GDB been there to! Umm hate to say but you might find more once you Start breaking open the flowers @ smoke time,but then again you might only find a couple and fir me even a couple is to many!
I went 2 rounds in a row with seeds till i figured it out,all the time I thought my problem was light leaks ,I stood in there for an hour and sealed all the leaks shit couldn't even see my hands in front of my face and cleaned everything really good,but NOPE wasn't to be ,they came back the Next round it was to a few things on my end.
First was the soil stayed to wet and second i had to high nitrate levels in flower after i cured those 2 problems and cleaned the shit outta everything and ran the ozone for a few they didn't come back. So my problem as i diagnosed it was probably root issues (bad stress) and out of balance soil being to much nitrogen in flower I must have gotten heavy handed on the fish meal at amending
I have the same feeling as if ny seeds don't pop!!!! I questioned my ability Its FRUSTRATING and Im feeling your PAIN!