Granny420 Grows Multiple Strains In Soil Using ViparSpectra XS1500 And Vivosun Tents

Fat Bastard it is 2 votes and you and Lady C are the winners! Fat Bastard clearly nosed Blue Cheese outta the gate! For your winning gift, you get to watch Granny have babies - now that’s a sight!!! EEEEEK!!!

You sleep well. Yer girl does look like she is ready. Thank you much for checking in! :high-five: :passitleft:By the way, Rambler, what are the two plants behind sleeping beauty? Are those roses? No, they can’t be. Hmmm:hmmmm:

:hug::hug::hug:SLEEPY Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
Is there a TV in the delivery room? Cuz, I will need to look away during the screaming. I'll wait for the rosey ramblin man to tap me on the shoulder and tell me it's all over with. :laughtwo:
Don't worry about the code, the platform converts it when you hit 'Post'
BTW :yahoo:
Hey Roy :high-five:Thank you for the code info! Yes, it posted right and then I just edited my html comment out. And:thanks::yahoo: :slide:

Those are hibiscus plants. Sleeping beauty....that's funny. Pouchie was a rescue. She turned 20 years young last March.
Hey honey! :high-five:Pouchie looks like a real good young girl. :cheesygrinsmiley: We have two good girls too, Milly (lab/English pointer mix) and Miss Cally (a tortie kitty with a split face). Love them both so very much!!!
Here's better pics but sleeping beauty is snuggled under the blankets indoors.

Love those Hibiscus! They are gorgeous! My, my, my… do you have a green thumb or what! :thumb:

:hug::hug::hug:MORNING Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
Is there a TV in the delivery room? Cuz, I will need to look away during the screaming. I'll wait for the rosey ramblin man to tap me on the shoulder and tell me it's all over with. :laughtwo:
No TV for any of you! You ALL have to watch every minute, screams and all, of this delivery! No matter how long and hard it is to deliver 22 babies!! And you silly goose, don’t count on rambling rosey man to let you know - I worked OB as an RN… and it was the men who pass out! I quickly learned to keep my eye on the dads too and to get them graham crackers and a chair BEFORE that point! All their bravado in men’s real life, does not prepare them for delivery. Us ladies don’t get a choice!

Well I may as well give you all another update on my babies - want it or not! :rofl:

Another day… another pic (or two) :cheesygrinsmiley:

Those dirty Fat Bastards… looking wonderful, accept I hate it when they don’t shed their helmet in the rise. Know it’s just the depth they are planted, but still hate it cuz they often need help.

And I’m dreaming of those Blueberry Cheese… helped the first girl to remove her helmet last night which left behind the membrane, but she kicked that off herself by morning.

Still birthing here. I’m just SO EXCITED to have ‘‘em popping!

CHANGE OF PLANS (again) Pretty soon we’ll just call this the journal that doesn’t state anything correctly in its title! Haha Thank you to Lady C for letting me know I can maybe change this down the road! ;)

So again, I’m changing my mind. I just keep looking at these little 6” containers and know for me, in my heart, that I’m not going to be able to grow out these beautiful girls in pots that just aren’t big enough to show any of the beauty they are worthy of. It just seems like too much of a waste. So, I’m going to start them in these 6” pots, but I’m pretty sure I will be transplanting to 2-3 gal pots when it is time. So, a bit bigger SoG than originally intended. They won’t be the giants I used to grow, but for just an extra month of growing they should show me more of what they are capable of and give me much better returns.

:hug::hug::hug:BIG BIRTHING Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
No TV for any of you! You ALL have to watch every minute, screams and all, of this delivery! No matter how long and hard it is to deliver 22 babies!! And you silly goose, don’t count on rambling rosey man to let you know - I worked OB as an RN… and it was the men who pass out! I quickly learned to keep my eye on the dads too and to get them graham crackers and a chair BEFORE that point! All their bravado in men’s real life, does not prepare them for delivery. Us ladies don’t get a choice!

