THC (up to 5%) medical cannabis oil has been legal in my state for a few years but I'd been afraid to ask my neurologist to prescribe it, but I finally got my courage up. I felt really stupid when it turned out that not only was he happy to do it, the MS center I go to has a whole program set up. You just have to ask about it. :eek: My pain management doctor was all on board, too, and he wanted to know where the MS center is getting their supply.

Long-term I'm considering growing to supplement the oil depending on how I do, but especially to help my husband, who has Asperger's Syndrome and suffers from crippling anxiety. I did a little bit of personal indoor growing on the extreme cheap back in the 1990's, but I dropped out of the MJ scene after I had my son-- didn't want to jeopardize his future in any way, but he's older now. Been lurking on these forums, in the journals and stuff, looking at ideas. We have the luxury of having two spare rooms to choose from if we do this, and all the time in the world since I'm disabled and can't work.

Oh and I tend to write novels when I post, sorry about that!
Welcome LadyAshwynn! You came to the right place for sure! If you do want to grow your own, you will find plenty of support here for new growers.

I have rheumatoid arthritis, crohn's, and suffer from anxiety and depression. The drugs I have been on also have caused some harm too. I found the high CBD/ low THC strains great for the depression and anxiety. They help me sleep, which is huge when you hurt all the time. I am growing high THC right now for pain cream and to make oil to mix with CBD. I'm a light weight and like my CBD with a small amount of THC.

Sweet Sue is a great resource for migraines and anxiety. I believe a topical may work wonders for those and your arthritis. I think she has been having success with making her own patches, too. I am just venturing into making my own pain cream next week.

Lady G2HM is a great source for cognitive support. Amy Gardener as well. @Pennywise was right in pointing you in their directions.

I was nervous the first time I ordered seeds. Now I don't think twice about it really. I recommend Seedsman since it has a great website search for selecting the right medical strains for specific health conditions. You can select stealth shipping as well. They are also a sponsor here at 420Mag. All in good time, and if you want to go that route. I find growing in itself is very therapeutic. I have found much joy in it!

Please feel free to post questions on my journal any time. Once you have 50 posts you can private message people here too. As you can see...I am a little wordy too!:rofl: Nothing wrong with that! Don't be shy! There are a lot of good folks here!:ciao:
Thank you, @LadyGaea! I am a big fan of your journals already. I wish I could stay on my feet to cook like you!
Thank you, @LadyGaea! I am a big fan of your journals already. I wish I could stay on my feet to cook like you!
Well let's hope you can get that back! I'll try posting some simple stuff that doesn't require a lot of effort. Starting my diet this week, so short cuts are a must! ;)
Thank you, @LadyGaea! I am a big fan of your journals already. I wish I could stay on my feet to cook like you!

LadyAshwynn! A big 420 :welcome: from me.

I’m very glad you;er here and that you’re considering getting into growing you own too. It’s absolutely the way to go if you can. ANd I’m sure that even with the obstacles the MS and other things impose on you, there will be ways, and you will find them. I’ve not doubt. You’re already here, talking to all these fine folk, you know what’s what! :thumb:

I see we have some things in common, particularly, similar (while different) health challenges, shall we say. I have ME (at least until they figure out what it actually is and rename it, again), which shares some symptom manifestation with MS. I also navigate through fibromyalgia and cPTSD (and related anxious depression at times), and possible Ehlers Danlos is currently being investigated. SO some of this is similar in experience to aspects of MS, afaik, and many aspects of these I manage with cannabis! Some completely and some partially. I need a lot of help to do the gardening for my cannabis grows but I’m learning all the time how to minimise the required physical effort. The growing keeps me very happy too, which is really important. I otherwise fluctuate between 70 and 95% bedridden so sometimes it’s literally the only thing I’m doing apart from resting, and I have been known to overdo it for the sake of my plants (which I’m getting better at avoiding, I think ;) ).

Oh and I also tend to write long posts sometimes :rofl: It’s all good

So yay! that you’re here getting it going. A few of us are now growing or are planning in the near future to grow Candida (CD-1), and there’s also other strains/chemovars that are super high CBD and low THC. So exciting you’re going to have rooms! That’s a total dream. There’s going to be some fun had here, to be sure :)

Did I say :welcome:?

I have ME (at least until they figure out what it actually is and rename it, again), which shares some symptom manifestation with MS.

Yes indeed it does-- along with Lupus, RA, Guillain-Barré syndrome and a number of other even rarer autoimmune illness seem to be connected in some way. During the process of being diagnosed with MS, they had to rule out RA and (what is now called) ME. I finally had to have a lumbar puncture. Fun times!

You are a brave woman, enduring both ME and fibromyalgia-- and cPTSD too. That is cocktail to put hair on the chest, lol! But it sounds as if all of you ladies here don't let these things hold you back from your happiness.
I don't either. The only thing that holds me back is money. I'm poorer than a church mouse. But I manage to do what I want to do eventually-- if I want to do it bad enough! :D
Welcome Lady A you have came to the right place. This is such a welcoming place and happy to help or just listen. I too live in US and I use Seedsman, it usually takes 10 days to 2 weeks to get my order and it is all very discreet packaging. :passitleft:
Welcome aboard lady A. Funny how I was reading your post and thinking of all these ladies here who have already introduced themselves. Great bunch of gals around here and all of them top notch growers. Gotta love this place.
Thank you @Jax Rider, @Jack420, and @Mr. Magoo!!
I'm feeling a little less nervous about ordering seeds if no one here has an ugly story of LE showing up to arrest them. Hate to put my husband at risk there but if it's very stealthy, I'm feeling better about it.

And Jax, I love that poodle! :green_heart:Standards are probably my favorite dogs in the world. I first fell in love with the breed in high school when a close friend of mine had one. That dog loved me and I loved her. She'd come snuggle in my bed when I was there for sleepovers. And years and years ago, I worked as a dog groomer, and they were the best. They took forever to finish, but that was part of the fun. Someday I hope to have one.

Someday I hope you have one too,all dogs are special but they are so darn smart that it's like having another child. This is my 7th one I've had since the 1970's. I'm 70 now so my first one and this one are very much alike..stubborn..the others have been much better behaved. Jax is an escape artist it's very hard to keep him in but we keep trying, he comes right back but still very frightening. He doesn't have his pretty hair on his ears now because the last escape, he got into cockleburr and had to have his ears shaved so he looks like a shorn sheep right now. It seems if you have ever been around one you understand how smart they are.
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