H00k Shitz Brix & A Couple Of Other Things: Girlz 2019

Yes this state of emergency thing is wild. The wife gets our's thank God. I can no longer walk by myself. Glad you got someone there helping you with the out side world. Yes that executor and house prep is a job. I think we did dad's 2 years ago. Best of luck with that h00k. You are probably right on the snow, it is going but slowly. Two weeks ago it was warmer here. My plan is to drop them in the water April 15 and have them outside permanently after the first June frost. I am going to change out my pro mix to see it fresh stuff will bring my yield back up to where it should be. Cheers my friend take care brother. :circle-of-love:
Hey, man, you still talk to Rotten™? I just happened to think of him, and now I'm wondering if he still has tv ;) .

EDIT: I miss Beverly :(.
...not for a few month's now, but I would bet the farm he does...He and Still were talking about it somewhat, a while back, but can't recall what methodology...haven't been staying current myself...getting by with streaming and d/l's...Take care...Stay safe...cheerz... :high-five: :Namaste:...h00k...
...not for a few month's now

As always, pass along my kind regards and well-wishes if and when you encounter any of the old crowd.

but I would bet the farm he does.

THAT... Is a bet I wouldn't take even if the "buy-in" was only a nickel - and I always wanted a farm ;) .

He and Still were talking about it somewhat, a while back, but can't recall what methodology.

He was always 10,000,000 brain cells ahead of me in that department (maybe others, too, lol). Me, I still miss our "Armenian friend." I still think he was employed by a certain very large home entertainment corporation. I didn't notice it so much when I was peering into the future - but (ironically) for a couple of the "here, have a cheap doorstop to play with" class contraptions, that he was going to be going away for the weekend or something, so he posted... "The flu will come Saturday afternoon, and I'm going to be out of town, so I'm going to go ahead and give you your medicine NOW." And that just didn't make sense, otherwise!

..haven't been staying current myself...getting by with streaming and d/l's.

I kept the toys. Still don't know why. Gave up hope quite some time ago. Haven't needed the attic space, yet, I guess. I set Mom up with Netflix a while back, and it's paid through the end of the month. TV crapped the big one about a year ago, but I use it on my laptop once in a while, and YouTube when I can find something of interest. There's a Canadian "hillbilly" around Edmonton who does some interesting/entertaining camping videos ("Camping with Steve" / hunker down).

That reminds me, D.K.'s occasional posts of "wisdom" are sorely missed, too. And Print123, Butch, etc. are missed and mourned.

I haven't done any downloads in a couple years. But I sure do remember-- maybe I don't :rolleyes: . Was it Airborne Ranger who used to do his best to be more productive than Hollyweird?

Take care...Stay safe.

Same to you and the better half.

How are the garden plans proceeding? I assume the self-quarantine rules up there allow folks to access their sheds. Although - at least in your case, hee hee hee - probably not going to stretch that that great big puddle off your front yard.

cheerz... :high-five: :Namaste:.

...still not sure what's going on with the site where we h00k up...DK and Triggs were showing up, as well as Alex and R2 on occasion...chatted briefly with Triggs last night...he's not doing great, but he's not dead...
...Still , who owns the site has had his share of health issues over the past 2 years, so I hope he's alright...waiting to hear from Rotten™or Bellboy in that regard...
...hehe...I kept one of four stb's...(just in case... :rolleyes: ) and have a few Android boxes I was playing with for quite a while, but they're collecting dust now...I know a couple guys that are cracking passwords for various streaming/IPTV acc't.s, but that gets tedious, keeping up...
...the only garden plan thus far, is to self my remaining A5 X Panama (if seed germinates) in an effort to keep the strain going...plan on throwing a plant or two in with her to create something new...haven't determined what strains yet tho'...still waiting on my silver nitrate to arrive, but no panic yet, as it's still a wintery Spring...also have a package en route from Ace, that may determine what else I get up to this spring/summer...

