Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

Not sure what the medium is but it looks really wet. Are you letting it dry down to the bottom between waterings? How many holes are in the bottom of the plastic bin? Is it raised so air can get to the holes or is it sitting on the tray?

Wet feet can cause any number of issues with a plant, from nutrient deficiencies to root rot. And from the look of those lower leaves it looks more like a root issue to me.

Thats cause i literally jus feed it in the pic as 2 why it looksBut yea i let it get completly dry to the point of the leaves just starting to sag ever so slightly. And as for holes i got a ton of holes plus holes up the side coerners. So she shud be definitely drinkn enuf lol. but what would u suggest i do?
Ok so im tryn to find ur spr es ad sheet of how much mc and faux-tekt n CalMag should i use but i cant seem to find it. So im wondering how much shud i feed my plants?

And wen i was mixxing up the faux-tekt i got this slimy paste. But i eventually got it broke down 100% an into a glass mason jar. Now do i need to keep that jar of faux-tekt inside the fridge or no?

The feed schedule

The Faux-Tekt® is fine on a shelf. No need to refrigerate it.

What were you feeding (products and quantities) before things went south?
The feed schedule

The Faux-Tekt® is fine on a shelf. No need to refrigerate it.

What were you feeding (products and quantities) before things went south?

Just giving the Megacrop 4grams per gallon and shit candy lmao opps i meant sweet candy :laugh: at .6 grams per gallon of water and then calmag 8 to 10ml per gallon of water. And i would set that all to ph at 6.3. Im also using a shity version of promix but will definitely be upgrading soil to promix hp once i get the funds to do so.

Also i got a Bluedream auto here an i feel like she is over bushy to the bn point of blocking budsites no matter how much i leaf tuck they jus keep over crowding her budsites lol. So im wondering shud i do a slight defo on her even tho she is an auto? I always try an not take any leaves if its an auto till after flower mode is gud an underway. But this Bluedream auto is a bushy bitch an i was wondering what i shud do with her lol.

Just giving the Megacrop 4grams per gallon and shit candy lmao opps i meant sweet candy :laugh: at .6 grams per gallon of water and then calmag 8 to 10ml per gallon of water. And i would set that all to ph at 6.3. Im also using a shity version of promix but will definitely be upgrading soil to promix hp once i get the funds to do so.

Also i got a Bluedream auto here an i feel like she is over bushy to the bn point of blocking budsites no matter how much i leaf tuck they jus keep over crowding her budsites lol. So im wondering shud i do a slight defo on her even tho she is an auto? I always try an not take any leaves if its an auto till after flower mode is gud an underway. But this Bluedream auto is a bushy bitch an i was wondering what i shud do with her lol.

A quick guess with you're big ladies on what may be wrong, they are starving for micro nutrients and you're seeing multiple deficiencies. They are full grown but you aren't feeding them an adult diet. 4g of Mega and 10ml of Cal-Mag may supply enough Nitrogen, but you're missing out on all micros that you would get if you fed 6g Mega and 5ml of Cal-Mag instead. Now that you've got all the components, switch to the diet in my feed schedule and see if they don't improve.

Re: the Blue Dream Auto...thin away. With autos I tend to wait till they set some bud and most of the stretch is over before I hack on them hard. Looks like you are at that point. Clean up the bottoms, things that won't get to the top and would just end up being popcorn, then thin the middle of fans for better light penetration and things that cover buds. I leave some of the outer fans on since they aren't blocking anything.
They look great! Why are the stretchy ones always against the back wall?


The back left definitely seems to be the hot spot. Lux meter says it's no different than anywhere else, but some of my bigger girls have occupied that space.
Day 60, Day 25 from flip

Everyone got 1 gallon of tap followed by 2 gallons of 6g Mega Crop, 5ml Cal-Mag, 5ml Faux-Tekt®, 10ml Terpinator. The extra pot riser, from back left, got shuffled from front right to back right to level the canopy.

