Still have 12 bags in the mini fridges drying (takes about 14-15 days), and a bunch still in the drying box.
Two weeks ago the drying box was taking 5-6 days. A little quick but it was hot and dry and the AC ran to keep the temps down, but that dried the air even more. For the past week it has been cool and humid (over 80% at night) so this batch is still not quite dry. Currently inside the box has been 70-80% RH. Not ideal but the fan runs 24/7. Buds still feel very moist. Humidity will drop way down tomorrow. Hopefully I can bag em when they are around 62-64%. I'll put in Turkey bags for a few days, then into jars.
Just smoked a few puffs of Mimosa and the effect is really nice! Taste is pretty good. Not great yet but should improve in a few weeks.