Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

The Powder Dilution Calculator tab I just made in my spreadsheet. The numbers differ slightly from my manual calculations because I rounded more. The computer is dealing with full decimal places. I'll update the Google Drive versions for those of you that have the sharing link.

Edit - Since I updated it, you may need a new link. Let me know if you do.

Day 55, Day 20 from Flip PM

Always amazed how quick they seem to bounce back. Front left girl especially. This AM when I stripped her, she had barely any buds, she was behind the other girls anyhow, and spindly little stems like something you'd see on bottom growth. This evening it looks like the stems have doubled in size and I'm seeing more buds. I was shocked, in just 13 hours time. Tomorrow I think I'll readjust restrains. That's something I haven't done in weeks. I have some space to fill in the tent looking at things now.

Front Left

Back Left

Front Right

Back Right


A lot of bud sites there, lush and healthy. Ready to get sticky.
Racked my brain for a while trying to recreate this wheel. I'm gonna have to build it into my spreadsheet. Same process for both, but we'll do the Terpinator calculations:

Desired Concentration/Label Concentration

In this case it's 4% ÷ 53% = .075 grams per ml

Multiply by 1000 to get grams per liter. .075 x 1000 = 75

So if you were trying to make 1 liter you'd need 75g of powder and 925ml of water. Since most of us don't have graduated cylinders for 925ml of water, it's easier if we round up to a liter. In that case:

75 ÷ 925 x 1000 = 81g dissolved into a liter. So you'll actually have a little over a liter of product because you'll have the liter of water plus the volume of the powder.

Now if we want to convert the metric liter to the US gallon. Multiply the 81g x 3.785 (the amount of liters in a gallon) and we get 307g per gallon.

PS - if you're trying to do the calculations on Pro-Tekt or Faux-Tekt, don't use the 7.8% for the solution, use the K number of 4%.
You do realize, each and every additive you are doing with Megacrop means more spreadsheet work. I remember a guy who said he wanted something and done if you will. Does he still visit this thread?
You do realize, each and every additive you are doing with Megacrop means more spreadsheet work. I remember a guy who said he wanted something and done if you will. Does he still visit this thread?

If you mean me, I'm bored. My N-P-K calculator allows me to test different product mixes and allows me to check different product mixes in under a minute, and makes sure I don't violate some of the rules I have established re: lockout. The Nitrogen Load calculator makes sure nothing gets crispy. The new Powder Dilution calculator is for people that want to save money by making their own supplements and want to save money. Edibles calculator for knowing doses. Etc. They all have a purpose. I build most of them at work when it's slow. I used to ask @InTheShed for topics to research when I was bored and had nothing to do. Learned quite a bit that way too.

As far as deviating from just Mega Crop and adding supplements... My playing with Terpinator this round is in response to two "complaints" I've heard. Some people on the Mega Crop thread were saying that their buds were frostier and harder with AN. I've also heard of a lack of flavor from one of my testers (probably more of a drying and curing issue on my end, but what the heck). In response I'm boosting K to more closely emulate AN's 1-1-3 product mix, and adding more Sulphur to see if it kicks up flavor. We'll see what the outcome is. Each grow I normally pick something to tinker with. Otherwise I'd be snoring my way through another grow.
If you mean me, I'm bored. My N-P-K calculator allows me to test different product mixes and allows me to check different product mixes in under a minute, and makes sure I don't violate some of the rules I have established re: lockout. The Nitrogen Load calculator makes sure nothing gets crispy. The new Powder Dilution calculator is for people that want to save money by making their own supplements and want to save money. Edibles calculator for knowing doses. Etc. They all have a purpose. I build most of them at work when it's slow. I used to ask @InTheShed for topics to research when I was bored and had nothing to do. Learned quite a bit that way too.

As far as deviating from just Mega Crop and adding supplements... My playing with Terpinator this round is in response to two "complaints" I've heard. Some people on the Mega Crop thread were saying that their buds were frostier and harder with AN. I've also heard of a lack of flavor from one of my testers (probably more of a drying and curing issue on my end, but what the heck). In response I'm boosting K to more closely emulate AN's 1-1-3 product mix, and adding more Sulphur to see if it kicks up flavor. We'll see what the outcome is. Each grow I normally pick something to tinker with. Otherwise I'd be snoring my way through another grow.
You can have tastier...I dont partake for flavor.
I'm seeing nothing but frost on my grow and I'm straight debunked there. (I have my own theory on frost priduction)
However, I am all about the "for science" part and encourage you to keep on researching so us neophytes can get a solid baseline in the name of THC or CBD.
You do realize, each and every additive you are doing with Megacrop means more spreadsheet work. I remember a guy who said he wanted something and done if you will. Does he still visit this thread?
BVP you just cost me a nice bong hit. lmao
sorry far

@farside05 , You have become my plants favorite uncle. The B-61 garden is being tended to in the faux Pro-Mix BX version you helped me build and my gosh. Combine this benny with Mega Crop supplemented with your faux Pro-Tekt and faux CalMag the extra money I will not spend will amazingly still disappear. Nonetheless, thank goodness you shared with us. I am almost as happy as my plants. :love:
You can have tastier...I dont partake for flavor.
I'm seeing nothing but frost on my grow and I'm straight debunked there. (I have my own theory on frost priduction)
However, I am all about the "for science" part and encourage you to keep on researching so us neophytes can get a solid baseline in the name of THC or CBD.

