*I think I'm in shock, you mean your mom went to broadway show, huge lights huge sounds, and didn't get triggered. That is the best news HMW about your mother besides the love she gets to share now through good times. I'm so proud of her and especially you for doing this for your mom.
- She does well in public because she always has dad or her dear friends right by, although she doesn't engage in conversation when more people are around. She's doing well enjoying life!
*So you decided on the CBD Indica Fem, which is exactly what I'm using. I just know it's a winning combination. Any ratio is great.
- The wife and I sampled . I think it's a winning cannabinoid combo! Relaxed body, big smile, and an overall pleasant feeling. . No anxiety .
*I'm exactly like your mom in that way. I'm trying to figure out a way of addressing that, instead of just writing all the time. Why doesn't the medical system assign a speech therapist to work with our face to face interactions? Maybe counselling is supposed to address that. The funny thing is that she knows what she wants to say, it's just comes out wrong. It's like driving and someone yanks the wheel out of your hand. Completely unplanned ramble.
- Mom cannot write any longer. I love your writing; paints a pic of your personality! You are spot on that she knows what she wants to say. Today it was "dishes," even had the first half of it out of her mouth then stopped as if it were the wrong word. She knew, she was elbow deep in the things!
*It's like saying a tongue twister, but have it be every day simple words that trip you up. That's how challenging it can be, but she will get better with practice. I'm sure more socialization would help us, but I'd rather not. hahaha
- I commend you for every effort, and I bet your star-blessed hubby understands when nobody else may! Keep your circle tight, and flood it with love; I say! .
*Thank you for sharing your journey with me because your mom is weeks ahead of me, and that inspires me to keep going.
*We are in it together...
- YOU are an inspiration to us, and so many others! Truly profound .
Together is right on! Often have your journal open as dad and I plan. Keep planning!
.So much love