Heavens Shores - Bill's 2022 Grow: Come Meet Howie! Show Us Your Grow Too - Bring A Pic

Looks good Bill! You got skills! :Rasta:

Howie is happy its finished.
He wants to see it full.
I've gotta' be honest.

Howie looks like he couldn't care less about that thing! :laughtwo:
He positioned himself directly behind me, his breath on my neck but I decided this was something else because he' was from the US, working here as a teacher and had been asking me about racism in Canada for the last hour and seemed to genuinely think long and hard about my answers. He couldn't understand how there could be so many more blacks in US, so few here,
Funny how there are fewer blacks in the area, I lived that nature seen in Jasper for a while mid 80's. Very few brothers.

And yet, Canada was the haven for so many slaves escaping the US way back when Abe Lincoln fought the good fight.

Montreal is so multi-cultural. A paradise for those who can appreciate diversity in both demeanor and cuisine.

I am sure, ReservoirDod, that you gained more life experience during that period that many would not gain in a lifetime.

You lived, you learned. So many people go through their lives with blinders on. Not you!

Kudo's, brother. You are a survivor!

Please... Pay it forward!
Hey, I lived in Jasper for... almost 6 months I think. I was driving the boats at Maligne lake. Man what an epic summer that was. I lived in those Edith Cavell apartment/dumps. I think it was 1990 - maybe even 91. Lots of good friends from Quebec in those days. My friend Eric from Dunno-where-ville Que. taught me to river kayak that year. I climbed, like, 7 mountains. We had three-day weekends. It was nuts. I saw a yearling, silvery-blue grizzly bear running on his hind legs chasing and batting at a butterfly (from a boat, binoculars confirmed the butterfly). My German tour group (plenty of binoculars I can assure you) almost mutinied when I refused to dock the boat nearby as planned. Their tour leader even tried to get my manager to fire me, but she threw me a party that night instead. The event passed into semi-legend up there because when I called 18 years later for some records/a signature somebody knew I was that guy who saved the Germans from getting eaten by a giant grizzly bear! I guess you could look at it that way. Frankly, I was protecting the grizzly bear.

That post was my perhaps unique spin on a pep talk for Bill. In our cynical age I think these things have to be unique and from the heart to have any impact. He deserves whatever I could drag out of myself.
Looks good Bill! You got skills! :Rasta:

I've gotta' be honest.

Howie looks like he couldn't care less about that thing! :laughtwo:
Omg thats hilarious. :rofl:
Your probably 100% right.
Zero feks given. Hehe.
Hope your having a great day Amigo. :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
Sorry to hear this Bill. Head up and move forward.

Hey NTH :ciao: RD, is helping me get fixed up.
They have taken well to the treatment.
Lots of leaves to be removed, unfortunately.
But for the most part I think it's working well.
Thanks Amigo.

Stay safe :cool:

Sorry to hear of your troubles with mites. If you are at the 'kitchen sink' stage of addressing the issue you might give the old Clackamas Coot idea a try. He recommends adding three meals to your organic mix; crustacean, neem, and karanja.

The crustacean works like your frass in that it encourages the microbes that feed on the chitin found in the shells of ocean creatures like crab, lobster and shrimp, etc., but also makes up the exoskeleton of bugs.

The other two, however, are supposed to work as a systemic, working from the inside out.

I used to have a mite and thrip issue on my plants literally every time I up-potted, though mostly thrips for me. I'd see them about a week or two after. EVERY FEKING TIME! I think they must have come in with my fresh worm castings, but since I added the meals to my growing mix I've had no issues.

Could certainly be a coincidence, but for me it was like magic. And, @Stunger noted in his recent outdoor balcony grow that he had much less bug pressure after incorporating some of them into his mix as well. So, pretty small sample size (n=3) but one of them (Coot) is an absolute legend in the organic soil community.

Hope you get it sorted. The borg is the worst.

