Starting Somewhere

thanks for that Scotty!).
Just recalling something I’ve read in your thread buddy. It’s where I get most of the good stuff I know about Mc and other tips. It’s full of them.
Nothing wrong with showing off all your months long work in gardening.
that’s as exciting as it gets there lol.
That and mixing nutrients lol.
In my experience.
I love seeing the buds weigh it down like that.

When I talk about Tea, I am trying to make a population of microbes in the water itself, and let the water bubble and the animals breakdown those things plants like. This way I have created an organic Habitat in the water (Tea of life) and then I can saturate my CoCo with that throughout the lifespan. I don't know if its possible, but that is what I will be attempting to do this grow and in the future.

Maybe I'm just not experienced enough with CoCo yet. keeping the organic life outside the medium in case something goes wrong is why I didn't just go straight to hydro. That was my thinking while planning this operation. I don't know if the life I can introduce in a water habitat can get the job done, but it will have some sort of life depositing natural "fertalizer" and I will flush my CoCo with it for its lifespan. My goal for this in years future is to have a Hydro set up, where the reservoir is the living organic material and it flows through my plants. I thought CoCo was a good way to dial in my "Tea of Life" recipe. This is my first attempt. It could be a bogus endeavor, but why live if not to learn!

Even if its just Sea Monkeys living and pooping in an overly oxygenated tank. It seems that Brewing Teas are already 70% of the way there more or less.

I don't know if Salt based nutrients (or fertilizers I guess) in general getting broken down by water makes it all as readily available for the plant roots to soak up, or if it makes it better by isolating what the roots "really" need. I also don't know enough about the nutrients to know if the ingredients are chemically chained to help break down and how that affects it. My thoughts could be wrong, but this is why I prefer a natural remedy. When I see a piece of dog poop in my yard a couple weeks later I can see the tall grass patch that takes its place, so maybe I will just scoop poop in water HAHA.

It seems MC is just taking compost deposits or elements that are useful from such, and sending them to the roots with an almost or purely natural chemical "Chelate" molecule to hold and keep the nutrients ready for the roots, and no denying it works, but I just wonder what kind of organic flavor or additives aren't being carried by the Chelate that might also help or change the plant? Even if its an overtime thing with clones or seeds. It could be none, but this organic hydro vision interests me :)

If my thinking or understanding is wrong please let me know as the experience on this forum is second to none and I intend to pick everyone's brain for the foreseeable future. Google is nice, but sometimes facts and opinions get blurred.

No denying that fertilizers, mainly what I've seen from MC, bangs out some bud, but something about natural brings an unknown selection I feel that with set fertilizers my plants miss out on. I probably should pick some fertilizers up and test my "Tea" just on one plant and make sure the others have a full happy life. I got so engulfed in my experiment I didn't even think about what would happen if it didn't work and all of them died :0.

Quick Update:

Running temps at 73-78 F.

I have tried to pair a male with the Female in the same container just to make it easier to acquire seeds.

I don't know what is wrong with the very small yellow colored sprouts, but I'm hoping the Reg's are just taking a longer time to recover from the outside torture.


It has been almost 20 days since my last post and I flipped to 12/12 on that day. Here is what they look like.

image6.jpeg So this is the pot where I tried to use my own Fertilizer so far there is substantially less growth and even lack of it. I'm problem solving what happened, but I suspect my plants just didnt get any nutrients from my Teas at all..... This is my hypothesis because not only did they not grow, but they haven't been stunted to a point of yellowing or spots or any signs of death, they just simply haven't stretched or grown compared to the other pot.

image0 (1).jpeg I pulled this one from outside because it had started to flower (meaning an auto) and I have tried to pollinate it. It looks like there is 1 seed starting to form, however I haven't pollinated before so if anyone can take a look and let me know. The white hairs turned orange and its been about 3 days since I infused the magic dust.. Also this is in the pot where I used my own nutrients and that is making it very hard for it to grow. Sadly my water culture Tea has not been very helpful to the plants.

image3.jpeg This is the second pot where I have been using Liquid Nutrients feed 3 days out of the week, with a 6.5 water shower the other 4. As you can see both of these plants matured correctly.



I put all 4 of these babies into flower on the 7th and its been 20 days. You can clearly tell my testers have suffered somehow as they haven't even showed pistols yet. The other two plants have been taken care of with vodoo juice, MicoNutrients, and CalMag. Its not hard to see the difference.

The auto I pulled from outside is a mystery, however it is turning a Dark color. It is clearly an auto because it was outside in the sun and started to flower forcing me to bring it inside ( funny how the plants still have some say right :) ). However I pollinated at the first sign of pistols and I'm hoping to get some of that Dark color carried on into the next generation.



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This is the one in question. After a couple days the Pistols still look shriveled compared to my other plants, however it seems they are turning back to white and straightening up without the production of a seed? Maybe after another week ill know more.

Should I keep attempting to apply pollen to her? I put my males into a container with rice and its been sitting for a while, I scraped a cotton ball in water then drag around the container with pollen. I then try to squeeze out the water onto the area I want pollinated. If there is a simpler way or more effective one please let me know.

image0.jpeg This is the bigger plant. It seems all of my babies are turning purple. I think its because it is cold in my area, but regardless they smell wonderful. I used the same cotton ball/water method on this sucker and I'm hoping to see a pollination sign within 5 days.