Well I may as well give you all another update on my babies - want it or not! :rofl:

Another day… another pic (or two) :cheesygrinsmiley:

Those dirty Fat Bastards… looking wonderful, accept I hate it when they don’t shed their helmet in the rise. Know it’s just the depth they are planted, but still hate it cuz they often need help.

And I’m dreaming of those Blueberry Cheese… helped the first girl to remove her helmet last night which left behind the membrane, but she kicked that off herself by morning.

Still birthing here. I’m just SO EXCITED to have ‘‘em popping!

CHANGE OF PLANS (again) Pretty soon we’ll just call this the journal that doesn’t state anything correctly in its title! Haha Thank you to Lady C for letting me know I can maybe change this down the road! ;)

So again, I’m changing my mind. I just keep looking at these little 6” containers and know for me, in my heart, that I’m not going to be able to grow out these beautiful girls in pots that just aren’t big enough to show any of the beauty they are worthy of. It just seems like too much of a waste. So, I’m going to start them in these 6” pots, but I’m pretty sure I will be transplanting to 2-3 gal pots when it is time. So, a bit bigger SoG than originally intended. They won’t be the giants I used to grow, but for just an extra month of growing they should show me more of what they are capable of and give me much better returns.

:hug::hug::hug:BIG BIRTHING Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
I think those fat bastard seedlings are gonna need a C section! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lady Cannafan......I will give you the high sign when the coast is clear.
I think those fat bastard seedlings are gonna need a C section! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lady Cannafan......I will give you the high sign when the coast is clear.
Already did a couple C-sections to get ‘‘em outta their helmets…no need to get the 10 blade out just yet! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Lady C you just wait it out til the birthings done… then you can come pick RR man up off the floor. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

:hug::hug::hug:Rosey Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
Already did a couple C-sections to get ‘‘em outta their helmets…no need to get the 10 blade out just yet! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Lady C you just wait it out til the birthings done… then you can come pick RR man up off the floor. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

:hug::hug::hug:Rosey Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
It's gigglefest here Granny. That's funny.
Starting to pot babies cuz they sure didn’t take much time to shoot roots out the bottom of the rw. Will report a bit less often while the lil gals take their time coming out… I’ve peeked and all looked well, just a bit slower to join me. I potted 9 Fat Bastards and 1 Blueberry Cheese in 6” pots today.

Otherwise, just cruising through other’s journals, learning as much as I can. There is such a wealth of info in here! Of course, I be a tokin often, getting out some strains from the past… Apple Tartz and Krishna Cookies are my latest… so maybe I’m not retaining what I’m reading, but I’m a reading!

I used to LST to get top buds, but I don’t think I’ll ever do that again after reading how others top at 4-5, clean off the bottom 2 nodes, give a rest and then gently train them like a flowering petals… yes, I’m learning - yet I can’t even remember what they called this? Egads… sometimes it’s hard enough remembering something from one room to another… I’m losing my marbles for sure!
Uhhhh....I don't know.....GDB calls him fat a**. I'm thinking I won't be able to lift him up. I'll bring in a rolling cart just in case.

Good job on the C-sections. 💞
:hug: Lady:hug:
Hmmm… Sorry Lady, I'm not going anywhere near anyone’s arse! He’d surely cut some cheese… and I’d rather NOT go there! LOL

I spent hours yesterday reading one of GDB’s journals, of course having to skim for just the updates from pages 20+ to 60+! He has the same grow tent I will be adding (before these need it I hope) next. Have lots to sort thru stacked in the space currently. Just been stacking *shit* that we don’t want to part with for the last 10+years. So now that I can’t hardly lift anything I am slowly , very slowly, tackling it. I’m sure there is mushroom pollen from various types cuz I grew some of them up here for a minute.

