Good morning my friend.
We both should be working.
Research is work though right.
This might help you never know.
I've been hit by mites before and am keenly aware of their signs.
I noticed minor damage on 2 girls.
So I sprayed everyone with safers, all I had at that moment.
I know it's useless on mites.
Sure enough the next day everyone was devastated.
All the safers did was wash them all together at the ends.
I was about to dump the lot when
@ReservoirDog dog mentioned miteacide, thanks again RD.
I had bought this product a couple years before and just stumbled along it in the move.
A minor treatment and they were growing again in no time so I kept them.
I have never used it before.
I was in flower and didn't want residual effects from it left in the girls.
but these were young so I didn't have anything to loose.
I'm sure it's out of their system by now.
My Scopes haven't been seen since the fire last summer.
So I didn't scope them unfortunately, that would have made interesting pics.
Here is a pic of the miteacide.
Stay safe