While I was doing maintenance a big thunderstorm rolled through. The little pitbull wasn't happy about the storm so she was under foot the whole time wanting daddy for security. She looks so pathetic.

When they are dry, pour a couple gallons of plain tap water at them, then a couple gallons of the new feed.

So like do a flush pretty much? Well i jus uppoted them to new soil so should i still do the flush deal or shud i jus go ahead with the new feeding?
Day 60, Day 25 from flip

Everyone got 1 gallon of tap followed by 2 gallons of 6g Mega Crop, 5ml Cal-Mag, 5ml Faux-Tekt®, 10ml Terpinator. The extra pot riser, from back left, got shuffled from front right to back right to level the canopy.

While I was doing maintenance a big thunderstorm rolled through. The little pitbull wasn't happy about the storm so she was under foot the whole time wanting daddy for security. She looks so pathetic.

Lol thats jus like mine he is always up my ass wen i storm hits :rofl:. Shit if its a real bad one he will do this weird whine howl type thing an its funny as shit but he jus will not stop untill he is right next to me touchn me lol.

So like do a flush pretty much? Well i jus uppoted them to new soil so should i still do the flush deal or shud i jus go ahead with the new feeding?

If it's mostly newer soil, just try changing the feed then.
If it's mostly newer soil, just try changing the feed then.

Ok awesome will do man thanx for all the help N sry i ask so many questions its jus ur able 2 explain shit to me so much better then any1 else has in my life an in a way i actually understand lmao. So jus wanted to say it really means sumthn 2 me tht i got all ur help. Cause shit if it wasnt for me being able 2 grow my own meds. I wudnt be even half as far as i am with cuttn back on my opiate medications plus the family wudnt be able 2 eat half as gud as we do. Cause all of my family here are disabled innone way or another lol. So that dnt make for a very easy time working. An with my grandparents being so old an on disability they dont and cant make much. So alot comes down to my plants. An thats a big reason im trying to increase yields but find faster grow times. Thats actually y i started a whole auto run this time. Trying to see if i can start alil field of autos an as soon as 2 are done move in others to take there place. So anotherwards perpetual auto grow is what im tryn to see if it will work out better. But i have a feeling that a sog run will be the way i should go. I think that way will increase yields and speeds. Cause if they dont gotta waste time growing abunch of side branches an just a main center branch. Wudnt they then frow faster or no?
Ok awesome will do man thanx for all the help N sry i ask so many questions its jus ur able 2 explain shit to me so much better then any1 else has in my life an in a way i actually understand lmao. So jus wanted to say it really means sumthn 2 me tht i got all ur help. Cause shit if it wasnt for me being able 2 grow my own meds. I wudnt be even half as far as i am with cuttn back on my opiate medications plus the family wudnt be able 2 eat half as gud as we do. Cause all of my family here are disabled innone way or another lol. So that dnt make for a very easy time working. An with my grandparents being so old an on disability they dont and cant make much. So alot comes down to my plants. An thats a big reason im trying to increase yields but find faster grow times. Thats actually y i started a whole auto run this time. Trying to see if i can start alil field of autos an as soon as 2 are done move in others to take there place. So anotherwards perpetual auto grow is what im tryn to see if it will work out better. But i have a feeling that a sog run will be the way i should go. I think that way will increase yields and speeds. Cause if they dont gotta waste time growing abunch of side branches an just a main center branch. Wudnt they then frow faster or no?

Your flower time in a SOG won't be any faster. It's still going to take the buds the same amount of time to set and mature. Where you may save a little time is in veg. You wouldn't have to let them veg as long to fill your grow space. Then the concept is that you'll get higher yields off your space since they will all be predominantly main colas filling your space rather than smaller producing side branches.
Been battling the humidity in grow area since I'm not venting to outside due to winter temps. Keeps running 60-70%. Never had bud rot and not interested in finding out what it's like. Ordered a small dehumidifier today that should be here Thursday. Hopefully that solves the issue.
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