Growing Against Alzheimers - A Purely Organic Experience

I wish you all the love and happiness! You have made a permanent impression on me that I will never, ever forget. You are a wonderful human being and I feel blessed to have had the opprotunity Thank You grow to heal me. One love.
You really are a legendary human being G2HM. I have never met someone as positive and just generally life loving as you. You're an inspiration to us all. I watched Alzheimers take my aunt and it wasn't a pretty sight. You are further into it than she was and you are leaps and bounds ahead when it comes to keeping this monster at bay.

PS. your plants are looking beautiful too. So happy and healthy!

Stay strong and keep that beautiful soul positive, have an amazing weekend. :thumb:
Does this kitchen scale say 1 pound 6 ounces? This is after a 3 day dark period and 4 Day cardboard dry. Gonna leave it out overnight then jar it up. I also got 10 ounces of trim. So yah, I'm gonna make more oil.



Well done soul sista, that's an awesome haul ...
Yeah I am struggling with dosing and timing on the dosing......I find the oil lasts long and I can wake up still "drunk" if I take it too late. For me I am finding a 6pm dose runs me through the night and I get a good night's sleep and I can wake up at 8am without any lingering effects. But like last night, Ms Stank and I went out to dinner and I didn't dose until I got home around 8:30. When I got out of bed this morning, I was useless and fell asleep in a stupor for another hour and a half. I am taking about 1.25 teaspoons, could probably drop down to 1 teaspoon and be good, but still kind of trying to test the upper and lower limits. I think I might try 1.5 teaspoons tonight.

It's always a good idea to listen to your body, it knows some stuff lol.

You are doing the right thing by adjusting your dosage and continuously monitoring your functionality Van Stank.

At the end of the day being on the higher side of high is very nice .. but we are looking for effects to enable us to live as normal a day as possible.

I just heard about this on the radio. If anyone is treating their pets with cannabis, UC Davis is conducting a survey of pet owners/caregivers. Here is a link to the survey and information:
Archives | Vet Med News

From the UC Davis website:
Very few veterinary researchers and/or schools of veterinary medicine have conducted any significant research into the subject. The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is beginning to lead this charge with an anonymous survey to gather information on this topic. The data will then be used to educate the public on the growing role of these products in the pet population and potentially lead to future research.
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