OK, I have another update for y'all!
BubbaHash got chopped and is hanging on the strings. She was particularly pretty this time with all the bronzes and purples. This one went 67 days which is the longest I've gone with this strain, but the calyxes were looking so fine I just had to let it go a few more days.
Bluniverse Reveg is next, due as soon as Bubba is in the jars - looking pretty good.
Carnival is getting nice and heavy - a couple weeks yet to go.
The DeadlySativas are at the stage where they're starting to impress.
DS1 is 13 days behind Carnival and her trichs are coming on fast. She looks like Carnival did last week. DS2 is another 6 days younger than DS1, but she faded really hard after the Cats, so I'm gonna have to nurse her a bit.
DCPurple is only 10 days away from the usual finish but this one looks like it could go longer. It's also not purpling very fast, so I may have to rethink my genetics.
Dunno, I thought it'd be darker.
Here's her relative DevilsCarnival5.
Goofy lookin lil thang - I never measured it - I bet it isn't 14 inches from tip to soil, but whew, she's all sticky bud - gonna be a PIA to trim but there are trichs everywhere. I tried to pull a lot of the crispy leaves off and got fingers full of sticky gooey stuff.
Zam+ is starting to build some recognizable calyxes - she has another 3-4 weeks to go.
Bluniverse is doing well ...
And here's GojiPupil. She's been steadily losing her large fans, but the others are staying nice and green. So far so good, and the cuts root well, too. Nice bluish purpling.
That's it for the flowering girls.
I upcanned another BubbaHash to 3 gallons and flipped it today, and I'll be doing some topping and potting tomorrow, so I'll get back with those pics later.