Just chillin now. Got me some Apple Tartz going :slide:.
Think I’m going to look at a couple journals on the ViparSpectra KS5000! I might not have said that right (edited 3x to be right) and I’m too stoned to care!:ganjamon::lot-o-toke: But I do know I marked two of Lady Cs journals on these lights earlier.
Now’s the time to zone in on that info!:passitleft::thanks: Lady C!

:hug::hug::hug:Green Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
:hug: Lady:hug:
Hmmm… Sorry Lady, I'm not going anywhere near anyone’s arse! He’d surely cut some cheese… and I’d rather NOT go there! LOL

I spent hours yesterday reading one of GDB’s journals, of course having to skim for just the updates from pages 20+ to 60+! He has the same grow tent I will be adding (before these need it I hope) next. Have lots to sort thru stacked in the space currently. Just been stacking *shit* that we don’t want to part with for the last 10+years. So now that I can’t hardly lift anything I am slowly , very slowly, tackling it. I’m sure there is mushroom pollen from various types cuz I grew some of them up here for a minute.

Just chillin now. Got me some Apple Tartz going :slide:.
Think I’m going to look at a couple journals on the VipraSpectrum? Lol XS5000? I might not have said that right and I’m too stoned to care!:ganjamon::lot-o-toke: But I do know I marked two of Lady Cs journals on these lights earlier.
Now’s the time to zone in on that info!:passitleft::thanks: Lady C!

:hug::hug::hug:Green Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug: a good thing. ;-)
You'll find lots of journals featuring the KS5000 Viparspectra. It's pretty popular, along with their other models.
I don't get into the techy details about lights on my journals, (I'm just not a techy person) but I do take a lot of progress photos to see how they fare on the plants/buds.

Soooo.....mushrooms.....NOW we have to get you into the shroom growing again. Get a mushroom diary going here.
I know....I thing at a time. 🍄 We will be making sure you stick around for a very long time, keeping you busy busy busy. a good thing. ;-)
You'll find lots of journals featuring the KS5000 Viparspectra. It's pretty popular, along with their other models.
I don't get into the techy details about lights on my journals, (I'm just not a techy person) but I do take a lot of progress photos to see how they fare on the plants/buds.

Soooo.....mushrooms.....NOW we have to get you into the shroom growing again. Get a mushroom diary going here.
I know....I thing at a time. 🍄 We will be making sure you stick around for a very long time, keeping you busy busy busy.
Granny you grow shrooomz too? a good thing. ;-)
You'll find lots of journals featuring the KS5000 Viparspectra. It's pretty popular, along with their other models.
I don't get into the techy details about lights on my journals, (I'm just not a techy person) but I do take a lot of progress photos to see how they fare on the plants/buds.

Soooo.....mushrooms.....NOW we have to get you into the shroom growing again. Get a mushroom diary going here.
I know....I thing at a time. 🍄 We will be making sure you stick around for a very long time, keeping you busy busy busy.

Oh yes it is - stoned is a wonderful gift from the God I believe in. This cannabis plant in all its variations is truly a gift enabling us to heal ourselves. Not synthetic, but naturally. There are soooo many herbs that are extremely healthy for medical uses. This truly gives us a chance to do it our way: Heal ourselves. Oh I could go down the road of herbs in health too, but I best stop there (for now ;)

Granny you grow shrooomz too?

I grew edible shrooms, not psychedelic. Although I ate mushrooms back in my youth and did really look at micro dosing and the various shrooms out there when I was looking at oyster, king, etc., but that’s all the farther I went, just looking.

You see, I insisted on growing again with hubby. He doesn’t partake and doesn’t approve, but because he loves me (44 yrs married), he didn’t fight me on this. I don’t dare put shrooms in the mix. Also, I know myself, I would go way overboard with my addictive ways… don’t wanna take those roads again. I don’t know how to stop and can be OCD.

