Granny420 Grows Multiple Strains In Soil Using ViparSpectra XS1500 And Vivosun Tents

Granny, you and I are going to be soul sister, grow sisters. I can feel it! Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show is in my history for many trying and good times.
Listen to "Carry me, Carrie" while you have them going. 💞
I feel it too, Lady! :high-five:My favs of Dr Hook are Cover of the Rolling Stone, The Millionaire, Storms Never Last, and Carry me Carrie… and I just have to laugh at You Make My Pants Wanna Get up and Dance!:yahoo:
Granny, you and I are going to be soul sister, grow sisters. I can feel it! Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show is in my history for many trying and good times.
Listen to "Carry me, Carrie" while you have them going. 💞
I feel it too, Lady! :high-five:My favs of Dr Hook are Cover of the Rolling Stone, The Millionaire, Storms Never Last, and Carry me Carrie… and I just have to laugh at You Make My Pants Wanna Get up and Dance!:yahoo:
I've no idea what you two lovely ladies are on about, but it's fun wondering lol
Hey Roy! :ciao: So good to see you again, honey!
Us ladies always like to keep you wondering!

:hug::hug::hug:Warm Granny420 Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
First off, welcome back to 420 Magazine @Granny420

I just finished catching up on your new grow journal. You are going to be one busy lady in flower; I hope you will be able to handle the stretch of all the different stains.

I will stop in occasionally to see how you are doing, if you don't mine?

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Tok.. :bong:
Hey Tokin! :thanks: It’s SOOOO good to be back! :yahoo:

And it’s great to have YOU here! I welcome advice and suggestions from ALL and you are always :welcome: here! Yes, the stretch… I have been thinking a lot about this. I’m going to plant in , hopefully 2 (or 3) batches, so I know there will be a difference in heights no matter what. I’ve never planted a SoG before tho, so I’m not sure it’ll come out that way! LOL All I can do is my best and the girls will do the rest.:high-five:

The flower room is 60”x60”x72” and I have multiple areas in the upstairs west wing. I have multiple 600w MH/HPS lights that can be run at 250w, 450w, or 600w. I used to run 4 of them on a moving rail when I retired the 2 1000w MH/HPS I originally used in a big room. Growing in tents will be different by far on heat, air exchange, etc. so I have purchased a few ViperSpectra 2024 XS1500 Pro LED grow lights that I will use where I need them so I can run lights higher and lower or substitute them if heat is an issue with the HPS lights. And I will put CFLs wherever I need more light too. I’ll be going with the flow as my needs change. Can’t know any of that til I get started tho. One day at a time. Just thoughts and preparations now.

Sorry to drag that out! TMI granny! EEK!!!🤪

:hug::hug::hug:BIG Granny420 Hugs to ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
Hey Tokin! :thanks: It’s SOOOO good to be back! :yahoo:

And it’s great to have YOU here! I welcome advice and suggestions from ALL and you are always :welcome: here! Yes, the stretch… I have been thinking a lot about this. I’m going to plant in , hopefully 2 batches, so I know there will be a difference in heights no matter what. I’ve never planted a SoG before tho, so I’m not sure it’ll come out that way! LOL All I can do is my best and the girls will do the rest.:high-five:

The flower room is 60”x60”x72” and I have multiple areas in the upstairs west wing. I have multiple 600w MH/HPS lights that can be run at 250w, 450w, or 600w. I used to run 4 of them on a moving rail when I retired the 2 1000w MH/HPS I originally used in a big room. Growing in tents will be different by far on heat, air exchange, etc. so I have purchased a few ViperSpectra 2024 XS1500 Pro LED grow lights that I will use where I need them so I can run lights higher and lower or substitute them if heat is an issue with the HPS lights. And I will put CFLs wherever I need more light too. I’ll be going with the flow as my needs change. Can’t know any of that til I get started tho. One day at a time. Just thoughts and preparations now.

