Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Thanks for the reminder and keep up the great work brother, just did a set of 50 push-ups. Sitting at the desk managing this website for 12-18 hours a day can put a hurting on your back, neck and shoulders. Been looking for a workout partner, maybe we can workout together virtually sometime lol
Thanks for the reminder and keep up the great work brother, just did a set of 50 push-ups. Sitting at the desk managing this website for 12-18 hours a day can put a hurting on your back, neck and shoulders. Been looking for a workout partner, maybe we can workout together virtually sometime lol
It can certainly be arranged. I’d love it! :love:
Love it, GT!! The hardest part is beating your mindset, you’ve just got to start and go for it, it’s amazing what your body is capable of when you get past the mental blocks. The best part is you don’t need any special equipment to start doing push ups, dips, or walking you’re doing!! I run 35-40Km a week, that along with pushups and crunches has been awesome for my health! Get after it y’all!!
Beautiful garden GT :goodjob: and even better with the workouts and positive vibes :D It gives us old farts hope for longevity. Last couple of years I've been trying to eat better. Also getting some general exercise. I lost 30 lbs and have been able to keep it off. I've given up Doritos with mountain dew for my munchies. Now I eat lots of fruit
Another first for the old guy this morning. I did 15 body weight dips every 5 minutes for the complete hour of walking at 3.5 mph on my treadmill (that’s 180 dips in an hour). That may not sound like much to you young guys, but for an old cardiac patient, it’s me. My arms are about to fall off. I love it!

Get after it, boys and girls. You only get one shot at this life thing. It’s a lot easier when you feel good, in my opinion. Not a rant...just sayin. Be safe! :love:
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