The only reason I stopped growing was because we lost an 8 yr old granddaughter in an accident in which her dad, our middle son, was driving. Not any drugs or booze related. He was pulling a full load of corn and she was thrilled to get up early and go with “dad”. I talked to my son less than 30 minutes before the crash and she was giggling in the background. They were having a wonderful dad/daughter day… and then in half an hour, our families world forever changed. Can’t…

Have to just go on here. Can’t dwell in the things I cannot change. No tears for me - I mean it. Just pay it forward. Tell the ppl you love that you love them. Hug them, hold them, and cherish them. Just pay it forward in your world… and especially love yourself.

BIG LOVING GRANNY HUGS - Arms holding you tight!!!:hug::hug::hug:
Ok. It’s a bright wonderful new day! Or as Lady C would say, “good mornfternoon!”

Took just a few pics yesterday…
Roots growing out the bottom of their 1” rockwool sweaters…

So ten got bigger homes, even if they can barely be seen in the pics…

Which leaves 12 lil babes being a bit slower. But they are all doing good inside. I peeked and tried to give them a way out…

Hope I don’t kill any off just by loving and worrying too much! Very impatient mom here!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! I think we are going out in the pontoon today to just soak up some fresh air… it’s fall and it’s a beautiful day! Hope you are all growing green!!!

:hug::hug::hug:Warm Granny Hugs To ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
Hey Otter! :hug:
I found myself going down in the delivery room! You know, I've seen some things. Things us non medical people really shouldn't see. Horrible fatal car accidents for example, that I've been able to stand tall and say, I helped a stranger move on to the next thing as I comforted them as they passed. That was the more tame thing I'm thinking about! Wear seat belts folks!
Those things gave me light ptsd and a few bad dreams that went away. Watching what was happening to my lady during birth was beyond my ability to stay on my feet the first time! Second time I didn't look so close! :laugh: She still finds joy in busting my chops every now and then on this one. That was almost 40 years ago. :rofl:
I found myself going down in the delivery room! You know, I've seen some things. Things us non medical people really shouldn't see. Horrible fatal car accidents for example, that I've been able to stand tall and say, I helped a stranger move on to the next thing as I comforted them as they passed. That was the more tame thing I'm thinking about! Wear seat belts folks!
Those things gave me light ptsd and a few bad dreams that went away. Watching what was happening to my lady during birth was beyond my ability to stay on my feet the first time! Second time I didn't look so close! :laugh: She still finds joy in busting my chops every now and then on this one. That was almost 40 years ago. :rofl:
Try it on bring your kid to work day.
Little girl helping the doc do a cesarean birth.
I almost fainted myself.
Quiet something :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I found myself going down in the delivery room! You know, I've seen some things. Things us non medical people really shouldn't see. Horrible fatal car accidents for example, that I've been able to stand tall and say, I helped a stranger move on to the next thing as I comforted them as they passed. That was the more tame thing I'm thinking about! Wear seat belts folks!
Those things gave me light ptsd and a few bad dreams that went away. Watching what was happening to my lady during birth was beyond my ability to stay on my feet the first time! Second time I didn't look so close! :laugh: She still finds joy in busting my chops every now and then on this one. That was almost 40 years ago. :rofl:
Brave men admit their weak moments. :high-five:
Yer just a quiet hero, there at the right time, able to be the stone you are, eh?

Egads… and men watching their Mrs… well … don’t you worry, there are a lot of you out there! Men that drop to the floor. :rofl: An experienced nurse is ready for that. Please sit down right here, Mr Otter, while helping your ashen ass into a chair, then handing you some snack to eat, often graham crackers, cuz dads forget to eat. I lost a couple to the floor in the beginning, so I quickly learned to watch you dads! It’s a hard thing to watch someone you love in pain, leaves dads feeling helpless. But,

SIT YOUR ASHEN ASS DOWN Mr Otter! :rofl::rofl:

:hug::hug::hug:The Warmest Granny Hugs:hug::hug::hug:
Try it on bring your kid to work day.
Little girl helping the doc do a cesarean birth.
I almost fainted myself.
Quiet something :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Bill! :high-five:

What? WOAH!!! SHIT! :oops:
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