Sorry to drag that out! TMI granny! EEK!!!🤪

:hug::hug::hug:BIG Granny420 Hugs to ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
Sounds like you have a plan and your ready to Let it rock. I love to hear about getting a setup together to grow some weed. Keeps us posted for more fun and giggles. :yahoo:
Looking forward to watching the grow.
Hey Retireegrower :welcome: to granny’s madhouse! :yahoo:I’m gonna have to shorten your name tho,if you don’t mind… so what you wanna be called for short? RG, RetGro (that sounds like Scooby Doo!), RetG, anything? If not, I’m ok with writing it out!:thanks: For visiting! Hope to see you along the way! This is what we do when we’re retired, eh? GROW POT! Gotta take care of our pain!

:hug::hug::hug:Granny420 Hugs to ya!:hug::hug::hug:
Looking forward to watching the grow.
Hey Retireegrower :welcome: to granny’s madhouse! :yahoo:I’m gonna have to shorten your name tho,if you don’t mind… so what you wanna be called for short? RG, RetGro (that sounds like Scooby Doo!), RetG, anything? If not, I’m ok with writing it out!:thanks: For visiting! Hope to see you along the way! This is what we do when we’re retired, eh? GROW POT! Gotta take care of our pain!

:hug::hug::hug:Granny420 Hugs to ya!:hug::hug::hug:
Sounds like you have a plan and you’re ready to Let it rock. I love to hear about getting a setup together to grow some weed. Keeps us posted for more fun and giggles. :yahoo:
:hug:Hey honey:hug:

These girls sometimes don’t give a wit if I have a plan! LOL Just gonna go with the flow… change my mind many times along the way (smoke too much?) and see if I can be kinder to my babies at the start of their lives. Last time I showered (watered) them with too much love at the start. They don’t like that very much! What newbie hasn’t done that with at least one plant?

Getting ready to put my 2x4x5 tent up, then I have the rest of the day/night filled. We are having a Celebration of Life with just a few gfs and their SOs at our home later. Tomorrow is the families CoL, so part of it is filled too with remembering, and I’m sure a bit of crying, and most of all laughter at some of those memories.

Have to say, all here have been keeping my mind occupied so I’m not dwelling in my grief.
:thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks: To ALL… and…
:hug::hug::hug:Granny420 hugs to ALL:hug::hug::hug:
2’x4’x5’ Tent is up! :woohoo:

The SoG begins like this…
Did a lot of thinking :idea: (UH-OH!!!)… made some decisions.

Fat Bastard (12)
Blueberry Cheese (6)
Mataro Blue (3)

I will start all 21 seeds, putting them in for a pre-soak tomorrow night.

Question: How much h2o2 do I add to the distilled h2o for a pre-soak, how long to leave them in it, and do I then put them in paper towels (like I normally do without a pre-soak? I’ve never soaked before, but have read others get real good results. Usually, I just use paper towels right away and I am still considering that.

I’m going to use Rockwool and CFLs to start them on their journey of life. Then I will put straight into 6” square pots where they will reside for the remainder of their life. Hopefully a true SoG.

When the lil hummers get rooted, I will switch to a 250/400/600w MH/HPS light, using MH in veg and HPS in flower. I will start the youngsters on lower light (250) and will up this as soon as they can handle it. I’ll go with the flow. :thumb:

I did sit the 6” square pots in the tent to see how they fit. I could stuff 3 more in, but didn’t want to pack that tight. Thus, 3 rows of 7 keeps them a tad more comfortable. I kept it to just 3 strains that possibly (or not?) would have similar heights. And I decided to just keep them in this tent for their whole SoG.

I am trying this SoG from seed for a few reasons and may change tactics in the next tent (5’x5’x6’).
1) I have seeds of many strains and want to see how each grows out and taste/test each. And check if they are a true strain, or if they throw out different phenos.
2) SoG is supposed to increase yield over time with faster turnover. I vegged plants for 2-4 months to get monster buds. This will be different!!!
3) I don’t have as much room, or guts, or energy, to grow a large grow anymore. The smell got way out of hand with 30-40 flowering plants in 5 gallon buckets and my body can’t take the heavy lifting anymore.

