H00k Shitz Brix & A Couple Of Other Things: Girlz 2019

Hey there Doc - enjoy the beach brother. Almost time to come back to winter. You missed spring we had earlier in the week was 70f in upstate NY prolly not that warm where you are lol. But we back to snow.

Ever see it snowing when the sun it out at the same time. We getting that here now. I've never seen that before. But noob here in the great white north. lol brrrrr its a balmy -10C today.

Bunch of friends on ours hitting the beach in Jamaica this week. I'm sorta jelly but we digging the new digs here. Still new fresh and fun.

I bet you cant wait to get back to your garden!
...mornin' bob...not feeling the gardening itch yet...way too long to go before Spring comes...we had a foot and a half dump of snow shortly before we left...it's snowing at home right now...supposed to be 15 to 25 cm. ... :rolleyes: ...I'm likin' your new set up...I just don't have the room inside, so the shed it is...which means I don't even start germing till April when we get home...
...kinda nice you're gonna' be so much closer to the 420 cottage, will be able to make up for last year...looking forward to watching your garden over the next while...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
I dunno' bob...as a tourist destination, doesn't really matter too much what nationality one is...if Yer' spending peso's, Yer' pretty much liked...now, if one showed up with orange skin and a bad comb over...all bet's are off... ;) :rofl:...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Yessir!....here to 4th of April, unless any disaster's at home(cottage burnt to the ground just down the road a few days ago...:eek:)...cooler tonight, so we're staying in...listening to our favorite unplugged band thru our bedroom window, playing at a lil cantina just down the street...playing Layla, with some wicked acoustic guitar solo's...the youngest son could Clapton a run for his money...
...how you doin' Bud?...any improvement with the health issues?...would be nice to hear some good news on that front...best wishes...cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...:hookah:...
Wow, now that sounds like a grand time. I envy ya brother but I am afraid I would not be able to do it right at this time. Sorry brother but things are not going so well right now. No word from specialist yet and I am beginning to wonder if I am going to be able to do the grow this year. It is a damn shame too as I had some new ideas in store to bring my yield up to where it should be. The last two harvests were half of what they should be. This year I will be lucky to make it until June if I am still here. 18 months and counting brother. So glad to hear your enjoying the vacation brother, you will be the color of a Jamaican by the time you come home. :circle-of-love:
Fok!...it sadden's me to hear that Brotha'...don't know what to say...if it was possible, I would be there in a heartbeat to give Ya' a hand...you haven't quit fighting, and I don't expect you will...I think if it was me, I would go to the media to bring to light the crazy wait times in seeing specialists...hate seeing you fall in the cracks of our health care system...just ain't right!!...upon my return home, gonna' be busy dealing with my Dad's house, but will be getting a care package or two in the mail to you...hang in there Bud!, and never lose hope!...best wishes...:Namaste:...h00k...:hookah:
h00k If I was to blame anyone it would be my family doc he did not contact a specialist until i had been sick for 15 months. He just kept saying do you think it is the weed? I said no it is the only thing keeping me out of the hospital. Brother don't worry about packages for me, keep the weed for you, whatever happens happens. Thanks for the nice words h00k means a lot my friend, enjoy :circle-of-love: :passitleft:
You will be my friend! Hopefully you hear back from the specialist soon! Take care of your self, and take it easy! :circle-of-love:
Hope you are right BL but I don't put much stock in most doctors. Have a great on my friend. :passitleft:
...all things considered, not too bad...day 5 of mandatory quarantine...freezers are full,and daughter keeps us supplied with fresh stuff...no symptoms expected, so just waiting to get in gear...lots to do in regards to my Dads place and executor duties...still a ton of snow, but slowly melting...probably close to the same timeline as you for getting things going...gonna' play it by ear...take care...will be in touch...cheerz... :high-five: :Namaste:...h00k...
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