Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

Finally got the RO system Beck up and running. I hate working on that thing. There's so many connections and possibilities for leaks. Had to chase down 2 leaks that probably took me an extra hour. I don't use it for plants anymore, just human consumption and a base for making homemade nutes from powder.

No more tap water taste!

Your autocorrect is either South African or a fan of 90s alternative music :).

It's neurotic. It adds words all on its own and changes correctly spelled words to something completely different (ie. as I was just typing completely it changed it to "comes npk"). I'm forever editing posts after I hit submit and reread them. The pitfalls of doing most of your posts from a phone.
Day 50, 15 after flip

One day after the thinning. I'm liking how they look. Back left girl is getting her stretch on. She's 8 inches above everyone else and she's not sitting on a riser, so she's a good 10 inches taller than her siblings. She has nice stocky stems to support what I hope becomes some donkey sized colas. Front left has a nice structure to her and is very level. She could surprise. Front right still hasn't started to flower and is the shorty of the group. She has 2 risers under her to make her even with the other 3. Back right is nice but doesn't seem to have as many tops. Front left will be next up for a drink. Maybe tomorrow AM. The right side girls will go a bit longer.

Day 50, 15 after flip

One day after the thinning. I'm liking how they look. Back left girl is getting her stretch on. She's 8 inches above everyone else and she's not sitting on a riser, so she's a good 10 inches taller than her siblings. She has nice stocky stems to support what I hope becomes some donkey sized colas. Front left has a nice structure to her and is very level. She could surprise. Front right still hasn't started to flower and is the shorty of the group. She has 2 risers under her to make her even with the other 3. Back right is nice but doesn't seem to have as many tops. Front left will be next up for a drink. Maybe tomorrow AM. The right side girls will go a bit longer.

Back left is just going ballz out. Impressive.
A pound should make you 3.25 quarts or more. However long that is in your world, i'm not sure. In my little tent with 4 plants, I'd guess that a quart will finish 12 plants? So a pound of Potassium Silicate will finish maybe 40 plants? Just a guess.

Gotta love Prime. The Potassium Silicate I ordered from BuildASoil is coming from the other side of the country. I've been waiting what feels like forever for it. That 2 day Prime service got me spoiled.

Maybe i should jus order it from amazon then huh lol. How long have u been actually waiting would it be quicker threw amazon?
Maybe i should jus order it from amazon then huh lol. How long have u been actually waiting would it be quicker threw amazon?

Ordered Nov 25th but then we had the holiday and a weekend in there. Of course everything this time of year takes longer. Even Amazon Prime doesn't guarantee 2 day shipping from the end of Nov through Dec. Amazon would probably be quicker since there are fulfilment centers all around the US, but then again it's quite a bit more on Amazon. If you can afford to wait you can save more.
Day 51, Day 16 after flip

Front left got fed this AM. Wasn't until composing this that I realized I shorted her 5 extra ml of Terpinator. She got 1gal of 6g Mega, 5ml Cal-Mag, 5ml Pro-Tekt, 5ml Terpinator. The right hand side girls will likely need fed in the AM.

My bag of Potassium Silicate came in today. Perhaps I can whip up a quart of Faux-Tekt® tomorrow before feeding the right girls.