EDIT: I should add that, since your soil is already mixed up, adding them as a top dress and maybe making them into a tea might help whatever positive effects are to be had get started a bit sooner.
Good morning Azi, sorry I'm a little late replying.
Yes that sounds terrific.
The miteacide seems to be working for now.
But going forward that's the way to go.
Thanks so much.

Stay safe :cool:
Glad the mitecide seems to be doing the trick... And well if it doesn't kill em, maybe the spray might trigger a pheno or cool mutation? Does it work that way like in human cells when they get damage they create a mutation that is then passed down in genes? Idk just normal mornin thoughts haha
Well this wasn’t the news I wanted to start the week with. DAMN. Ouch. You okay? Shot 4 in a row…feeling a little cursed? Sorry Sensei. Perhaps veg them indoors a while?

Look at it this way - it was earlyish. Didn’t cost you a ton of coin just yet. You have replacement seeds. You’re a master at this (4 ouches in a row notwithstanding). You’ll bounce back. Besides, those were too stretchy anyway. Lmao.

Your right they were sketchy I mean stretchy I mean are stretchy .
They actually lived through the treatment.
So I feel terrible calling for a funeral so early.
Usually broad mites are fatal.
But RD. Reminded me about the poison.
It seems to be working and for the most part they are alive. :cheer:
In the meantime I've popped a bunch more seeds.
The bag of coco I found has me thinking :hmmmm:
I might say the heck with it and run a coco crew beside the soil.
What do you think?

Stay safe :cool:
That's rough Bill. We go through hard times don't we. When I'm going through trouble nothing anybody says makes me feel better, but upon reflection, I see that they went to the trouble to try and comfort me.
About all we can do is get up, dust ourselves off, and get back on the bike. We will still be aching for awhile but little by little, start to smile and laugh again.
Sending good vibes. :high-five:
Good morning my friend, apologies for the late reply.
I took a day to just hang with my boy.
Actually fished for literally 5 minutes, fell in twice landing a beautiful Speckled trout.
I appreciate the kind words and comfort from everyone, takes the sting away.
Unfortunately or fortunately I called for a funeral procession too soon.
R.D. reminded me about miteacide.
Which ive never used due to it being straight poison.
But it seems to be effective.
Since they are so young, it will dissipate before I harvest.
So some are chewed pretty bad but some lived with little I'll effects so far.
In the meantime I've dropper seeds and I am moving forward regardless.
I'll get a harvest one way or the other.
Thanks so much for the encouragement. ;)

Stay safe :cool:
Damn Bill, I'm sorry. Should known you'd know those tricks, I had really thought a sulfur burn would be just the trick.

Well my friend, they're your seeds- pop 'em cause you got em :cheer:. And don't worry about me- my permit paperwork got screwed up, so all my growing beyond the 4 rec ones are on hold.
So I've got two outdoor Photoperiods growing right now, and I'll pop two more for outdoors, probably autos (I don't want to do a 2 plant indoor grow). I've got more than enough seeds to get me through. I say this because...

The offer for you to snip a cutting is still there. I'd offer you a rooted clone- but damn me I keep killing my clones before or just as they start rooting :rofl:....I know you'll be able to get them rooting. She already has a wonderful pungent smell- and you can grab a big cutting to get a jump start.
Wish I could do or offer more- but here they are if you'd like a snip (two different strains- so a bonus for you there).
Glad I went to take this pic this morning- looks like I need to water one of them

You've gone through burning hell and back my friend- ain't no little demon bugs gonna keep you down.
But that first harvest in your new digs is going to be sweet- and you will get there- you got this :high-five::hug::cheer:
Fek the cuttings I'm steeling your girls and sticking them in my 50 gallon pots.
The only way I'll get to them this summer. :rofl:
New seeds are popped.
And miteacide has been applied.
We will get a couple plants to harvest one way or the other.
Thanks Amigo.

Stay safe :cool:
I'm so sorry to see that your summer grow has come to a halt due to f@#*cking bugs. I hate bugs. It sounds like you've experienced them before so I'm sure you will choose the solution that works best for you.

