Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Lmfao..... too damn funny! Sometimes the whole military family thing gets taken a little too seriously.... I can't beielve she flicked your little commander van! Seriously still laughing
Marines tend to be worse than most. It's complicated. :thumb:

Not surprised at all that she flicked his bic. She was dealing with a Marine. I've always found young Marines would mount the crack of dawn if they could reach her.
I was making RSO about an hour ago. as i was pressing the mush in my hands and a stream of pot infussed 99% alcohol got me right in my eye. Funny, i pictured you laughing your ass off for some reason.
Be well friend...
We will keep you in our thoughts & prayers from TX.

Good thoughts out to you.

You got this gramps. Just stopping by as promised. I told eugene to hold your... hand for comfort ;)
You got this gramps. Just stopping by as promised. I told eugene to hold your... hand for comfort ;)

*HAHAHAHAHAHA YES GrandpaT, don't let anyone hold your... stash or they will smoke it. Great lesson to

*Thinking about you and Mrs GrandmaT, we need more stories k. So get back here real quick. I will be waiting...:love:
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