Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

This is just a quick update on my Freebie + 1 Grow.

It's day 24 for the babies and today, 3 of the 4 lost their heads. The Original Glue, THC Bomb and Fast Banana were all topped at the 5th node and trimmed at the bottom. The Alien Rock Candy, her head still attached, looked on in shock!

OG: front left | THCB: rear left | FB: middle | ARC: front right | Clone: solo cup
Freebie + 1 Grow 10-1-21 Day24.jpg

I had planned to start the 3 topped ones on the @Prescription Blend Week3 dosage today but I did not. I'm trying to stall them a bit so that the Alien Rock Candy can catch up a little (she's slightly younger than the rest). If I give her 4-5 more days she should also be ready for the Week3 dose.

I want them all eating the same in order to make mixing up the nutrients a less complicated task. And, the plants don't look like they're begging for Week3.

That's it for today.

Thanks for looking in.

And, the plants don't look like they're begging for Week3.
They look like they're still plenty happy with whatever they got for week 2...
Good looking ladies, GDB!

In my last post I said this:

I had planned to start the 3 topped ones on the @Prescription Blend Week3 dosage today but I did not. I'm trying to stall them a bit so that the Alien Rock Candy can catch up a little (she's slightly younger than the rest). If I give her 4-5 more days she should also be ready for the Week3 dose.

I want them all eating the same in order to make mixing up the nutrients a less complicated task. And, the plants don't look like they're begging for Week3.

The Original Glue (one of the topped ones mentioned above) is not being fed Prescription Blend.

That is all.
Hello growers.

I've got a pre-Football, Sunday update!

I'll start with the babies in the Freebie + 1 Grow on day 26.

No complaints from these so far. They seem content with the Week1-2 @Prescription Blend nutrients dose, even the ones (THC Bomb & Fast Banana) that could actually be on the Week3 dose now. I was not hesitant to hold them back for a few days in order to allow the Alien Rock Candy a little more time to grow. While I know there are some smart folks developing these nutrients, I can't believe that they can be that exact. (That is, "After exactly two weeks of growth you must switch to the Week3 dosage.")
Freebie + 1 Grow 10-3-21 Day26.jpg

And, the ARC is a little perplexing. She's pushing out her fifth node but in the first 4 there has been very little stem growth at the node junctures. What's taking that so long I wonder?
Alien Rock Candy 10-3-21 slow growth.JPG

Downstairs in the 5x5 the Fast Bunch continues to underwhelm me. :straightface:

Here's a tent pic of them on day 69 with their pencil-thin trunks.
Fast Tent 10-3-21 Day69.JPG

But then I smile every time I look at the CB clone that's in there with them. I'd love to string some of these branches up higher but the @NextLight mega is in the way and I've yet to come up with a solution.

A sloppy, unruly hot mess - for some reason I love this plant! :Rasta:
C Banana clone 10-3-21.JPG

Finally, the Godfather OG clones in the 4x4 continue to perplex me. They just keep putting on weight while looking like they are not so happy. While the one on the left has shown some improvement over that past few weeks, the one on the right refuses to get the yellow out.
GOG Clones 10-3-21.jpg

But both of them are pushing out some good looking buds!
GOG more buds 10-3-21.jpg

GOG Clone buds 10-3-21.jpg

That's all for this grow.

I got some new seeds delivered the other day, Durban Poison, Gelato and NYC Diesel. The wheels are already turning, planning my next grow after my next grow! :ganjamon:

Thanks for stopping by!

Hello growers.

I've got a pre-Football, Sunday update!

I'll start with the babies in the Freebie + 1 Grow on day 26.

No complaints from these so far. They seem content with the Week1-2 @Prescription Blend nutrients dose, even the ones (THC Bomb & Fast Banana) that could actually be on the Week3 dose now. I was not hesitant to hold them back for a few days in order to allow the Alien Rock Candy a little more time to grow. While I know there are some smart folks developing these nutrients, I can't believe that they can be that exact. (That is, "After exactly two weeks of growth you must switch to the Week3 dosage.")
Freebie + 1 Grow 10-3-21 Day26.jpg

And, the ARC is a little perplexing. She's pushing out her fifth node but in the first 4 there has been very little stem growth at the node junctures. What's taking that so long I wonder?
Alien Rock Candy 10-3-21 slow growth.JPG

Downstairs in the 5x5 the Fast Bunch continues to underwhelm me. :straightface:

Here's a tent pic of them on day 69 with their pencil-thin trunks.
Fast Tent 10-3-21 Day69.JPG

But then I smile every time I look at the CB clone that's in there with them. I'd love to string some of these branches up higher but the @NextLight mega is in the way and I've yet to come up with a solution.

A sloppy, unruly hot mess - for some reason I love this plant! :Rasta:
C Banana clone 10-3-21.JPG

Finally, the Godfather OG clones in the 4x4 continue to perplex me. They just keep putting on weight while looking like they are not so happy. While the one on the left has shown some improvement over that past few weeks, the one on the right refuses to get the yellow out.
GOG Clones 10-3-21.jpg

But both of them are pushing out some good looking buds!
GOG more buds 10-3-21.jpg

GOG Clone buds 10-3-21.jpg

That's all for this grow.

I got some new seeds delivered the other day, Durban Poison, Gelato and NYC Diesel. The wheels are already turning, planning my next grow after my next grow! :ganjamon:

Thanks for stopping by!

Chunky buds. :yummy:
While I know there are some smart folks developing these nutrients, I can't believe that they can be that exact. (That is, "After exactly two weeks of growth you must switch to the Week3 dosage.")
No matter how smart I think I am your going to make the best decision for your garden.. haha really though, your right in the weekly schedule is a recommendation and you have space to move those time points in either direction as you see fit.