But I have mixed feelings about SoG and growing in such small pots. I have grown out plants in 1g, 2g, 3g, but mainly 5g for flower. The smaller ones were used mainly when I was breeding for seeds - I didn’t need those to be big. My main plants and clones were vegged til they were 12” and taller and I LST’d the heck outta them to get lots of top colas. So putting plants in flower early to just grow 1 main cola in little bitty pots will be the opposite of all I’ve done before this. But I am not to old to learn new tricks!

What an experimental new adventure! I'm gonna saddle up and git my hat sat on good so I can ride this one out! I’m excited!

Happy trails to all you growers, til we meet again in the green grass of 420! Gosh it smells divine in here!!!

:hug::hug::hug:WARM GRANNY HUGS!:hug::hug::hug:
Gees! Hope I get better at adding photos!
Evidently I need to rotate and size my photos before uploading them.
And they are backwards, ie. last is first, etc.
I will do better next time.

The first is simply the temp and humidity in the grow room, without the door being shut but with the CFL lights on. but there is no ventilation yet.

The next is just the CFL light info, in case others down the road want that info. Bright white, 100w, 1500 lumens. Uses 14w electricity.
Two lights in the room for the sprouts - YES I will have some sprouts soon!

And I did go ahead and put the 250/400/600w MH/HPS light in and added the venting ducts on both sides. If you can see in this sideways pic, I will be pulling cooler room air in through my light, and out of the grow tent where it will be sent into the attic (as I did in previous grows). I’ll use an in-line duct fan to do this. It was just easier to set this up now, before plants fill up the room.


If it makes sense to anyone, I also tried to estimate at what height I should grow them to before flipping to HPS and 12/12. Thus, the pots stacked up by the yardstick (which ends at 35”). From the floor to where the MH light is, is 36”. These are 6” pots.
Bottom pot 6” represents the soil/perlite mix to the top

Second 6” pot represents the growing plant at 6” tall (12” above floor, 24” below light). I will flip to flower at this height.

Third and fourth pots represent a 12” stretch after flower when they double to triple their height.
At this point, if their height tripled they would be 18” tall, 24” floor to tip, and only 12” below the HPS light… which means the light would need to be raised. I can only go up 6” at the most with the light, so I hope I am calculating right. If not, no biggie, I’ll adapt.

That’s it for today’s update for me. Figured out a number of things today from cooling the light to how tall to grow before flip and first upload of images with a new (cheap) camera. Productive day here!

Hope you are all having a great Labor Day weekend and stay safe!

:hug::hug::hug:Warm Granny420 Hugs!!!:hug::hug::hug:

Hi Ya Granny420!

This is what always works for me.
I drop my seeds in a shot glass of distilled or rain water for about 12 hours, or until they have sunk. I can normally see they have cracked while they are in the water. I only use h202 if the seed has been stubborn to get a taproot to emerge, which isn't very often. Rare here.
Then covered in damp (not wet) paper towels, and into a dark warm place. I have a cabinet with a temp controlled heat pad stuck to the inside wall. I keep it around 76 F., below 80. I don't put the seeds directly on the mat, but some people do well with a towel over the mat to avoid any hot spots and cooking the kids. Any warm place, top of a refrigerator, cable box...etc.
Check them after 24 hours or so. (I'm a peeker, I check often. LOL)

There are other methods, and I'm sure they will post.
💞 💞
Hi Ya Granny420!

