Grow Version 1.0 - Reserva Privada Hurricane - LED - DWC - Mainline

re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

First off, thanks for the new subs and for everyone's support thus far; I really appreciate it!

You guys rock!

@Grouchy and @Atulip -- about the venting... I have 2 intake fans on the bottom and 2 exhaust fans on the top (I have more pics if that'd help)... The idea was fresh air in through the bottom, straight-up through the lighting, etc. and then out the top. I replaced my fans the other day and all 4 of them push 171 CFM each (sounds like a small jet in there). My bad for describing the venting poorly.

I've already started shopping for new reservoirs. 5 gal buckets won't work for me with my height restrictions so I'm looking at rectangle shaped coolers which don't exceed 10" in height... I found some 6 gals in this size, but still reading up on res details (e.g. does height matter). Thinking I'll get something in the next few days so I'm ready early next week with new reservoirs. Does anyone know if res depth is a consideration (haven't found any direct info yet)??

Here's the latest from me:
- I got a chance to get my other res setup and stabilized last night.
- All seedlings are now in a res.
- Both res @ 200 PPM with PH of 5.8 and constant water temp of 65F.
- Air temp has been 78-82F, but low humidity ~35%... Reading up on if I need to be concerned with this low humidity.

So far the plants seem to be happier with the nutes; I think they grew like a mm :) I'm thinking I should've started earlier with nutes, but this is something I can mess with on my next germination.

My plan is to let things run @ 200PPM through the weekend and see how it goes. I'll be monitoring PH every 12 hrs or so.

Assuming all is well on Monday I'll probably switch the res out and move to around 400PPM. I also plan to switch to a 20-4 lighting schedule early next week to give the gear a little break.

Thanks again everyone!

A few pics, but nothing exciting.

Overall view... As you can see an engineering flaw with the right res cooling coil; it sticks up too far preventing me from getting my T5s any closer than 4" from my res. I may try to bend this a bit more, but it's risky as this SS 304 tubing is much more brittle than copper (I threw away 30$ in SS 304 trying to build these damn coils as one wrong bend and the tubing spilts).

Left res (the back 2 are Super Sour Alien and the front one is the White Widow)

Right res (back 2 are Hurricane and the front one is White Widow).

Side note -- I don't like these net pot covers. They are too flimsy and bend up... I'll have to make something to replace these.

Ah I must've read wrong about the airflow, intake bottom and exhaust top is right. As for totes. I've seen short square ones that are 4-5 gallons at Wal-Mart. A quick search finds me a 4 gallon sterilite stacked tote, demensions 18.0 x 12.63 x 7.13 inches. Nice and short but you could only fit 2 in your box. 5 gallon buckets would fit 4 but at 14-15 inches tall.

Not sure about how the roots work in shallow containers, I have noticed though that the main fat root on one of mine curves quite dramatically, and it hasn't came near the bottom of the res.

re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

@Atulip thanks for checking on the cooler dude!! Hoping someday I can have roots like yours :)

I found some coolers today and picked up some other stuff (like hydrocorn and some 3" net pots).

Planning to put in the new rez early next week when I up the nutes.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

I really like the Reserva Prevada Colorado genetics. I'm growing a Citrix in my 4x4. I also have some Lucy and S.S.A. in my other tent. I didn't get any keepers of the sour alien, but I will have a cut or two of the Lucy I'm keeping. Wanted to try the Hurricane but figured I'd do that later if they don't discontinue it. If you find a pheno you like I would suggest keeping a mother of it. Never know how long those seeds will be around.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

guambomb80 -- it's encouraging to hear your experience with Reserva Privada genetics. Unfortunately I don't have the setup to maintain a mother plant right now. Maybe in the future. Do you happen to have a journal or pics of your Reserva grow(s)?

I was really wanting the "Glass Slipper" strain, but they didn't have it so I had to settle with what I got. I also really wanted the "Mammoth", but supposedly it doesn't like lateral training so I decided against it (I'm planning to use mainlining).

Assuming all goes well, before too long I'll be getting rid of all but 2 of my plants. So 1 or 2 of my hurricane plants will either be given away or tossed in the garbage (cringe). If you're interested in taking (assuming your a CO resident) any of these plants (free) in a week or 2, PM me.