If you want any Dark Devil auto seeds, let me know. :hug:
Thank you so much @HashGirl :ciao: , hope you are well my friend.
I appreciate the the offer of the autos.
But I do have backup seeds and they will be going into coco cubes shortly.
The poison seems to have worked on the babies and the bug damage has been ground to a haul.
So some of them are going to live.
So the journey continues and a harvest will be had one way or the other.;)
I appreciate the kind words and your concern.
The support means a lot to me.
Thanks again.

Stay safe :cool:
I am a firm believer in burn them.
Only one up side bill.
As you said you could of spent a lot of money fighting the war.
To have a sub par harvest.
Your be up and running again in days.
New location new issues as a man with your know how.
Ready knows and dont need me telling him again. :)
Good morning @Skunksta :ciao:apologies for the late reply.
Battling the bugs kept me busy.
I decided to fight them instead of throwing the girls in the fire pit.
A couple bug bombs in the greenhouse after killing the mites seems to have gotten the critters out of there??? No promises. ;)
But my pronouncement of certain death was premature. :rolleyes:
The miteacide seems way more effective than expected.
I think since they were small the distribution of the poison was more effective.
So I've got some seeds going just incase, I'll get there one way or the other.
Thanks for dropping in my friend.

Stay safe:cool:
Oh Bill :(

I have no words and unfortunately no advice as I have YET to have these pest issues. This is what scares me so much about outdoor grows-you can't control the environment! I would be lost and out of my mind crying in the greenhouse like I was in my tent last winter when I had my hermies.

I don't understand why things like this happen to the BEST OF PEOPLE!!

YOU KEEP YOUR HEAD UP! That lady and that pup and me way over here, are behind you 150%. I wish I could do something. This made me so sad, it's not fair who these bugs seek out and the happiness they destroy.

I know you'll be back and with a vengeance, right? We are not stopping here???!!!!
Hey Krissi :ciao:
Thank you so much for the encouragement and kind words.
I may have jumped the gun though. :rolleyes:
Instead of throwing them in the garbage I poisoned them.
Yep riddled them with the shit.
The mites eat the poison in them and die.
But here is the kicker, it's feken poison. :rofl:
So they are unsmokeable, let alone make rso.
But it dissipates over time.
By harvest who ever lives will be ok to smoke.
Theoretically, but I dropped another crop just incase.
So the seeds should be in coco today.
Yes fek it I'm going to run some coco aswell.
The fun is still coming don't worry.
Thanks for dropping in with your kind words.

Stay safe. :cool:
Dude, that was too funny. Made me laugh and smile.
Nice pan fry...yum!!
We had fish and chips, it was a terrific day with a great meal to end it.:green_heart:
Hope your good Amigo.

Stay safe :cool:
The bag of coco I found has me thinking :hmmmm:
I might say the heck with it and run a coco crew beside the soil.
What do you think?

Stay safe :cool:
I'd love to see a big pot of coco in your greenhouse. Even if most of them have to stay in soil, I'd love to see the coco guru in action! Keep all the shrubs in soil, let me see that monster tree in coco :)

Glad to hear the insecticide is working, have fun getting all those girls in air pots.
We call those brown trout out here, when we seem 'em. Not very prevalent but I caught lots of them in Alberta as a kid. That and Brook trout which may be same species, different size. NOTHING in the world tastes better than pan-fried brookies over a campfire. Proper traditional Canadian experience that. I love Canada.

So I'm gonna tell an off-topic tale of how that love started from a flame of injustice but was kindled by everyone I came into contact with afterward. I absolutely adore this country, Canada. I love wilderness and have spent more hours of my life in it, than not, impossible though that may seem. When in my teens I fell in love with Kerouac's "On the road", "Dharma Bums", and George Orwell's "Down and out in Paris and London". Orwell was questioning his then-establishment, pro-empire value system so went to Paris without money presenting himself as a street person. I was so inspired by this book that I did the same for 18 months. I wanted to see what people's lives were really like in Canada as I'd been a sheltered middleclass teen, but shaken to my core by the following incident, and my first girlfriend's pregnancy and abortion only 2 weeks previous.

