Thats how I generally do my germination if I am at all concerned about max germination rate. Meaning.....if I am trying to grow a strain where I only have one or two seeds, I want to ensure germination. Going from a short soak in water with H2O2 (to kill anything on the outside of the shell) for half an hour or so.....into a bowl of plain water overnight until it sink......and then into a damn paper towel inside a zip lock (on top of a plate sitting on top of the heating pad) until the tap root is half an inch long has given 100%.
I switched to the soak and then directly into soil under the premise that direct planting leads to stronger plants at the cost of potential germination rates. I have read that you might lose 1 out of 10 seeds with the direct into soil after soaking method (assuming the rest of your environment is dialed in). I will generally only do this if I have a seed or two or more that I don't mind losing. Having said that.....I am 3 for 3 (jack herer not included yet) in the direct in soil method.