HashGirl Implements A Perpetual Grow


Next up is Nia. Nia, like Kali and Natasha, was born on August 22. Nia was uppotted to a 1-gallon pot on September 14 and she was topped on September 19. Here is her info and pics:

420 Update for Nia - September 10 to 30, 2023.jpg

Nia - Day 24:

Nia - Day 29:

Nia - Day 40:

For the girls in Veg, I've resumed adding silica to the water. I haven't used silica in my water since I ran out last summer. I wasn't sure it was needed and it was kind of expensive so that's why I haven't been but I'm adding it again now. Now, I'm using ZumSil Silica Monosilicic Acid, which is about half the price of the Gro-Tek I was using previously. I'm hoping the addition of silica will prevent the PM that has been plaguing my plants.

I'm also thinking about adding silica sand or potassium silicate or diatomaceous earth to the ProMix I plant them in. I read an article about using silica with cannabis plants and the article said:

It maximizes yields by producing more abundant buds with increased resistance against persistent pests and other stressors.

Silica offers an advantage by providing resistance against fungal diseases and pests. It forms a barrier in the cell walls, making it challenging for pathogens to invade and harm the plant tissues. This enhanced defense mechanism reduces the likelihood of issues like powdery mildew and spider mite infestations. While silica alone may not completely eliminate these problems, it significantly minimizes their severity and promotes plant growth.

I figure it can't hurt to have another weapon in my arsenal for PM. Has anyone else used potassium silicate, diatomaceous earth or silica sand in their grow medium?

Thanks for following along. Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome.
Has anyone else used potassium silicate,

I've been using Rx Blend's Bio-Si on my plants for 2 years or so-
I'm not sure about its other benefits (my outdoor plant had a minor pm problem)
but It does make for some real strong stems & branches..
It's mainly Potassium Silicate & Amino acids, with 2.5% Silicon Dioxide.

And when I run out, I'm out for good, since RxBlend went out of business 4 or 5 months ago 😦
I've been using Rx Blend's Bio-Si on my plants for 2 years or so-
I'm not sure about its other benefits (my outdoor plant had a minor pm problem)
but It does make for some real strong stems & branches..
It's mainly Potassium Silicate & Amino acids, with 2.5% Silicon Dioxide.

And when I run out, I'm out for good, since RxBlend went out of business 4 or 5 months ago 😦

Apparently, diatomaceous earth is high in potassium silicate and was listed as something I could add easily to my ProMix and not too expensively.

Durban Poison - Sativa Landrace Photoperiod
Days in Veg = 87
Days in Flower = 86
Harvest Date = September 22, 2023
Final Yield = 77 grams

Dumi was harvested on September 22 and trimmed on October 5. Considering she's one of the plants that battled PM in flower, I'm happy with the amount I got from her. If it gets me high, I'll be testing it.

Here are Dumi's last photos:

Dumi - Day 75F:

Dumi - Day 87F (Harvest Day):

Dumi - Trimming Day:

Congrats on the harvest, HashGirl!👍
Do you know if that one's going to get you high?
I know your tolerance is waayy up there..🚀

Malawi x Pakistani Chitral Kush - Balanced Photoperiod
Days in Veg = 98
Days in Flower = 80
Harvest Date = September 16, 2023
Final Yield = 75 grams

Mala like Dumi also suffered with PM throughout her grow. Here are her last pics:

Mala - Trichomes on Day 78F:

Mala - Day 81F - Harvest Day:

Mala - Trimming Day:

Congrats on the harvest, HashGirl!👍
Do you know if that one's going to get you high?
I know your tolerance is waayy up there..🚀

Thanks, Carcass. I hope it gets me high especially since it's a pure sativa.
Congrats on the harvests HG! I hope that clears the tents of PM for a good long while.

Nobody in my group was fond of the Durban I grew. :( It barely got anyone high and I've given away the rest of the seeds I had.
I find that landrace sativa gives such a different high to an indica or a hybrid. At first it feels like a fresh alertness and a buzz, with no stone, but it gets stonier the more puffs I have, stony enough to fall into a nice deep sleep if I have a lot. I love the feeling for workday activities. Good luck HG, I hope you enjoy yours.

Durban Poison - Sativa Landrace Photoperiod
Days in Veg = 87
Days in Flower = 86
Harvest Date = September 22, 2023
Final Yield = 77 grams

Dumi was harvested on September 22 and trimmed on October 5. Considering she's one of the plants that battled PM in flower, I'm happy with the amount I got from her. If it gets me high, I'll be testing it.

Here are Dumi's last photos:

Dumi - Day 75F:

Dumi - Day 87F (Harvest Day):

Dumi - Trimming Day:

Congrats on your harvest HG, I only wish I could have followed it. Durban is something I plan on growing in the future. CL🍀. :thumb: :woohoo:
Congrats on the harvests HG! I hope that clears the tents of PM for a good long while.

Unfortunately, the PM persists. I suspect I'll be dealing with it for awhile. I will continue to clean out the tents with hydrogen peroxide, which apparently kills PM instantly and maybe eventually, I'll get a handle on it.

Nobody in my group was fond of the Durban I grew. :( It barely got anyone high and I've given away the rest of the seeds I had.

That's too bad. It always feels like such a waste of time and money when that happens.
Congrats on the harvests HG! I hope that clears the tents of PM for a good long while.

Nobody in my group was fond of the Durban I grew. :( It barely got anyone high and I've given away the rest of the seeds I had.
Well that’s good to know that it doesn’t get anyone high. Hopefully it’ll look 👀 pretty 😍. lol CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
I've dealt with mildew/pm before on a perpetual grow of my own. It can only grow in a humid environment. I see you have inline fans going out of the tent. That's a start. If the room is sealed like mine was then you are only recirculating the same humid air that you just exhausted out of the tent and that's what's is causing your pm... having a dryer vent installed leading to the outside with an inline fan attached to blow all the moisture out of the room should rectify your pm problem. Yes peroxide will kill on contact. That wont stop it from continuing to grow in places if you dont find the source of the problem which is warm moist air in or out of your tent condensing into water vapor causing mould. The cool dry air you have up there doesn't help either. That's what's causing the warm moist air to condensate. Which is causing your mold. I had the same problem before I installed a vent to the outside. Hope this helps.
Goodluck HG !! ❤
Thank you, Wakka. I will see if I can do something similar.

And, welcome to my journal.

Good afternoon.

The last time I reported on the Jack Herers was September 18. The first update is on Jade. Her buds are the stereotypical Christmas tree shape. Unfortunately, I missed the window for back building on this one.

420 Update for Jade - September 19 to October 7, 2023.jpg

Jade - Day 25F:

Jade - Day 30F:

Jade - Day 34F:

Jade - Day 39F:

To be continued...

420 Update for Jazz - September 19 to October 7, 2023.jpg

Jazz - Day 30F:

Jazz - Day 35F:

Jazz - Day 41F:

Jazz - Day 46F:

That's everything for today. Thanks for following along. Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome.
I figure it can't hurt to have another weapon in my arsenal for PM. Has anyone else used potassium silicate, diatomaceous earth or silica sand in their grow medium?
Nice gardening HG! I have added Diatomaceous Earth to my soil mix the last couple of years, and I'll be adding more when I put together a new/old combined mix shortly.
I don't know if it is related but my last outdoor grow I never sprayed, because virtually no bugs attacked, I was surprised. Who knows, maybe it's the silica from the DE making them stronger against attack.
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