Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Hello everyone! Today was pretty good. Sat outside for a few hours. A good friend came over and mowed my yard for me. I have a huge lawn (1.3 Acres of Kentucky Blue Grass) and another 1.3 Acres of livestock area. I always love that fresh cut grass smell.

I’m taking it slow. I way overdid things at first, but I’m on track now. I found out I am not Superman...I know, I was a shock to me too. :nomo:

Taking it day by day. I appreciate each of you and that is the truth.
Remember the old bull and the young bull at the top of the hill looking down on the cows. The young bull said "I am going to run down there and have my way with her" the old bull started laughing. The young bull said "Hey what's up with that"? The old bull said "I am going to walk down there and have my way with them all".

GT, keep on a walking bud.
Hello everyone! Today was pretty good. Sat outside for a few hours. A good friend came over and mowed my yard for me. I have a huge lawn (1.3 Acres of Kentucky Blue Grass) and another 1.3 Acres of livestock area. I always love that fresh cut grass smell.

I’m taking it slow. I way overdid things at first, but I’m on track now. I found out I am not Superman...I know, I was a shock to me too. :nomo:

Taking it day by day. I appreciate each of you and that is the truth.

Kentucky Blue grass, every time I drive to Cincinnati I make it a point to take the Kentucky Blue Grass Parkway. I love the scenery.
It's okay Clark your secret is safe with me. No need to remove the glasses jump up or dart to a phone booth.... just take it easy hombre. Have a vegan taco on me for the cinco de drink-o, and rest up. I promise I can handle this 6 pack sorry cinco pack....

Just take it easy homie. No need to worry. And if the plants go we will find a way to make sure you're medicated. I promise dude.....

Be well and here's to better days, but for now let's take it one at a time.
I may have discovered a cure for post op depression...BOOBS! Who would’ve known... ;)

Well gang, disaster struck last night. This grow could not have more issues. LOL! Anyway, they fell over at some point last night. I knew it would happen, but at this point I don’t really care. It’s a shame, but I can’t blame anyone but me. We managed to get them up again, but it’s FUGLY!

They’re still drinking and eating normally but look like heck. My wife is good with continuing to see what I can get out of this, so that’s the plan for now.

My health is improving daily and that makes me happy. There will be better grows in the future. I apologize for this mess of a journal. It is what it is...enjoy!

I may have discovered a cure for post op depression...BOOBS! Who would’ve known... ;)

Well gang, disaster struck last night. This grow could not have more issues. LOL! Anyway, they fell over at some point last night. I knew it would happen, but at this point I don’t really care. It’s a shame, but I can’t blame anyone but me. We managed to get them up again, but it’s FUGLY!

They’re still drinking and eating normally but look like heck. My wife is good with continuing to see what I can get out of this, so that’s the plan for now.

My health is improving daily and that makes me happy. There will be better grows in the future. I apologize for this mess of a journal. It is what it is...enjoy!

LOL....he apologizes for growing plants so big they fall over...... :rofl:

We don't care what the plants look like. The author that continues to post is the important thing. The plants will be ok, and you will grow more. That is our focus.

All journals are a mess of side tracks and ricochets of all kinds. Just another one in my opinion. They will straighten up, and put out a bumper crop, and make the rest of us look like we are still in grade school.

Manage the depression and the pain. We will deal with the fact you are human somehow... ;)
What he said dude!!! We will take care of you, I'd you promise to take care of yourself... can your spider mite friend or grass mowing change come and mow a scrog over these gals?

I know it's hard to ask for help sometimes.... but if those friends care about you a 100000th as much as I do they'll come help a buddy out.

Regardless take it easy rest up and well figure it out.

Peace buddy
Hey everybody I say we all pop GG#4 beans as a tribute thread.
It’ll get the positive vibes rollin’ to heal GT up. & then if need be, youll have access to supplemental glue to hold them old bones together! Just a random thought haha

.. I’ve got 2 on standby :green_heart:
That doesn't look so bad. They will come around. They are weed and have manage to stay alive for thousands of years with mother nature throwing everything she got at them. That's just some heavy rain and wind blow you have subjected them to. Now the sun is shining on them again. :cool:

Take care grandps... I'm so happy with my discovery of Candida, the best pain relief I ever had. :thumb:
Morning Pops... Just swinging by, I am familiar with how you feel so I wont bother you much... Just wanted you to know that being Superman isnt a directive aimed at ones physical attributes.. I truly Believe that it is more of an adjective to describe ones courage, attitude in the mysts of all hell.crap. For any person the Quad is no joke... I commend you sir on your ability to push forward, even if it be one inch closer... Greener Days to you and yours...
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