Smoking, I never really discern any flavors, unless its got a hint of mint, like the Thin Mint pheno GSC I had or Ice Cool. If I don't hack up a lung, it's good smoke. lol Vaping I can get a better idea.

I can't complain about my usual "frostiness" and it surely gets the job done. I'm told its the best in town from some of the local heads, but personally I don't have any other reference points. I only partake of mine, and my other experiences with someone else's is decades ago. Or it could be we live in a shitty town. Here in the south east it's not like there are any dispensaries within several hundred miles. It's my belief that a good deal of the frost appeal is strain dependent. Given the Purple Urkles that Orlando Scout grew from this breeder, I have pretty high expectations. They were trich laden. Which brings us to another point. How will I know if it really kicked up the frost when these should naturally be covered?

BVP you just cost me a nice bong hit. lmao
sorry far

@farside05 , You have become my plants favorite uncle. The B-61 garden is being tended to in the faux Pro-Mix BX version you helped me build and my gosh. Combine this benny with Mega Crop supplemented with your faux Pro-Tekt and faux CalMag the extra money I will not spend will amazingly still disappear. Nonetheless, thank goodness you shared with us. I am almost as happy as my plants. :love:

No need to be sorry. Someone challenging my thinking helps keep me grounded. I got thick skin and enjoy self-depricating humor. I don't take myself too seriously, and if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at. Hell I even posted the story of getting my balls caught in a copier.

Glad the Faux® line of products is working well for you.
Also in Canada branded under the Praux® trademark.
Smoking, I never really discern any flavors, unless its got a hint of mint, like the Thin Mint pheno GSC I had or Ice Cool. If I don't hack up a lung, it's good smoke. lol Vaping I can get a better idea.

I can't complain about my usual "frostiness" and it surely gets the job done. I'm told its the best in town from some of the local heads, but personally I don't have any other reference points. I only partake of mine, and my other experiences with someone else's is decades ago. Or it could be we live in a shitty town. Here in the south east it's not like there are any dispensaries within several hundred miles. It's my belief that a good deal of the frost appeal is strain dependent. Given the Purple Urkles that Orlando Scout grew from this breeder, I have pretty high expectations. They were trich laden. Which brings us to another point. How will I know if it really kicked up the frost when these should naturally be covered?

No need to be sorry. Someone challenging my thinking helps keep me grounded. I got thick skin and enjoy self-depricating humor. I don't take myself too seriously, and if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at. Hell I even posted the story of getting my balls caught in a copier.

Glad the Faux® line of products is working well for you.
I did not think BVB was challenging your thinking, I know I was not. Only some inside humor among us. Your Bret Farve moment with the copier proves your humor to be up for the occasion.
I did not think BVB was challenging your thinking, I know I was not. Only some inside humor among us. Your Bret Farve moment with the copier proves your humor to be up for the occasion.
I would never challenge any of the Pros thinking. I'm not on their level. But I will always poke fun.
Also in Canada branded under the Praux® trademark.

I'm filing suit for infringement! :rofl:

I did not think BVB was challenging your thinking, I know I was not. Only some inside humor among us. Your Bret Farve moment with the copier proves your humor to be up for the occasion.

Well I bitch about nute companies that have 7 bottles, so me adding one more to the mix is up for scrutiny, and rightfully so. I'll probably never run just Mega Crop because I'm a firm believer in Silica and in my mind, Mega Crop doesn't have enough (>1%). Cal-Mag may not be necessary but I use it to balance the equation and get to my preferred N-P-K numbers. Hence the 3 products. If I didn't have 5 gallons of free Terpinator here, I don't know that I would have bothered to make my own version. Pretty happy with the 3 product mix. BUT, idle hands are the devils playthings, and since its here... I know I've suggested to at least one other person "not to go throwing things into the mix just because its on the shelf", so I deserve a little "gotcha". I did at least do some calculations to know what I'm throwing at them so I don't blow things up, hopefully.
This is a rabbit hole that I'm actually climbing out of, ie supplementing ALL nutrients and making everything from salts. I'm now finishing my last hydro plant in Faux-Megacrop w/supplemental calmag. I had to change a few things, like the type of chelated metals I use, but more or less, all of my elemental ppm is resolved to that of Megacrop with calmag. I've been through a phase where I had my sulfur content well over 100ppm, and though most regimens I've studied tend to keep the S content to around 25ppm, I've found that when I got that up to around 50 that the smoke tastes very sweet. Having the ability to control that factor gave me a fat head for a while, but ultimately, I found the sweet smoke to be something of a gimmick because to sweet or not to sweet was a generic flavor w/o having much control beyond that.

