Grow Journal Blue Dream

Hardly any bugs today thanks to anyone who helped me out this this issue. End of week 3 on Sunday hoping these girls start fattening
Good hardly seeing any. I'm hoping to make this my first compete grow to the finish week 4 begins Monday. Wanna see these girls start sweling
During a large growth period like making buds plants pull all they can get from roots and leaves if needed. My thoughts in my first run were to up the nutes a little for a week to help them out. Not sure if it was right, but did not turn out bad. The plants really want more P-K during flower. Thats what is in most all bloom nutes.
Thanks I figured as much since I go half strength on the nutes but maybe I'll start doing full strength and see how they respond. I agree I think they're just sucking out of the leaves I'll feed them better
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