It’s not ment to be a ridged program but adaptable to what your plants need.
Chunky buds. :yummy:
Thanks, @stinker. I can't wait to sample some!
Looking good, and the next grow to come sounds great too!
Thanks, @Stunger. I'm really looking forward to the next grow (or two), because they will be in the colder months. It's a lot easier to manage my environments in the non-summer months.
Yellow leaves or not, those colas are looking on point! And sometimes there's no shame in loving a hot unruly mess. :)
Thanks Shed. No shame here! :Rasta:
I want a big grow room. I'm jealous. Girls look fat and fabulous
Thanks @Krissi1982. I want a big grow room too! :Rasta:
Just stumbled across this thread - nice work GDB
Thanks for "stumbling" by, @Growings.

Have a seat and get yourself together. :laughtwo:
They’re all looking like a good smoke is on the the way. Yum. :rollit:

No matter how smart I think I am your going to make the best decision for your garden.. haha really though, your right in the weekly schedule is a recommendation and you have space to move those time points in either direction as you see fit.

It’s not ment to be a ridged program but adaptable to what your plants need.
Thanks @Prescription Blend. And thank you for being so interactive with us! :thanks:
Are the OGs the ones that got the fast lime?
It can take up to two weeks to see improvement.
Hi, @Virgin Ground!

I am learning so much watching your @Prescription Blend grow. You ask some great questions! And, to me anyway, there have been some surprising answers. :thanks:
Hello growers.

I've got a mini-update on the Freebie + 1 Grow on their day 28.

I had been delaying moving to Week3 of the @Prescription Blend nutrients in order to give the Alien Rock Candy a bit of time to catch up with her peers. Well that wait is over. Over the last week the ARC grew up to where she is now the tallest in the tent (of course she the only one that hasn't been topped yet).

By tomorrow, the trio should all be pretty thirsty (the ARC already is) and all will be fed their first Week3 dose.

Thanks to reading what's going on with @Virgin Ground's PB grow, I am going to make a preemptive strike by adding a bit of epsom salt to their first few Week3 feeds. (This seems oddly familiar to what some others have had to do when switching from Veg to Bloom of another popular nutrient brand.)

Here they are this morning (Note: the OG is not on Prescription Blend):
Freebie +1 Grow 10-5-21 Day28 labels.jpg

In the words of Jackie Gleason, "And away we go!"

Thanks for looking in.

Off to a great start, GDB!
Hello growers.

Here's a (very)mini-update of the Freebie + 1 Grow.

The Original Glue in the Lush soil is growing aggressively, to the point where I was able to get her training started today. I've got some very mild redirection going on using CarcassSticks®!
OG 10-6-21 Day29 LST start .JPG

Like I said, a "very mini-update."

I like how this thread was revived :). Earlier, I used to buy my cbd hemp flower from the store even though I was experimenting with growing my own. I never imagined that growing a good plant could be so tedious. Thanks to this thread, I have finally figured out the correct way of getting the plant I wanted without even knowing it. I don't mean to brag. I am not a professional herbologist. And maybe it's just my subconscious, but I like the effect my plants have, a lot more than those I used to buy.
Hello growers.

Today I'm going to take a stab at explaining the condition of my GOG clones.

If you've been looking in you know that over about the past month they have been afflicted with lots of yellowing leaves and I've been unable to figure out why. Some of the the kind folks here at 420 suggested that I do a slurry test on the soil, which I did. The soil PH was at 5.8, a little low (but I may have mucked up the test by flushing the plants prior to doing it).

So I tried to raised the PH of the soil by putting in some fast-acting lime. That seemed to help one of the plants but not the other. And today, even the plant that had shown some improvement is back to mostly yellow again!

Through out this time, the plants have continued to pack weight on buds. Today the buds are quite dense, heavy and have a smattering of amber trichomes. So there's that. :)

Here they are this morning:
GOG clones 10-7-21.JPG

I am not displeased with their current state but I still wonder WHY?

And now I think I may have an answer (or at least a partial one)!

The soil in the plants is compacted, making nutrient uptake a lot more difficult than it should be.

I noticed this Harvest Organics soil I used comes with very little perlite, especially compared to the Fox Farms soils that I had been using.

I don't typically add perlite to FFOF and I guess through force of habit I didn't add any to the HO soil either. But it needed some more, badly. In fact, I believe the HO soil might even work better with some vermiculite rather than perlite. (That is my opinion only. I like the properties of vermiculite a little more because it's supposed to have superior moisture retention properties and it provides silica.)

At this late stage I'm not going to try to resolve the compaction issue. The plants are almost done.

So that's my theory for what it's worth.

Please chime in if it sounds flakier than a box of Kellogs (inside joke for @InTheShed).

On to the Freebie + 1 grow.

They're on day 30 and plugging along. I got the training started on the Original Glue and the THC Bomb will be next. I will try to get some @CarcassSticks® on her within the next few days.

The Alien Rock Candy, after staying the tiniest of the bunch for some time has started to show her stuff. She now has the biggest fan leaves in the tent. The Fast Banana - meh! :Rasta:

Freebie + 1 Grow 10-7-21 Day30 labels.jpg

I didn't have time to get down to the FAST tent before lights out. I'll just say that all the Fast strains are nearly done. I could probably take the Bubblegums now but I'm not up for it today.

The Borg (spider mites) that had been on one of the Bubblegums jumped on the C Banana clone and started munching on her. I knew they would but was helpless to stop them with all the plants being in late-flower.

I'll tried to get some pics posted on that tent tomorrow.

As always, thanks for looking in.

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