FWIW, I suspect BAS is using incorrect math to reproduce the 7.8% Pro-Text, because when I compute their suggested weight of K silicate into their volume of water, it does not resolve the same way. Hydro Buddy tells me that about 39 more grams is needed to mix up a quart to resolve the SiO2 to 7.8%. FYI, SiO2 is not the same as elemental Si, much the same as P2O5 is not the same as P, or K2O is not the same as K. Those 3 oxides have known conversion factors that must be tabulated in, and trust me, this makes the process more complicated and for us the end users it makes it more difficult to communicate. As a hydro grower, I greatly desired to get away from communicating X volume of ABC nutrients and only communicate in elemental ppm which would enable us to fine tune exactly which ppm range(s) would be serve our crops and this would be more helpful to growers outside the USA due to limited availability of things. But like I said, those conversion factors do complicate the math, and sadly, the bottles or bags always only express the contents of oxides, not the element.

So for me to figure out how much Si there is in SiO2, I needed to multiply 7.8% by .6 (7.8 x .60). The answer to that is 4.68% or 46800 ppm of Si. I can then input this 46800 into hydro buddy and set the volume to either 0.25 gallons, or 1 liter, whatever I wanted to mix.
I'll probably never run just Mega Crop because I'm a firm believer in Silica and in my mind, Mega Crop doesn't have enough (>1%).

As it turns out, in rockwool, this is PERFECT as is. My first week of using FauxMega, I tried for 20ppm of Si which is less than half of what you use, but my res PH stayed north of 7.0. 3 days later I remixed a new res, and just targeted to the default of 0.9ppm of Si and to this day that's what I use. I haven't tested PH in about a month and a half now. Just mix and use.
I wish I could put Hydro Buddy on my work computer so I could play with it more, but unfortunately we have a secure system and can't install anything. When I'm home I'm trying to sleep rather than play weed games.

I've seen others have pH issues with Mega and Silica growing in hydro. My concoction normally hits right at 6.5-6.6 which is perfect for soil-less, even though one shouldn't have to worry about pH much in a buffered medium.
If you mean me, I'm bored. My N-P-K calculator allows me to test different product mixes and allows me to check different product mixes in under a minute, and makes sure I don't violate some of the rules I have established re: lockout. The Nitrogen Load calculator makes sure nothing gets crispy. The new Powder Dilution calculator is for people that want to save money by making their own supplements and want to save money. Edibles calculator for knowing doses. Etc. They all have a purpose. I build most of them at work when it's slow. I used to ask @InTheShed for topics to research when I was bored and had nothing to do. Learned quite a bit that way too.

As far as deviating from just Mega Crop and adding supplements... My playing with Terpinator this round is in response to two "complaints" I've heard. Some people on the Mega Crop thread were saying that their buds were frostier and harder with AN. I've also heard of a lack of flavor from one of my testers (probably more of a drying and curing issue on my end, but what the heck). In response I'm boosting K to more closely emulate AN's 1-1-3 product mix, and adding more Sulphur to see if it kicks up flavor. We'll see what the outcome is. Each grow I normally pick something to tinker with. Otherwise I'd be snoring my way through another grow.

Lol i bet. Shit if i had ur smarts to be able 2 understand it all i would sooo be doing the same thing lmao. Well i got my girls burning up an going crispy on the bottomn an inside the canopy middle down is going crispy to idk what is going on. But im guna drop the Sweet candy altogether and jus do the MC and CalMag for right now. Any other tips or pointers or sumthn i could do to help my bigger girls out?

Then on the other hand we got here my Mandarin Cookies clone jus growing like a beast with no burning or yellowing jus lookn gud an growing strong. So im wondering why my Sweet Tooth in the above pics are burning up on the bottom up to the middle.

Day 57, Day 22 from flip

The space that was gained from the defoliation is no more. After readjusting the ties, every inch of the tent is being used again. Front right continues to surprise after her butch job. She's actually looking like she could be a nice stocky little girl yet.

Day 57, Day 22 from flip

The space that was gained from the defoliation is no more. After readjusting the ties, every inch of the tent is being used again. Front right continues to surprise after her butch job. She's actually looking like she could be a nice stocky little girl yet.

Dam brother lookn gud very nice.

Today my potassium silicate arrived so was thinking about making a batch of faux-tekt and feeding the girls. What do u suggest i do to help my girls that are doing this?

Any 1 tht cud help me figure out sumthn i cud do to help her get better i wud greatly appreciate it thanks everyone.
Any 1 tht cud help me figure out sumthn i cud do to help her get better i wud greatly appreciate it thanks everyone.
Not sure what the medium is but it looks really wet. Are you letting it dry down to the bottom between waterings? How many holes are in the bottom of the plastic bin? Is it raised so air can get to the holes or is it sitting on the tray?

Wet feet can cause any number of issues with a plant, from nutrient deficiencies to root rot. And from the look of those lower leaves it looks more like a root issue to me.
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