This is what always works for me.
I drop my seeds in a shot glass of distilled or rain water for about 12 hours, or until they have sunk. I can normally see they have cracked while they are in the water. I only use h202 if the seed has been stubborn to get a taproot to emerge, which isn't very often. Rare here.
Then covered in damp (not wet) paper towels, and into a dark warm place. I have a cabinet with a temp controlled heat pad stuck to the inside wall. I keep it around 76 F., below 80. I don't put the seeds directly on the mat, but some people do well with a towel over the mat to avoid any hot spots and cooking the kids. Any warm place, top of a refrigerator, cable box...etc.
Check them after 24 hours or so. (I'm a peeker, I check often. LOL)

There are other methods, and I'm sure they will post.
💞 💞
:thanks:Hey Soul Lady!:thanks:

Lady comes to Granny420’s rescue just in time! I greatly appreciate the info. I read too much in here and my pea brain got confused! You saved me time in having to find that h2o2 info! I’m not using any and thank you for clearing that up. :hug:

I’ve got the seeds ready for 9pm dip and the glasses, cleaned with distilled water ready for the seeds. I will just keep them in the tent with the CFLs on, they will be inside a small tote with thick black sides and a lid that fasten down. They are in that box now with everything ready to go. I wanted to make sure all were the same temp. Temps in there have been running in the mid 70s.

I’m getting geared up to update each strain’s review so you all know what they are about!

See you in a bit with those…

And thanks again Lady C! I’ve used moist paper towels regularly in the past, so I should be good with that… and I’m a peeper… ummm… I mean peeker too! :high-five::cheesygrinsmiley:

I originally purchased seeds from a number of years ago. They breed this strain true. Every one of my Mataro Blue plants were identical. I took multiple clones from the same female and used colloidal silver to force one clone to make female pollen sacs and pollinated another of these clones. Same mom, identical clones, but I was early in learning how to do this so I only got a few seeds. When I popped a few of these a number of years ago, they were just like the mom.

We will see if that remains true, and if these old seeds will pop for me. I am planting 6 in the hope that they are still viable. This is a wondrous strain. Dense buds and long colas. It was just a happy girl. And the smell while growing, cleaning, and after cured was the same as its taste… a glorious symphony of blueberries and maybe Jasmine. So very uniquely sweet.


Picture of Mataro Blue from


Picture of Mataro Blue from


Picture of Mataro Blue from


Picture of Mataro Blue from

INFORMATION from Kannabia…

A winning showpiece​

This feminised marijuana seed has an enviable list of awards, and with good reason. We’re talking about the best indica seed on the market with therapeutic possibilities, beyond which there’s an authentic delicatessen for smokers with some experience. Its cultivation requires little attention and the result is extremely enjoyable. Mataró Blue is a hybrid indica with three variants crossed in a winning and particularly beautiful combination.

Its name bears the Catalan city of its origin (where we at Kannabia Seed Company shine a light on it) and the blue colour that its flowers acquire when the end of summer approaches and it’s subjected to a lower temperature.

As stated, it’s a hybridisation of Black Domina with Blue Monster and a pure Afghan from the north of the country – Mazar-i-Sharif, where the mythical Milk of Mazar is produced. The first gives it a consistent branched structure, the second gives it a very productive character and a bluish hue, and the third gives it that unmistakable pure caramel resin. To all of this, we must add Mataró Blue’s own qualities, which none of our other feminised seeds possess.

We’ll obtain particularly powerful gear (23% THC is not for novices) with a strong kaleidoscopic aroma (orange, berries, sandalwood), and which prompts a jubilant and exciting feeling.

How to: Mataró Blue​

We can see that Mataró Blue tends to form flowers in vertical clusters after the vegetative stage, with strong cuttings that are suitable for cloning. It’s a marijuana seed that gives rise to robust, resistant plants that won’t pose problems with unwanted attacks or nutrition (enhance its flavour with carbohydrates; use fertilisers without worrying).

It works especially well outdoors (a virtue that also earned it a prize at the Axarquia cannabis Cup), reaching two metres without too much difficulty. It produces a large central bud and its huge, dark leaves form bushes that really need space around them. This expansiveness may make it necessary to use guides or a SCROG when it comes to supporting the weight of the buds. It’s also suitable for indoors although we recommend the use of a powerful light.

