July 13th. 2gallons of water with 2 Tbsp. Molasses given to plants at ½ gallon per plant. Given 2ml Ca/Mg in 1.5 Lt. of water as foliar spray. Lights measured at 15 in. above plants no signs of burn but will move to 24 in. today.
July 15th. 2 gallons of water with 2 Tbsp. Molasses given at ½ gallon per plant. Given 2ml Ca/Mg in 1.5 Lt. of water as foliar spray.
July 16th. Foliar spray Ca/Mg 2ml. in 1.5 Lt. of water given.
July 17th. Watered today as plants are sucking it up probably due to the heat in the grow box hitting 30+. Some pistils have a gold/brown color now and the top buds appear to be fattening up.
July 18th. Given Ca/Mg spray this am.
July 19th. Given Ca/Mg spray, top dressing applied and watered with Fish/Kelp fertilizer 60 ml/2gals. Plants look like they have slowed down their stretch and starting to fill the buds as well as some pistils are turn yellow brown.
July 20th. The tallest buds are 12 in. above hoops and look like they are filling out and appear to be slowing down their stretch substantially. All the plants appear healthy and no signs of nutrient deficiency’s or toxicity. The stretch appears to have been about 16 in…..