In my head I wanted to see which one of the plants out competed for root space so I knew which one to pollinate, however I ended up using all of them anyways. It was a useless ruse and just boxed in my roots... next time I plan on using 1 plant per 3 gal pot. Hopefully they enjoy each others company though :)

I collect my pollen sacs in a sandwich baggie, and use a moist toothpick to pollinate the girls...just stick the toothpick in your mouth, get it moist and rub it on the pollen and wipe it on a couple of lower branch calyxes
I collect my pollen sacs in a sandwich baggie, and use a moist toothpick to pollinate the girls...just stick the toothpick in your mouth, get it moist and rub it on the pollen and wipe it on a couple of lower branch calyxes

After just struggling to get the drop perfectly over the target, I felt like a pilot dropping a bomb... except I missed a lot,
toothpick idea seems like the new plan of action.
Everything is still kicking:

I call this girl Needle Nose:
image0 (1).jpeg

Her partner in Crime, I thought there was a problem with this girl because the flowers started off Green and over time her stalks started to purple and then her buds... Its even turning Needle Nose (above) kinda purple in the bud spot...maybe its just too cold outside still??



This last picture is the one bud I have dumped pollen on repeatedly and the hairs shriveled up for a week, and then its like it just forgot it ever had sex.

I am spraying CS onto one of my short and stubby ladies I took from outside.It is almost 3 weeks into flower, I have been spraying It every day and she just now started to show pistols and buds. I don't know if the CS I bought was bad or if the magic hasn't happened yet, but Im still hoping it does so I can pollinate all my ladies soon.

More detailed update and pictures ill try to get up by the end of the week, but I threw these in while browsing some other journals.



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I'm pretty sure that you can't grow nute-free in coco because there is nothing in coco to support the microbes that work in living soil grows. Plants don't eat tea, but tea is used to feed the microbes in living soils. Coco is a form of hydro, so plants in it get fed constantly, sometimes 2-3x a day when they get big.
I believe you are right.
Welcome Grower X. I got someone who knows a hell of a lot about organic grows as she's been at this forever & a day.
She is my mentor from about 3.5 years ago. @Emilya I think we could use some of your vast knowledge here. Can you give this guy some organic grow tips.
I might try mixing the Gia and some MegaCrop and extra Kelp and Urb ingredients and see if I can make a nuclear powered mix ( or less expensive, but equal ingredients). I don't know how organic it would be, but I would only have to add water :)
Hi growerx... don't do this... please. If there was some sort of nuclear mix that actually worked, we would all use it. All you will do by throwing a mix like this at your plants is totally overload them.

First, lets define coco. It is not soil and indeed it has nothing in it for the plants. Any nutrition they will get, is going to come from outside.

Next, Megacrop. Yes, certain elements that our plants need are in the form of salts, naturally. Those come along with any commercial nutrient program. Megacrop goes a step further and aminochelates elements that would interact with each other in the soil, and sends them right up into the plant via the water path, making nutrient availability superior to any EDTA (salt based) chelated nutrient system. It is this salt that someone has probably advised you against using, not the mineral salts that naturally occur.

So with coco, you are going to need a good full spectrum nutrient. Without buying an organic nutrient system in a bottle, there is no way to grow organically in coco, there is nothing there for the microbes to process. Even a full spectrum mineralization and microbes inoculation product like GeoFlora, can not work in coco... because of the lack of soil to complete the feeding cycle.
regarding pollination. sucking on a toothpick and dipping that in pollen seems like the wrong way to do things, since moisture deactivates pollen, and saliva decomposes it. Remove the plant needing to be pollinated from the grow room. Simply take that baggie of collected pollen and dip your bud into it, seal off the opening, and tap the bag so the pollen falls into and onto the bud. Let it sit for several hours and note whether the pistils have reacted by kinking or turning colors. Remove the baggie, and spray down the bud with water to deactivate all the left over pollen and then put the plant back in your bloom area.
regarding pollination. sucking on a toothpick and dipping that in pollen seems like the wrong way to do things, since moisture deactivates pollen, and saliva decomposes it. Remove the plant needing to be pollinated from the grow room. Simply take that baggie of collected pollen and dip your bud into it, seal off the opening, and tap the bag so the pollen falls into and onto the bud. Let it sit for several hours and note whether the pistils have reacted by kinking or turning colors. Remove the baggie, and spray down the bud with water to deactivate all the left over pollen and then put the plant back in your bloom area.
oooh ... Thank you. I needed that info too. I just ordered STS yesterday.
:welcome: @GrowerX
As a new begginer i came across many different fertilizers. My plan was/is to grow organiclly.
From brewing xtreme tea to N/A nutriants. I guess i made a "nuclear nutriation" and killed two plants.

I finally stumpled upon a video that leaded me to this site and gave a tip on using "MC" MegaCrop.
So, when i got my MC, i tried expermenting using MC with other nutr.
Bad idea killed another plant.

You only need MC, it's easy, I haven't come across a reason to flush the soil or do anything.
Now the two plants that i've got going are not showing any signs of deffeciency or lockage. thats also because of some good people that are already in your thread! :thumb:
2020-07-03 18.40.45.jpg
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