I know I work too hard to just throw money away, and assume others are the same way. Probably why I don't go to strip clubs or casinos. Yeah, I have before, but what an expensive form of entertainment. Over the years i've found ways to trim costs out of my grows via making my own soil-less mix and using powdered nutes. The biggest cost it still probably electricity and there is no way around that if you are growing indoors. I don't see it as cheap, ok, maybe I am. I just want a good value if I'm going to spend a buck. Shopping Amazon for car parts was probably my biggest revelation the last couple years. Even as a Do-It-Yourselfer, saving 50% on parts over buying local was a big deal. The average age of the crew I work with is 15 years younger than me. I don't know how they are ever gonna make any headway. They pay more for a 2 bedroom apartment than I pay for a mortgage on a 4 bedroom, 2400 sq/ft home on 1.5 acres. They have no DIY skills at all. They work overtime every week just to make the bills. There is no way they'll ever be able to save enough for a down payment. I guess its great if you are landlord in this town, but as a society, I wonder where we are headed.
We are sadly in corporate 2% heaven . While we worry about our daily Bill's and now genuine survival , we cant worry about their open corruption and stealing from citizens in the form of taxes and worse of all PERMITS. your home but need permits to do anything in. lol. same in uk too. Any job costs a fee to them for letting you do it. We wanted some work doing for a simple keystone for a driveway. It will cost us £70 if we dont use their labour and that isnt for doing anything , that is a fee for us asking someone else to do the work !!!!!!!!. tip of a huge iceberg. While we all panic about money and covering the basics , they know we cannot risk losing jobs ect.. by standing up and being counted in civil unrest. We have Brexit here which is a huge distraction from the behind doors deals that have been done with Trump for our health service among other very dodgy deals. thankfully they got caught and now the public know they lied to them. Our whole political future is being waged over leaving the EU and the racist govt party have used the BBC ( corrupt govt controlled channel) to push a lot of propaganda and opposition party fake news( again caught out and being publically exposed. sorry for waffle but whole point is we are in their world for their benefit and labour , using their payment to buy their food to fuel our labour for their benefit !!!!. makes my ganjaworld even more attractive to live in.heehee
Here is another round of the Do-It-Yourself Faux Series. How to make your own Silica supplement similar to Dyna Gro Pro-Tek, Botanicare Silica Blast, General Hydroponics Armor SI, Grotek Pro-Silicate, Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin, etc., we'll call it Faux-Tekt®.

First you need to acquire a bag of Potassium Silicate. I found mine on BuildASoil for $20 for a 1lb bag, including shipping. One pound will make about 3.5 quarts. Compare that to $18 for a single quart of Pro-Tekt and you can see the savings.

Next you need to measure out 32oz (1 quart) of RO or distilled water into a pot.

I just replaced the filters in my RO system, and I'm still working on flushing the tank, so my RO was at 50ppm. It will get lower over the next couple weeks as the system is purged.

My RO was 7.6 pH to start. That may get lower too over the next couple weeks. All that really maters is that you're using a good quality water to start with. My ppm and pH numbers are fairly inconsequential. I was just curious of the inputs.

Now that we have our 32oz of water, and our bag of Potassium Silicate. It's time to measure out how much powder we need. To make a quart of 7.8% solution (same as Pro-Tekt), we need 140g of Potassium Silicate. First we tare our scale with the container on it.

Next we measure out our powder.

Add our powder to the pot containing our water.

Turn the burner on medium heat and stir til dissolved. I heated mine until it was starting to put off a bit of steam but not to the point of boiling.

When you think its well dissolved, it will go from very cloudy white to slightly white but not perfectly clear, pour your concoction into a storage container. It filled my quart jar right to the rim.

That's it. You have just made your own Silica supplement at less than 1/3 the cost. Why pay for water? Buy the powder yourself and add your own water and save/spend your cash for something else.
The quality control tests... To see how close my product is compared to Pro-tekt. I gathered a few numbers.

I poured a sample of Pro-Tekt into a cup and measured the starting pH, since Silica supplements are known to be alkaline in nature. It measured 11.5

I checked that result against my Faux-Tekt®. Same number, so we are good there.

Next I added 5ml of Pro-Tekt to a gallon of water to see the resulting ppm. I got 241.

I did the same with 5ml of Faux-Tekt® and came out with 254. Pretty close. The difference is most likely that I eyeballed the gallon rather that precisely measured it. My guess is the Pro-Tekt gallon had a tad bit more water in it. Either way, 13 points over 5ml, that's only a difference of 2.6ppm per ml.

Next I tested the Pro-Tekt gallon's pH. 8.5

Then the Faux-Tekt® gallon. Also 8.5

I added all the other components of my nute regiment. The Pro-Tekt gallon came out to 6.5, which is what I am shooting for. No other pH adjustments necessary.

The Faux-Tekt® gallon. Spot on also at 6.5.

Every one of my test showed the product to be equivalent. It looks like a winner.
Here is another round of the Do-It-Yourself Faux Series. How to make your own Silica supplement similar to Dyna Gro Pro-Tek, Botanicare Silica Blast, General Hydroponics Armor SI, Grotek Pro-Silicate, Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin, etc., we'll call it Faux-Tekt®.

First you need to acquire a bag of Potassium Silicate. I found mine on BuildASoil for $20 for a 1lb bag, including shipping. One pound will make about 3.5 quarts. Compare that to $18 for a single quart of Pro-Tekt and you can see the savings.

