Gyftobill Second Grow - 600W HPS - Soil - 3 Autos - 2 Photos

Thnx girl

I'm not so worried about photos, cause i'm in control of their flowering, so i can always flush them and get them back on track.

It will just slow me down a little bit.

I'm only worried about defs at autos cause their flowering now and a big def could be really devastating.

30/06/16 update

Still no camera for pics.

Auto-Bomb and Big Bang Auto watered

solution ph 6,3 ( 4 Lt each)

2ml / Lt : B-52, Sensizym, Bud Candy
4ml / Lt : Big Bud
0.5g / Lt : Calsium Powder Additive (0-0-0)

Kalashnikova Auto flushed

Kaia Kush leaves with Zinc Def. are turning green again.

There are a few things that can cause Zinc Def. Mine was probably from transplant and lst stress.

It looks like kaia kush strain doesnt like to be stressed.

A fellow grower that i gave him a kaia seed also told me that it turned male and threw it away after a topping.
02/07/16 update.

Still no Camera for pics but I'm working on that.

I watered the 2 photos and trained them an hour before lights go off and Kaia kush Zinc def got worst again...

I'm pretty sure she hates Training.

Solution ph 6 ( 2.5 Lt

1 ml / Lt : Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, Sensizym
2 ml / Lt : B-52, Piranha
0.5 g / Lt : Calcium Additive (0-0-0)
03/07/2016 update

Big Bang Auto and Auto-Bomb watered Day 71

Solution ph 6,2-6,3 (4 Lt each)

1 ml / Lt : B-52, Sensizym
2 ml / Lt : Big Bud, Bud Candy
2 g / Lt : Powder Feeding




06th July 21016 update

Still no camera for pics.


I switched Big Bang Auto nutes a little.Stoped Big Bud and started Overdrive

Big Bang Auto Day 74 Solution 4 Lt ph 6,3

2 ml / Lt : B-52, Sensizym, Bud Candy
4 ml / Lt : Overdrive
1 g / Lt : Calcium Additive (0-0-0)

Auto - Bomb Day 74 solution 4 Lt ph 6,2-6,3

2 ml / Lt : B-52, Sensizym, Bud Candt
4 ml / Lt : Big Bud
1 g / Lt : Calcium Additive (0-0-0)


Both Kai Kush and Orient Express are doing great and growing like crazy.

Both watered with the same solution DaY 41 UNDER 20/4 light schedule

2.5 Lt each ph 5.8

1 ml / Lt : Sensizym, Voodoo Juice, Tarantula
2 ml / Lt : B-52, Piranha
1 g / Lt : Powder Feeding (16-6-26+2Mg)
07th July 2016 Update

Kalashnikova Auto Day 75 (1 week after flush) watered with plain bubbled water ph 7 - 7.5.
Probably for the last time. She will be harvested in 3 - 5 days.

Some Buds have shown blue color , cause she is very close to the fresh cool air coming in from the air condition.

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