But the real trigger was, my best friend died of a heart malfunction at 16. It was a school night but I had snuck out and was sleeping over at his place. We were sexually yet innocently attracted to each other, and had only been into girls up to that point and frankly, since. But, that terrible morning I woke up early and found him dead beside me in the same bed. Time stopped. My ears rang and clanged. It took 30 minutes before I could move. First I was just going to sneak out the garage so no one would know I'd been there. But I couldn't, it felt like abandonment. I had first tried and I tried my recently learned CPR but it was obvious he'd been gone for hours, the coroner later said sometime before midnight. I went to find his sister, woke her, told her, told her to get her parents and that I had to sneak out and get home. Later the RCMP found out I was there and one Detective threatened to charge me with murder when he illegally cornered me in the street without my parents or legal representation on my way to school. He threatened to "out" me and out my dead friend if I didn't tell him what really happened... how I'd killed him. He wasn't really gay, neither of us were, just young and extremely close. It was a different time and place though and it would have hurt his parents and memory a great deal. but I had nothing to tell and eventually the med report made it all go away but my relationship with authority was now broken. I somehow managed to get through delivering his eulogy, then carry him to his final resting place as a pall bearer, but even the priest couldn't stop crying. Anyway, I mentioned all that because it set me off on my own Orwell-inspired "Down and Out Tour". Almost 2 years I hitchhiked in Canada the equivalent of the circumference of the globe. I hitched to all three oceans and spent many nights in the poor missions and salvation Army missions. It was so awful to see such human potential wasting so, but there were incident after incident that you can only describe as moments of pure grace. I had a very large, very wise Australian Shepard with me the whole time, Monro, who I'd liberated from a Calgary shelter. Almost pure white, with lab//shepard cross looks. a positive-karmic-producing machine, that dog, my beautiful Monro. Kept me safe, made me friends and would chew off your nuts if you touched my packsack he was guarding while I was indoors somewhere shopping or something.

I went all seasons. Sleeping in prairie snowdrifts, wrapped in a tarp with Monro and my sleeping bag in -35 deg, no problem. I was still a teen, but for years afterward received Christmas cards from those whose lives I'd changed on the road, and to those who'd changed my life on the road. I once drove an 18 whl. Peterbuilt from Regina to Saskatoon, in January, the driver just asked me to,and I know that experience would come just once. He slept the whole way. I shared and listened to thousands of hours of Neil Young tapes and CBC radio the whole time, and introduced many to Stan Rogers, a legend I'd met and spent some magical time with as a kid at the Canmore folkfestival months before he died in a plane fire. Once I crossed Canada from the Altlantic to the Pacific in winter, with 3.87 cents, a loaf of pumpernickel, peanut butter and dogfood for Monro just to see if it could be done. I went to Red Cross meetings in Kenora with the family-man who'd picked me up and taken me in overnight. I got stuck for days in Waw-wa, yes the legends are True, and if its still there I wrote my name inside the phone booth beside the giant goose statue that I had to sleep in standing up while blizzards raged outside. In BC I got picked up by a huge black guy who was acting a little confrontational who suddenly in the deepest wilderness drove off the highway into a hidden layby, where, I was certain the fight for my life had arrived. He told me to get out of the car, and as he did he pulled out a 12" stick from behind his seat. He positioned himself directly behind me, his breath on my neck but I decided this was something else because he' was from the US, working here as a teacher and had been asking me about racism in Canada for the last hour and seemed to genuinely think long and hard about my answers. He couldn't understand how there could be so many more blacks in US, so few here, esp then, 1988-9, yet less prejudice here. So I gave my thoughts, and eventually found myself standing with him him behind me, breathing on my next. He was 6.4, and ripped. I mean, real serious body on this guy. My heart POUNDED. But, he suddenly put the stick in my hand, and holding my hands from behind proceeded to give me a 30 min tai chi lesson using a tai chi rule. He was a martial arts master. Multiple black belts and competition wins it turned out. We drove all night together and had religious experience in conversation between two people otherwise unlikely to ever meet. That is why I was doing this. To see the world and people as they are, where they are. He invited me to sleep over in Revelstoke at his home where he taught gradeschool. We smoked some amazing hash he had and then he performed a marshall arts display using swords, spear, and nunchucks that I'll never forget. These experiences were the rule, not the exception.

