Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Congrats on the stellar harvest GDB!! Hey, we have matching harvests! Excited to try that cheesecake, Sunny said it was a good one for him, so I’ve been eagerly waiting to give it a try.
Thanks, HH! Yes, matching harvests! I am anxious to try mine too 'cause its a sticky, smelly thing. I took a tiny bud off a few days ago and I'm letting it sun-dry on the window sill. I'm going to smoke it today! :Rasta: .
Hello grow gang.

I had the autos out for watering today. They were all thirsty and glad to drink up.

I took some "top bud" pics of the four that remain:

Afghan Mass (day 89)

This plant has been a pure pleasure to grow, but she's taking her time. She's on 6g of Mega Crop and drinking like crazy.

AM 12-17-20.JPG

Green Crack (61)

Another low-maintenance delight! She's getting 5.5g of MC.

GC 12-17-20.JPG

Stardawg ((61)

This is my runt for this round, fewer than 12 inches tall. She's taking 5.5 of MC and doesn't drink as much as the others. But even she has a top bud. :Rasta:

Stardawg 12-17-20.JPG

Onyx (88)

This is a nice-sized auto with lots of big buds. I just hope they get a little more dense at the end.

Onyx 12-17-20.JPG

On to the new autos seedlings.

Two of the 6 seedlings didn't make it. The Do Si Dos and the Colorado Cookie shriveled up and died. I wasn't surprised about the CC. She's the third one that's failed me. I think the seeds are a little suspect. I've got 2 more of them. My bet is that one more will fail and the other will produce the most outstanding auto I've ever had! That would be so normal. :Rasta:

I'm trying to decide now what to put into the open slots. I'm in no hurry, though. I don't mind staggering the harvests a little bit.

Regarding the existing baby photos (day 17):

Today, they got 2.5g of MC for the first time (up from 1.5) and all seem to be doing well. The Strawberry Banana Grape, however, has leaves that look like they should be on a ceiling fan rather than a weed plant. She's different!

I chose the Critical Kush for my Geoflora nutrients initiation. I started her on it today, giving her a 5.5 ozs. top dressing of the Grow pellets.

That's all my news that's fit to print for today.

Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks, Shed.

I'm done with fretting about germination failures. Shit happens. :Rasta:
Hello grow group! Happy weekend! Hope it's not a weak end to your week.

Today I'm just posting a quick update on the photo babies. They're on day 19 and beginning to grow a bit. I think I'll be getting their 5 gallon pots set up in 2-3 weeks.

The last group pic they were on day 15. Here they are in the same positions today:
(From left, Grand Daddy Purple, Double Black, Critical Kush, Cheese & Strawberry Banana Grape)

Photos day 19.JPG

And the SBG continues to grow "her way."

SBG day 19.JPG

That's all. Quick, as promised! :Rasta:
Hello growers!

I am counting today as Day 1 for my 4 surviving auto babies.

My goal for this auto grow is 5-6 plants, but I'm still undecided on which seeds to drop next.

Of the four I have going, the Blue Dream'atic still has me concerned because she's so tiny. I'd like to see what she's going to do before I drop more seeds.

The pics:

Lemon Haze
Lemon Haze day 1.JPG

Chocolate Kush
Chocolate Kush day 1.JPG

Dark Devil
Dark Devil day 1.JPG

Blue Dream'atic
Blue Dream'atic day 1.JPG

The Group (Left to right: LH, DD, CK, BD)
auto babies 12-22-20.JPG

All of these will be grown in 4 gallon pots with Pro Mix (Though, as things stand now, maybe I could grow the BD to maturity in her solo cup!). I'm still undecided on the nutrients but I'm leaning toward going with Geoflora for most of them and Mega Crop for the remainder.

I'll be back later today with another update on some other matters.

Thanks for stopping by!
Hello again!

I took a look at my runt Stardawg through the loupe today and she's ready. It's day 66 for her and she is sprinkled with numerous amber trichs.