I'll post an update later today once I get my res swapped over.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

I'm not keeping a journal on the Lucy. The plants for personal use I do somewhat journal here, but for my patients grows, I don't at all. I am in Southern Colorado, but right now I am at my plant count and won't be able to take anything in for at least 4 weeks. I may have a buddy that will take the ones you can't handle, but there are a few other people on here more deserving of those genetics for sure! As for the pm, I can pm you but until you hit 50 posts you won't be able to write me back.
A buddy of mine is growing Glass slipper now, he is actually having a hard time getting it through veg. He also grows dwc. His problem is ph management. He is using a 20 gallon tote for 1 plant. I just convinced him to switch to coco and he is loving it. He's going to give the G.S. another 2 weeks and switch it if he still has problems.

If you are wanting to keep some o f your plants, I would suggest putting them in soil in a small container and just using 1 23 watt cfl to keep them alive. You will need to trim back roots about every 2 months, but the plants will be manageable and you will be able to keep them rather that trash them. Just food for thought
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

guambomb80 thanks for the tips... Let me see if I can keep these plants alive; then maybe I'll worry about reducing :)
50 posts before you can PM?? what's up with that!

update from me:
- switched out to a new res this AM. i have about 5 gal of water in it and now @ 400 PPM (since this AM), and working to maintain a PH of 5.8.
- new net cups which are 3" and also hydrocorn.
- i added a small humidifier in the cab.. the RH is now steady in the lower 50s... used to hold in lower 30s.
- i plan to watch these girls closely to ensure 400 doesn't hurt them and also since I only had a chance to let me res + nutes sit for a few hours (seems to take 12 - 24 hr to stabilize).
- there is some growth since the last pics, but IMO they are moving along slow. better slow than dead i guess.

some pics below..

overall setup

white widow

super sour alien on the top and white widow on the bottom. the ssa on the top right is my fault. the net pot wasn't getting enough water from the res. hoping it will recover now that its in a more stable setup.


here's something of note. the biggest ssa has some rust stains on the lower large leaves. not seeing it on new growth or other plants so wondering if it could be burn i didn't notice before. planning to just monitor it, especially new growth. any thoughts on this one appreciated.

btw -- sorry for the poor focus on the pics. i'm going to need to find a way to get my phone or camera to focus a little better.

happy growing, and as always I really appreciate the support!
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

looks good.

rust on leaf is probably just water residue of some type.
plants are to young to have a deficiency. 400ppm should be perfect.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

thanks mussh... good to know i shouldn't assume deficiency.

just get your cal/mag ready. I usually start feeding cal/mag at about week two with hydro.

not to be a Debbie downer, but your root masses are going to grow into a big knot down there. it happened to a friend of mine. had a couple plants get root rot and couldn't separate the root knots. it wasn't a pretty sight. he still got some nice buds. his second grow was much better.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

not to be a Debbie downer, but your root masses are going to grow into a big knot down there. it happened to a friend of mine. had a couple plants get root rot and couldn't separate the root knots. it wasn't a pretty sight. he still got some nice buds. his second grow was much better.

nah... debbie downer = keepin' it real... that's why i'm posting this journal; to learn.

i assume you mean this will happen because there are 6 plants in the res right?

if so -- the plan is to let these 6 grow until they start to get too big (roots or veg) for the current setup. not sure how long that will be 1-2 more weeks maybe??

at that point i'm going to select 2 "keepers" and get rid of the rest. i have another res like this and at that point each of the 2 plants will have their own res... will finish veg + flower (i hope) 1 plant per res... i don't think my cab is big enough for any more than 2 plants given what i want to do here, but then again this is my 1st grow :)

side question -- so it's still possible to get root rot even if the res temp is at a steady 65F??? btw; i'm also using a little h2o2, tho it's surely not a silver bullet.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

that sounds like a good plan.

there are a few things that cause root rot. I am not exactly sure why my friends did. he also had six plants growing, just like yours. he didn't have a plan b. he had no place to move them. so when he switched to flower his roots went nuts and grew huge knots. if you ask me, im guessing the bigger plants roots killed the smaller plants roots causing the veg rot. of course he couldn't see any of this because to look in the cup hole was worthless. was just a huge root mass. once again, this was his first grow ever and minus the two dead plants, four survived and he got some good smoke.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

side note -- ever since I decided to go with the FoxFarm hydro line up (I have everything in [1]) I've been trying to decide if h2o2 would have a negative impact on the nutes. this is debated all over the internet, but in general it appears h2o2 can kill beneficials if your nutes have them.