...still not sure what's going on with the site where we h00k up

If I ever had an invite, I must have lost it. Or maybe it was sent to one of the two email addresses that were "stolen" and held for ransom :( . I know the old "...c00king101.php" tH38r0tH3rh00D never came back up, because I still try the link on random occasion. Hmm... Eight people (in addition to you) liked my post. Did more castaways wash up on the friendly shores of 420Magazine than just the two of us, lol? Dash, if you're here, show us the garden! ;)

hehe...I kept one of four stb's...(just in case... :rolleyes: )

I don't even know whether there is any mpeg2 (FTA or... FTA) left bouncing around. I suppose that LedHead doesn't have to wear his tinfoil toupee any more, Mr. Leaker has nothing to leak, Angry Snowman is beyond furious, et cetera.

but that gets tedious, keeping up...

To be honest, I was always too paranoid (there's a shocker, huh? :p) to do much swimming in the pool. Thought briefly about trying to cobble something together after I read the article about the two young men who managed to get reliable two-way WiFi across 92 miles (there's bound to be an open network within such a radius, even now). But they were each on mountains and were using BUDs, if I remember correctly. Although I do have a pizza pan (or... two) somewhere or other. Was all set to drive 130 miles to the nearest store after a Fortec Star 1.2m and HH motor some years ago when I still owned "four wheels and a seat" - but then learned that the owner had packed up and moved, turning 130 miles into 1,300. Shipping was outrageous; I don't recall the exact number, but remember thinking that it wasn't substantially different than ordering an 8' BUD, since those come disassembled in sections. That reminds me, I need to grab some pre-1970 video and OTR detective & western content for Mom before the Internet service bill comes due again. I discovered that the television we bought her can play such things from a USB flash drive. (NOTE to SELF: Prepare for Mom to call 15x/day asking how to get her TV to play <vintage audio/video content>.)

the only garden plan thus far, is to self my remaining A5 X Panama (if seed germinates) in an effort to keep the strain going...plan on throwing a plant or two in with her to create something new...haven't determined what strains yet tho'...still waiting on my silver nitrate to arrive, but no panic yet, as it's still a wintery Spring...also have a package en route from Ace, that may determine what else I get up to this spring/summer.

"Only" garden plan, LMAO. That's like saying you're "only" going to buy a Gulfstream G500 to get around in, isn't it? Definitely a worthy goal. I hope that goes well - and, knowing you, I am assuming that it will. Back when people still bought film cameras and there was a photography shop in town, they carried the two ingredients necessary to mix up some silver thiosulfate solution (I assume you're making STS). If there is still one of those in your area, maybe you can source the stuff locally. Actually, I once heard that even WalMart sells the stuff (although probably only 1M strength). So you might find it at the local supermarket, pharmacy, et cetera.

I'm going to try my best to keep up with your journal, this year. It's looking like I'll end up having to walk overtown and do so from the public access computer at my local library (if it ever reopens), though, so I might fall behind "a bit." Oh, sh!t, I never thought about them being closed until just now[/PANIC]. Where's a script kiddie and a MAC address spoofer when you need one, lol? I wonder if I could get the built-in WiFi antenna out of my laptop without destroying it the rest of the way and stick it on the arm of one of the pizza pans? Hmm... That will wait until I am truly desperate for forum access (and ebooks), I fear. As it is now, I can still play SDL Slash'em (Nethack variant). And, if I can borrow a working DVD reader from someone, I'll have 25,000 or so public domain ebooks from the good folks at Project Gutenberg to keep me occupied. And, who knows, the 10,000 mice I've been (mostly failing at) trying to genocide here could, conceivably, turn into some home entertainment. If only it didn't end up being MICE: 234,562,997 / Broken down old hillbilly: 0 , every time I attempt to start some seeds. The b@stards. And sneaky, too. It's like when I was little and trying to catch Wiley Ol' Sam - every time I check, the bait is gone. I wonder what mouse meat tastes like? Can't be any more of a RPITA than catching/cleaning/preparing enough bluegills to make a meal. Oh. Yeah. Catching :rolleyes: . Never mind, obvious non-starter.