Its flowering takes place between 58 and 62 days, and it can produce 800 grams per plant in optimal conditions. Indoors we could obtain 600 grams per square metre with plants one metre in height. Before the harvest arrives at the beginning of September, its smell is intense and penetrating.

Mataró Blue from Kannabia Seed Company is especially valued for the quality of its resin (thanks to its Afghan parent, Mazar-i-Sharif), which can be cold-extracted or using the Rosin technique and produces top-quality material.

We would like to remind you of its extremely important therapeutic qualities, which have earned it awards such as “Medical Indica” at the TreatingYourself Expo in Toronto.

Taste and effect of Mataró Blue​

The effect of this marijuana seed’s buds is very special. Powerful, inspiring and even stimulating in small doses, it’s more calming and relaxing in larger samples. It’s a reaction that comes and goes and provokes a deep, pleasant joy.

Given its high levels of THC, you have to be prepared for its effects. If you’re looking for something smoother, you should consider other marijuana seeds.

There’s a whole world of nuances in its taste: distinctly bitter orange but also fruits of the forest and jasmine. Fruity in any case, with a background of incense that provides a great deal of atmosphere.

End of info.

One of my favorite strains, hits on all important aspects, yield, beauty, strength in structure, and what a sweet smelling and tasting girl thiss one is!


Picture by

Information from

Fat Bastard Strain​

Indulge in Fat Bastard. Born from Goldmember and Monkey Spunk, relish its fruity, skunk flavor relaxing effects, and ideal adaptability. Elevate your stash now!
  • THC: 30% - 38%
  • Phenotype: Mostly Hybrid
  • Flavor: Fruity, Skunk
  • Day to Flower: 8 - 10 weeks

Lineage Fat Bastard Strain​

Fat Bastard Strain resulting from the cross between a Goldmember x Monkey Spunk will produce a mostly hybrid strain. The strain will likely have fruity and skunk flavors with a strong, mostly hybrid body high. It also has a High THC of 30% – 38%, making it a great choice for those looking for a balanced experience enjoying both the effects of an indica and the effects of a sativa.

Goldmember strain

The Goldmember strain is an indica-dominant hybrid that was created by crossing two popular strains, the OG Kush and the Gold Leaf. It is a heavy-hitting strain with a pungent aroma and a sweet, earthy flavor. This strain is known to offer a powerful and long-lasting body high that is perfect for those looking to relax or alleviate physical discomfort. Goldmember is also known to provide a cerebral buzz that can help to improve mood and creativity.

Monkey Spunk strain

The Monkey Spunk strain is a hybrid strain that was created by crossing the Chemdawg 4 and the G13 strains. It is known for its skunky aroma and sweet, berry flavor. This strain provides users with an energizing and uplifting high that is perfect for those looking to increase productivity or creativity. Monkey Spunk is also known to provide users with a boost of euphoria and relaxation. It can also help to alleviate pain and reduce stress.

The strain is typically a cross between Goldmember x Monkey Spunk, resulting in a strain with fruity and skunk flavors, potent euphoric, powerful, and relaxed effects, and a combination of cannabis flower, cannabis concentrate, and terpenes. The terpenes found in that weed strain include caryophyllene, myrcene, alpha humele, and limonene, which are known for their anxiety, fatigue, migranes relieving properties.


The Fat Bastard strain is renowned for its unique genetics, originating from a cross between Goldmember and Monkey Spunk. While it is not exclusively tied to one region, its seeds can be classified as either American or European based on the cultivation practices and breeding techniques used.

The origin greatly influences the strain’s characteristics, including flavor profiles and growth patterns. Fat Bastard feminized seeds are popular for ensuring a high yield of female plants, crucial for cannabis cultivation.