At the end, she measures exactly 12 inches from the soil to the tip. Still, she is a cutie and as I've said before, I have no issue with small plants as long as they're in small pots. :Rasta:

I'll take her down today. She won't keep me in trim jail long enough to even get a tattoo!



Here, I'm contrasting her with Mrs. GDB's avocado tree which just sprouted from a pit about 2 weeks ago. :Rasta:


I'll be back one more time today with an update on yet another matter.

Thanks for stopping by!
I just found this journal, late as always but I like the idea and am thinking of just doing 2 ongoing journals, one for photos and one for the autos, what u think the final weight will b for the little girl? And I’m very curious what’s going on with that girl? next to the stardawg is all about lol
I just found this journal, late as always but I like the idea and am thinking of just doing 2 ongoing journals, one for photos and one for the autos, what u think the final weight will b for the little girl?
Oh, about 3 joints. :laughtwo:

No, seriously, I should get at least an ounce, maybe a little less.
Okay, last hello for this day!

As you may know, I have a photoperiod in my 4x4 tent. The Cosmic Lights is on day 60 post-flip and is coming down tomorrow. I've had her in the dark for the past 2 days. (I may take her down this evening if my energy holds up.)

This will clear the way for my faux-auto Glue Gelato to go into the 4x4 and under a 12/12 light cycle. She's on day 67 and has been waiting patiently for this development! She's getting 5.5g of MC right now and seems happy there.

I tried to get her ready for the transition by giving her a light defoliation and some heavy bends. With the bends I also did some tie downs. I thought about topping her in a few spots too. But, I didn't want to traumatize her so I didn't do it. Like many plants of this age she fought back against the bending, but I won. :Rasta:

Here's some before and after pics:

Before Defol:
GG day 67 before.JPG

After Defol:
GG day 67 after.JPG

Before Bending:
GG day 67 before b.JPG

After Bending (and tie downs):
GG day 67 after b.JPG

So either tonight or tomorrow into the 4x4 she goes.

That's all I've got for today (I promise). :laughtwo:

Thanks for stopping by! And by all means, have a wonderful day.
I tried growing an avocado inside once. Leggy AF it was, so I finally tossed it. Didn't dare move it outside since they grow to 80' and drop leaves constantly!

Lovely little plant, and I'm digging those well-hung curtains!

Perfect amount of torture to prepare for the impending flip.
.The Mrs. researched and found that this plant will never produce an avocado, it will just be a nice ornamental tree. She's happy to be growing something though. I think there might be a little envy in play 'cause I'm always messing with my plants! :Rasta:

She still likes the curtains and has moved on to talking about redoing the bathroom!

You think the plant was tortured? I was the one being tortured. I haven't gotten used to beating up my plants yet! :Rasta:
Hello grow gang.

I managed to take down the Cosmic Lights last night. She yielded 245g wet.

Here she is just before takedown. She looks like what I expected for a plant whose last feed was skipped and who then was put in the dark for 48 hours.

Her buds were sticky and smelled wonderful. Unfortunately for me, almost all mature buds smell like bubblegum, and of course, that's how she smells to me too! :Rasta:


So now my faux-auto Glue Gelato has been moved to the 4x4 tent and placed on a 12/12 light cycle.

GG day 1 post-flip
The babies:

Both the photo and auto babies are progressing nicely, I guess. Even the tiny Blue Dream'atic is starting to come up an bit (just a bit).

The 4 autos are in the rear, with the smallest being the BD.

The photos from left to right, Critical Kush, Double Chocolate, Grand Daddy Purple, Cheese and the Strawberry Banana Grape (who strives to be different).


The Dbl Chocolate is ready to come out of that cup. Her root growth has been pretty explosive and roots are now coming out of the bottom of the cup.

When I up-pot her, which will be soon, I'm going to up-pot them all just to keep things simple. As usual, I will blare loud music when up-potting in order to distract the plants. This time I'll go with Kendrick Lamar's "Duckworth."


Thanks for stopping by.
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