Growing A Legend: An Auto Tribute To Jack Herer

I may do an emergency soilectomy in my pots tomorrow after work. I think the compost is too rich for the short life cycle of the autos. All of them are going to shit and I'll salvage the smaller ones anyway. Guy mentioned a learning curve in my other journal and I'll be damned if he wasn't right. The compost is great for outdoor growing but i'll leave it at that for now and see what happens.

More to come...

Oh the joys of soil that's too hot. Man you should have seen how bad I nuked these Panama x Malawi clones. I knocked the dirt off them and repotted them into milder stuff and they recovered pretty well. I know most people wouldn't dare be that rough with a cannabis plant but yeah, I'd say if they've got more than a few nodes on them, their roots should be able to be repotted as long as you're careful.
Oh the joys of soil that's too hot. Man you should have seen how bad I nuked these Panama x Malawi clones. I knocked the dirt off them and repotted them into milder stuff and they recovered pretty well. I know most people wouldn't dare be that rough with a cannabis plant but yeah, I'd say if they've got more than a few nodes on them, their roots should be able to be repotted as long as you're careful.

Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do. But I'm still in my first year of growing and I suspect I still have lots of years of fucking up to do ha.
My pleasure man. Gotta look out for each other and a quick fix now saves grief later on.

Awesome, the future is bright:):)

How are the light baffles/directors working for you? If I missed you updating this, sorry!
Awesome, the future is bright:):)

How are the light baffles/directors working for you? If I missed you updating this, sorry!

I left it as is for the time being. I may even back off the daylight hours to let the plants settle down a bit as it were. I guess I could span some foil on the back row though - it's mounted on a piece of board whereas the front ones are semi-free swinging and it'd be a pain in the arse.

Congrats! This image reminds me of Little Shop of Horrors (Steve Martin again...the huffing dentist...classic)
Having spent the day in a bowl of warm water in the dark, my seed is now in wet paper towel on a plate on top of the DVR, no ziploc per CropKingSeed's suggestion for germination.

And just to get back to germination for a minute, CKS guarantees an 80% germ rate, which means they're prices are 20% higher than posted!

Have a good night all!
Hey shed I thought you were American?
Stank's Jack

Caught a real quick update before the lights went out on her. Not much to show but she's on her first set of real leaves. Will get better pics of her tomorrow when I have time to bring her out of the tent.

My high speed humidity dome





Anyways.....hope everyone is enjoying their night! U-S-A......U.S.A!!!
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