Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

I started due to a heart attack, and angina that developed due to being too scared of another to get up off of the couch. I found that I needed a reason outside of myself to keep exercising. For me, it was that I had a lot of information that I wanted to pass on to my grandchildren before joining the dearly departed. This provided enough time and motivation to form a habit.
I started due to a heart attack, and angina that developed due to being too scared of another to get up off of the couch. I found that I needed a reason outside of myself to keep exercising. For me, it was that I had a lot of information that I wanted to pass on to my grandchildren before joining the dearly departed. This provided enough time and motivation to form a habit.
What a great inspiration that is. Habits are not easily broken nor changed. Grandkids are worth it though. :love:

I’m beginning to feel a little under the weather this morning. I hope that’s not a bad sign. Dragging ass syndrome. It’s really cold outside, but toasty-warm in here. Maybe I’ll sit for a little while before sweating.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just think about being fit, without all the work? Ha! That’s what couches are for!
Workout complete. Today was something new. It was my first time ever touching gymnastic rings. I couldn’t do much at all. I managed to do one half-dip. Then I did a few sets of inverted rows and hangs with 10 scapular contractions (active hangs), and then isometric holds in the upward dip position. I don’t know if any of you have ever tried it, but it absolutely kicked my butt. Holding myself in that position on those rings takes a great deal of stability that I’m not used to. I can tell that my core and stabilization muscles will be extremely sore tomorrow. I like core soreness for some reason. It means I did something. Now I’m doing dabs. Cheers! :hookah:
Something like this? :rofl:
Ah @Old Salt see you got some Gdp's going and been curious to see how the girls flower under those new ts lights popping by.

I don't know if you can use my grow as a gauge. The one under the TS-2000 is being grown as an ornamental, so I haven't been defoliating to clear a light path to the lower bud sites. I wanted to grow an outdoor sized plant indoors for some pictures to enter into the plant and photo of the month contests. My plan for the summer is to re-vamp my grow into two 2' x 4' tents, as they fit into the room better.
Leg day. :straightface:

I made it fun and used my new rings to do squats and lunges every ten minutes during my walk. Using the rings I can activate a few muscles I don’t normally use much. I also got a decent arm/Lat stretch. I’m fairly sore from yesterday. Mostly in my lats, wrists, forearms, and lower back/core. I think my butt cheeks were clinched together pretty tight...

Hahaha! Tight ass!

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