I decided to call FoxFarms, but unfortunately they could not provide a recommendation since they "don't test with h2o2". however it appears the Kagaroots and Microbe Brew do have beneficials which leads me to believe h2o2 *could* have a negative impact on them.

with that in mind I think I'm going to refrain from using h2o2 on a regular basis for anything other than cleaning hydro gear (or if I get root rot; hope not).

any comments on this topic are appreciated.

re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

side note -- ever since I decided to go with the FoxFarm hydro line up (I have everything in [1]) I've been trying to decide if h2o2 would have a negative impact on the nutes. this is debated all over the internet, but in general it appears h2o2 can kill beneficials if your nutes have them.

I decided to call FoxFarms, but unfortunately they could not provide a recommendation since they "don't test with h2o2". however it appears the Kagaroots and Microbe Brew do have beneficials which leads me to believe h2o2 *could* have a negative impact on them.

with that in mind I think I'm going to refrain from using h2o2 on a regular basis for anything other than cleaning hydro gear (or if I get root rot; hope not).

any comments on this topic are appreciated.


I use about 1/4 tsp - 1/2 tsp 29% h2o2 per gallon. Of course I also use tap water. I set a gallon of tap water with h2o2 out for 24 hours before filling reservoir. if you do use the stuff be careful. Get a drop on your skin and it burns and itches for about an hour.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

Atulip thanks for the info man...

I'm wanting to continue use of h2o2, but seems like it could have negative effects on some of these FF nutes... Now that I've done more research I'm kicking myself in the ass for getting FF nutes; seems more negative than positive from what I've read. But alas, I've spent the money and now I'm going to have to make the best of them...

I'm having some leaf "canoeing" or "tacoing" on the bigger SSA plant. still trying to diagnose. I may need to ask for help if I can't get to the bottom of this using google and trial + error.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

You got me wanting to try DWC again!
Might go with NFT, but either way I want to do a hydro grow next.
Thanks for the inspiration!

who me?? are you serious?
dude - you almost got me wanting to switch to coco :) I've been reading up on it, if for nothing else other than education at this point.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

who me?? are you serious?
dude - you almost got me wanting to switch to coco :) I've been reading up on it, if for nothing else other than education at this point.

And here I am switching to organic soil lol. Everybody wants something different.

Not sure what the difference between nute brands are. I've been using gen hydro and have no complaints. Although I think I chose them because they were the cheapest and simplest.
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

I'm having some leaf "canoeing" or "tacoing" on the bigger SSA plant. still trying to diagnose. I may need to ask for help if I can't get to the bottom of this using google and trial + error.

What I found on leaves curling up. Too hot, too much water, too much light, too much wind, too much humidy. Found a few threads with the same info on it.

I'm not sure how too much water plays in with Dwc. Maybe not enough dissolved oxygen? I'm thinking too much light is most likely though if you're running 8 tubes.

Leaves curling up. Why?
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

Atulip thanks; I really appreciate your looking into this.

Based on my google-foo this AM; I came the same conclusion (at least as the most probable). So a few hours ago I lifted my lights up a few inches and adjusted my fans as well. Also placed my thermometer atop my res to get better idea of temps down there (it was mid-way up the cab wall).

Going to monitor for now and see what happens. I always read "you can't get CFLs too close" so I assumed that was true, but maybe not in my case with these 8 T5s and at this early plant age.

Thanks again!!
re: Cogreen's First Grow - White Widow & Super Sour Alien With Indoor DWC & T5 CFL

who me?? are you serious?
dude - you almost got me wanting to switch to coco :) I've been reading up on it, if for nothing else other than education at this point.

Haha... yeah, I like to switch stuff up and figured I'd give it a go again. Why not... I should have enough meds for a while and if I mess it up again, I can just stick them back in coco to finish up:)

About the coco, it's a great way to grow for sure and so easy to control since you can feed every watering and a flush dosent drown roots like in soil. Give this dwc a shot and if it dosent work out give coco a chance...
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