American seeds often emphasize robustness and high THC levels due to the competitive legal markets, while European seeds may focus more on varied terpene profiles and adaptability to diverse climates. Understanding the origin of Fat Bastard seeds helps growers and consumers appreciate the subtleties in taste and effects. The knowledge of whether the Fat Bastard strain’s seeds are American, European, or from other regions can also guide cultivation strategies to optimize growth and potency.

Fat Bastard Strain Sativa Or Indica?​

When it comes to the that strain, whether it leans towards Sativa or Indica is a topic of interest among cannabis enthusiasts. This hybrid strain offers a balanced blend of both Sativa and Indica characteristics. The strain is known for its dense, resinous buds and a unique combination of uplifting Sativa effects and relaxing Indica sensations.

That cannabis seeds, cultivators can harness the strain’s genetics to grow plants that showcase the best of both worlds. The Sativa elements provide a creative and energetic buzz, while the Indica aspects contribute to a soothing body high. These qualities make that weed strain a versatile choice for both recreational and medicinal users, offering a well-rounded experience that appeals to various preferences. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or a burst of creativity, Fat Bastard’s hybrid nature brings the best of Sativa and Indica together in one compelling package.

Fat Bastard Strain Effects​

The strain offers a unique experience for cannabis enthusiasts. With a high THC content, users can expect potent effects that relax the body and uplift the mind. The strain’s sedating qualities make it ideal for evening use, promoting relaxation and stress relief. That weed is well-balanced hybrid nature brings forth a delightful euphoria coupled with a soothing body buzz. Its popularity has led to the availability of that feminized seeds, ensuring growers can cultivate this gem at home.

Fat Bastard Strain Flowering Time​

That weed strain is a unique and sought-after cannabis variety known for its robust characteristics and potent effects. When it comes to flowering time, growers should anticipate a flowering period of approximately 8 to 10 weeks. This relatively short flowering time makes the strain a popular choice for cultivators looking for a quicker turnaround.

That cannabis strain, with its well-balanced genetics, showcases a rapid transition from the vegetative phase to flowering. This characteristic not only makes it a favorite among cultivators but also ensures that the plants develop dense, resinous buds in a relatively short timeframe.

For those interested in growing that weed strain, obtaining feminized seeds is highly recommended. These seeds eliminate the need for sexing plants, ensuring that every seed planted will grow into a productive and resinous female plant. With the availability of Fat Bastard feminized seeds, cultivators can further streamline their growing process and enhance their overall yields.

How To Grow Weed Fat Bastard Weed Strain?​

Fat Bastard seeds can be grown indoors or outdoors – under optimal conditions, to avoid any problems during their development. Although they are compact and robust, moderately easy to grow and hardy, be sure to always prevent any pests. You can use different growing methods to retain and enhance the terpenes and flavors of your Feminized Fat Bastard buds.

  • Use a quality substrate. Perlite, peat, or coco coir are ideal for moisture retention.
  • Thanks to the experience of our customers with our Fat Bastard Feminized seeds, we know that we can increase yields up to 20%.
For optimal growing indoor, Blimburn Seeds advises wide, vertical spaces and the use of the ScrOG method to obtain a uniform plane and increase the size of the lower flowers. If you plan to grow our Feminized seeds outdoors, we have developed a outdoor cannabis grow guide or growing marijuana indoor. Remember that our cannabis plants also need good nutrients when our Feminized seeds are seedlings, in their vegetative period, and in their flowering period.

When you grow cannabis seeds outdoors, choose the best date for your crop and a place where our cannabis plants can receive the most hours of sunshine. If you would like to grow your seeds indoors, be sure to have good tents, textile pots for growing, LED lighting, an air extractor to circulate clean air, and of course a good carbon filter to avoid problems with neighbors or the law.