Next you need to measure out 32oz (1 quart) of RO or distilled water into a pot.

I just replaced the filters in my RO system, and I'm still working on flushing the tank, so my RO was at 50ppm. It will get lower over the next couple weeks as the system is purged.

My RO was 7.6 pH to start. That may get lower too over the next couple weeks. All that really maters is that you're using a good quality water to start with. My ppm and pH numbers are fairly inconsequential. I was just curious of the inputs.

Now that we have our 32oz of water, and our bag of Potassium Silicate. It's time to measure our how much powder we need. To make a quart of 7.8% solution (same as Pro-Tekt), we need 140g of Potassium Silicate. First we tare our scale with the container on it.

Next we measure out our powder.

Add our powder to the pot containing our water.

Turn the burner on medium heat and stir til dissolved. I heated mine until it was starting to put off a bit of steam but not to the point of boiling.

When you think its well dissolved, it will go from very cloudy white to slightly white but not perfectly clear, pour your concoction into a storage container. It filled my quart jar right to the rim.

That's it. You have just made your own Silica supplement at less than 1/3 the cost. Why pay for water? Buy the powder yourself and add your own water and save/spend your cash for something else.
Mate you are in the ranks of my 420 heroes right now. Love this and will be following your recipes for using mc from the beginning next run . I have shogun silica now and still some.left but will be making this up . great post. With Emmy's calmag as well and mc , the costs of growing have just dropped dramatically for far superior to store bought salt based nutes. Thank you
IMO, EC meters aren't super sensitive and the resulting TDS conversions generated are only 'pretty close'. As far as your plants are concerned, they'll never know the difference between Pro-Tekt or Faux-Tekt.
As some of you are aware, I go the lazy route and measure Mega Crop by volume rather than weight. While I had everything out and was measuring things for the Faux-Text® tutorial. I thought I'd show why I quit fussing with the scale.

First I put my 1/2tsp spoon on the scale and tared it so it would be zero.

I took my normal scoop of Mega Crop and reweighed it. I didn't adjust anything to make it look better for the photos, just weighed what I do every time I feed.

I was making 2 gallon jugs of feed, so I did it again.

I did the same with my 1/4tsp spoon, put it on empty and tared the scale.

1st scoop for the 1st gallon.

2nd scoop for the 2nd gallon.

So quick scooping and going, I'm within .1g per scoop using my assumption that 1/8tsp = 1g. The first gallon ended up at 6.0g on the nose, and the second gallon was 5.9. Close enough for me.
The quality control tests... To see how close my product is compared to Pro-tekt. I gathered a few numbers.

I poured a sample of Pro-Tekt into a cup and measured the starting pH, since Silica supplements are known to be alkaline in nature. It measured 11.5

I checked that result against my Faux-Tekt®. Same number, so we are good there.

Next I added 5ml of Pro-Tekt to a gallon of water to see the resulting ppm. I got 241.

I did the same with 5ml of Faux-Tekt® and came out with 254. Pretty close. The difference is most likely that I eyeballed the gallon rather that precisely measured it. My guess is the Pro-Tekt gallon had a tad bit more water in it. Either way, 13 points over 5ml, that's only a difference of 2.6ppm per ml.

Next I tested the Pro-Tekt gallon's pH. 8.5

Then the Faux-Tekt® gallon. Also 8.5

I added all the other components of my nute regiment. The Pro-Tekt gallon came out to 6.5, which is what I am shooting for. No other pH adjustments necessary.

The Faux-Tekt® gallon. Spot on also at 6.5.

Every one of my test showed the product to be equivalent. It looks like a winner.
sold!!!. how much are you selling bottles for??. heehee. love it and a well proven workaround. I d.i.y what I can dare use safely mate so right up my street. excellent proven product Farside. Make a sticky of this one mate.
IMO, EC meters aren't super sensitive and the resulting TDS conversions generated are only 'pretty close'. As far as your plants are concerned, they'll never know the difference between Pro-Tekt or Faux-Tekt.

As you can see, my meters are cheap-o's from the Zon. Not the epitome of accuracy I'm sure. Frankly they are dust collectors anymore since I no longer measure anything. I just broke them out as some point of reference to see if the formula was in the ballpark.
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