But it's getting warmer!!! Yes. Garden seeds, garden seeds, garden seeds... "garden" seeds, and garden seeds. Less rodents outside, surely? Where'd I stash that box of plastic flowers ;) ?

¡Que te vaya bien amigo!
assuming you can get a productive trap like going...

Proving that there's nothing edible that hasn't been turned into a delicacy somewhere in the world, freshly caught mice are now considered a trendy source of protein, reports the Austrian Times. ... You can prepare it much like you would any other type of meat, just in smaller, mouse-sized portions.

Cut a piece of salt pork or sowbelly into small dice and cook it slowly to extract the fat. Drain the mice, dredge them thoroughly in a mixture of flour, pepper, and salt, and fry slowly in the rendered fat for about 5 minutes. Add a cup of alcohol and 6 to 8 cloves, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

... ;) :rofl:

...STS was waiting for me when I got home...the SN has shipped from Latvia or some other country...can't remember

Nice! So, if I'm poor enough to eat mice, step one is to go buy some pork.

Drain the mice - now it's getting expensive and complicated. It doesn't say how. Cut a small (of course) slice just shy of the end of their tail, hang them up by the very end of the tail (good thing I have some extra clothespins), and then decapitate? Thimble underneath, I presume?

Where'd I put that 2.5mm pistol, lol?

Be easier to use them for bait in a trap - but there's no white meat on a cat. Hey, what do cows like best? Going to need a bigger trap, though. Hmm... They don't look all that smart; I'll just write "NOT an exit!" on the inside of the gate.

If only these mice were capybara - WAIT, NO!!!


No worries, I found out there's a place doing giving everyone a sack of groceries (while supplies last) tomorrow afternoon. This time, I'll be there two hours early.

Good luck with the STS project. A little dab will do ya.
assuming you can get a productive trap like going...

Proving that there's nothing edible that hasn't been turned into a delicacy somewhere in the world, freshly caught mice are now considered a trendy source of protein, reports the Austrian Times. ... You can prepare it much like you would any other type of meat, just in smaller, mouse-sized portions.

Cut a piece of salt pork or sowbelly into small dice and cook it slowly to extract the fat. Drain the mice, dredge them thoroughly in a mixture of flour, pepper, and salt, and fry slowly in the rendered fat for about 5 minutes. Add a cup of alcohol and 6 to 8 cloves, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

... ;) :rofl:

...STS was waiting for me when I got home...the SN has shipped from Latvia or some other country...can't remember

I love tree rats.. aka squirrels......... better than bats I dare say?

Hope lifes treating ya good there my friend........
There's a little black youngin' here. Plays like a kitten (looks like supper). I've so far resisted temptation. He'll be bigger, soon ;) .

i ate squirrels like candy when I was little. Not so much in recent years. Never turned them down, but haven't shot any in my back yard in over five years (neighbors undoubtedly grateful). If I see a rabbit out there, though, I might not even stop to open the door first. . . .
...Nope'...not entirely sure yet...don't think I've ever run a strain twice, but considering a couple repeats...we'll see...that Amnesia Lemon Pie I got from you has some appeal, as well as a couple other's I have in the stash...sativa leaner's, but not too long in flower, and at least one CBD...so many strains...so little time...;):rolleyes:

...cheerz... :high-five: :Namaste:...h00k...
...I would like to mention that I received a message from Teddy...he had deleted some of my posts regarding sending seeds in the US...I not sure what posts he was referring to, as I'm in Canada,(probably not wise either way) and I only sent some seeds to the US once, a couple years ago...in any event, something to consider in your journals...maybe just use PM's to avoid breaking rules out in the open...cheerz... :high-five: :Namaste:...h00k...
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