I think you walk in Grace a great deal, Bill. And the men and women who do that often must undertake trials that challenge this grace to find if we are still capable, still deserving. You are, you can be. You will be. Prob the only thing greater than the human potential to walk in fear and misery is our potential to walk in grace. Persevere here and the world will be your oyster.
This is one of the most amazing things I have ever read. You write and have experienced your life like a Druid. A rare thing indeed!
Thank you my friend.
I'm a little heartbroken over this.

Stay safe :cool:
So sorry @Bill284. Your heartbreak is palpable, and for what it’s worth we’re trying to share it with you and lighten the load. :green_heart:

Listen Sensei, let’s say you brought back the already very compromised plants. If it were me I would never be able to shake the feeling that I compromised them so much early on that the end product just has to be compromised too. I’d always wonder the whole grow. Whereas you can start over today and be up and running in four days. It’s a no brainer. Right?
Hey, I lived in Jasper for... almost 6 months I think. I was driving the boats at Maligne lake. Man what an epic summer that was. I lived in those Edith Cavell apartment/dumps. I think it was 1990 - maybe even 91. Lots of good friends from Quebec in those days. My friend Eric from Dunno-where-ville Que. taught me to river kayak that year. I climbed, like, 7 mountains. We had three-day weekends. It was nuts. I saw a yearling, silvery-blue grizzly bear running on his hind legs chasing and batting at a butterfly (from a boat, binoculars confirmed the butterfly). My German tour group (plenty of binoculars I can assure you) almost mutinied when I refused to dock the boat nearby as planned. Their tour leader even tried to get my manager to fire me, but she threw me a party that night instead. The event passed into semi-legend up there because when I called 18 years later for some records/a signature somebody knew I was that guy who saved the Germans from getting eaten by a giant grizzly bear! I guess you could look at it that way. Frankly, I was protecting the grizzly bear.

That post was my perhaps unique spin on a pep talk for Bill. In our cynical age I think these things have to be unique and from the heart to have any impact. He deserves whatever I could drag out of myself.
I cried for 5 minutes trying to explain what that post meant to me before I let Stacey read it.:green_heart:
Infact I'm welling up again.
Stacey says your life ( R.D. ) reads like a John Irving novel, her favorite author.
I can't thank you enough for taking the time and mental energy it took to say all that.
:thanks: Thank you so much.:love: @ReservoirDog

Stay safe :)

Extra seeds popping

@Herbies Seeds

@Weed Seeds Express


Chronic Thunder

Northern Lights

@Herbies Seeds



@Weed Seeds Express

Northern Lights

@Weed Seeds Express


Girl Scout Cookies

Apple Betty

@Herbies Seeds


Reservoir Dog reminded me I bought miteacide 2 years ago.
Never used it, but it survived the fire and move.
Harvest will not be until October so any ill effects will have dissipated from inside the cell walls.
You feed it to the plants, it's basically poison.
Immediately it starts distributing it to every cell in the plant.
Mites take a bite and die instantly.
Since the plants are small it won't take long.
If they live?
The other option was boiling them.

I had a fantastic day yesterday, was truly amazing.
Ended with fish and chips and my wonderful wife Stacey.
I hope you all have a Peaceful Day.

Stay Safe :cool:
Ok hadn’t seen this yet. Good you’re back. Nice!! Now I get to see someone grow the Zkittlez right. Lol. Well, I think SO is too. Lol. Yay!
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