Keep daytime temperatures between 68℉-80℉ and nighttime temperatures between 7℉-9℉ cooler. Fat Bastard Feminized plants need low humidity to thrive. Keep relative humidity (RH) levels at 55%-60% during the vegetative phase. reduce RH to around 40% during the flowering phase. By harvest time, you can reduce RH to 30%.

Outdoors, growers in the northern hemisphere should sow their cannabis seeds in April for harvest in mid-October. Healthy Feminized Fat Bastard strain produce about 24.69 – 31.74 oz/plant | 700 – 900 gr/plant of buds each. Indoors, these crops have a flowering time of 8 – 10 weeks and produce about 1.31 – 1.96 oz/ft2 | 400 – 600 gr/m2.

What Does The Fat Bastard Weed Strain Smell Like?​

The buds of the that strain are rock hard, soaked in resin and often have a crystalline sheen due to the amount of trichomes. They almost look like they came from the moon and are excessively covered with resinous trichomes. The taste can be described as the perfect blend of fruity and skunk flavors.

That weed strain makes a delicious soft smoke and combines a wide range of effects while a balanced experience enjoying the effects of both an indica and a sativa. Its rare genes produce a premium weed that is hard to beat. Thanks to its large resin production, it is the ideal strain for the production of high-quality extracts and concentrates. A good terpene profile enhances the flavors of the buds of cannabis plants. Terpenes are volatile organic compounds that are produced in the cannabis plant and have an effect on the aroma and flavor of the buds. The most common terpenes are Caryophyllene, Myrcene, Alpha Humele, and Limonene.

These terpenes act as a kind of energizer for the flavors of the buds, as they add a fresh, citrusy touch to the sweeter flavors found in the buds. Terpenes play an important role in the taste and aroma of cannabis which may have any effect on the overall user experience. For example, some terpenes have sedative properties, while others can act as stimulants. For this reason, it is important to know the different terpenes found in a given cannabis strain before smoking it, in order to get the most out of the flavors and effects they produce.

Experiencing The Strain​

That weed is one of the best marijuana strains available in our catalog with more than 1000 strains of marijuana seeds for sale. An herb with a high THC of 30% – 38% that gives us a state of happiness, concentration and relaxation. Its powerful terpene profile where Caryophyllene, Myrcene, Alpha Humele, and Limonene stand out with a higher percentage.

Fat Bastard weed strain

This mostly hybrid marijuana is considered one of the most potent within the cannabis community. Fat Bastard strain is the perfect strain to relax, but it will also take you to a state of happiness and concentration. It can make anyone feel cheerful and happy.

That weed is perfect to consume in the evening after a long day. It is a marijuana plant with a mostly hybrid structure. A large stem supports its satellite branches and that can be grown both indoors and outdoors, obtaining a similar production but with a higher yield when it is fed with all the hours of sunshine outdoors.

Our Fat Bastard seeds are a Mostly Hybrid strain that has a flowering period of 8 – 10 weeks. Remember that in each period of cultivation of our marijuana plant it is important to provide it with the corresponding nutrients to obtain resinous buds and trichomes.

Enjoy a unique experience and buy Feminized seeds Fat Bastard strain in our online seed bank,

Fat Bastard Strain Terpenes​

Anxiety relief: Caryophyllene is the terpene that should predominate because it reduces anxiety and depression and provides a state of relaxation. It is present in the aromas of spices, pepper, and oregano.

Fatigue relief: The feeling of fatigue is produced by two types of receptors, and the CB1 and CB2 receptors receive cannabinoids such as THC and CBD¹, helping the body to achieve a balance of energy and help us through the day.

Migranes relief: The interaction between cannabinoids may contribute to pain reduction. Migraine reducing terpenes are present in mostly indica strains with high Myrcene terpene content. It is present in earthy, musky, woody, and spicy aromas and in the terpene Eucalyptol Mint.

End Blimburn Information.

I just have to try this one. I’m not quite sold on the 30-38% THC level because they don’t show actual proof in testing. But I am hoping it’s a strong buzz strain.

Back in a few…
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