Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

I hope everyone has a great Sunday. Mine started out pretty good. Enjoy!

This the Bubblelicious Rosin I squeezed 3 days ago. It's lovely!

I squeezed some Girl Scout Cookies this morning. Also lovely!

Do you squish first then heat the heaters or heat them first then squish when they're hot?

Bottom line: Squish when hot!

1. Turn on Plates to heat up. In this particular squeeze I set them to 200F.
2. Make a puck--in this case two pucks of ~7g. a piece. All de-stemmed bud tightly compacted.
3. Place puck(s) into bag. I used 160 micron for this squeeze.
4. Place bagged pucks FIRMLY between the plates and parchment for about 1 minute to warm up.
5. Slowly apply pressure. You will see when it starts to melt and bubble, etc.
6. 2-4 minutes depending on the bud and amount. Done!
I made a little improvement to the dry sift screens I bought. I wanted to use them upside down so that I could make them more like a tray that can hold the material better while I move/card it around the screen(s). I screwed two blocks to the bottom screen so they don't move around and holds it off the bottom glass.

works like a charm. I got a little dry sift.

That’s the good stuff right there GT. How are you getting on with that new pen now you’ve had it a few days?

Had to replace a coil already. I put too big of a hit in there...too many times. I learned how to break it down and clean everything though. Oil was in the threads...yay! That was fun. I’m ordering ceramic coils.

Great looking nugs GT! :woohoo:
Wow! Thunderstorms from heck this morning. I don’t like thunder and lightning. The crackle and boom make me want to be in a bunker. Immediate vivid flashbacks. Not good.

Oh was leg day. I used the negative vibes adrift to my benefit. Crushed it!

My advice? Do squats. Followed by lunges. It solves all the world’s problems.

That means...Get off the couch beeyotch! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Wow! Thunderstorms from heck this morning. I don’t like thunder and lightning. The crackle and boom make me want to be in a bunker. Immediate vivid flashbacks. Not good.

Oh was leg day. I used the negative vibes adrift to my benefit. Crushed it!

My advice? Do squats. Followed by lunges. It solves all the world’s problems.

That means...Get off the couch beeyotch! :cheesygrinsmiley:

That's what I miss most about working out, as long as you safely crush yourself to a useless pulp of shit and your body gets to trying to rebuild all the good damage you just did, it's like a satisfaction chemical or endorphin in released into your brain and it just always left me in a state of perfect zen and equilibrium. It's difficult to put into words, but it is the most positive I was ever able to make myself think in my life time was after a hard workout or a hard shift in the oil patch.

Sorry loud noises takes you to a different place, but thank you for putting yourself up to shoulder such a heavy burden so that our beautiful nation and people will always be free. Happy 4th Gramps, we enjoy that day because of patriots like you, so thanks again man!
GT these babies are finally getting settled and growing up. Its time to start the training and spreading. They had me a little worried in the beginning...
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